. /** * @package MantisBT * @copyright Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Kenzaburo Ito - kenito@300baud.org * @copyright Copyright (C) 2002 - 2014 MantisBT Team - mantisbt-dev@lists.sourceforge.net * @link http://www.mantisbt.org */ /** * MantisBT Core API's */ require_once( 'core.php' ); access_ensure_project_level( config_get( 'view_configuration_threshold' ) ); $t_read_write_access = access_has_global_level( config_get('set_configuration_threshold' ) ); html_page_top( lang_get( 'configuration_report' ) ); print_manage_menu( 'adm_config_report.php' ); print_manage_config_menu( 'adm_config_report.php' ); $t_config_types = array( CONFIG_TYPE_DEFAULT => 'default', CONFIG_TYPE_INT => 'integer', CONFIG_TYPE_FLOAT => 'float', CONFIG_TYPE_COMPLEX => 'complex', CONFIG_TYPE_STRING => 'string', ); function get_config_type( $p_type ) { global $t_config_types; if( array_key_exists( $p_type, $t_config_types ) ) { return $t_config_types[$p_type]; } else { return $t_config_types[CONFIG_TYPE_DEFAULT]; } } function print_config_value_as_string( $p_type, $p_value, $p_for_display = true ) { $t_corrupted = false; switch( $p_type ) { case CONFIG_TYPE_DEFAULT: return; case CONFIG_TYPE_FLOAT: echo (float)$p_value; return; case CONFIG_TYPE_INT: echo (integer)$p_value; return; case CONFIG_TYPE_STRING: $t_value = string_nl2br( string_html_specialchars( config_eval( $p_value ) ) ); if( $p_for_display ) { $t_value = "'$t_value'"; } echo $t_value; return; case CONFIG_TYPE_COMPLEX: $t_value = @unserialize( $p_value ); if ( $t_value === false ) { $t_corrupted = true; } break; default: $t_value = config_eval( $p_value ); break; } if( $t_corrupted ) { $t_output = $p_for_display ? lang_get( 'configuration_corrupted' ) : ''; } else { $t_output = var_export( $t_value, true ); } if( $p_for_display ) { echo '
' . string_attribute( $t_output ) . '
'; } else { echo $t_output; } } function print_option_list_from_array( $p_array, $p_filter_value ) { foreach( $p_array as $t_key => $t_value ) { echo "\n"; } } # Get filter values $t_filter_save = gpc_get_bool( 'save' ); $t_filter_default = gpc_get_bool( 'default_filter_button', false ); $t_filter_reset = gpc_get_bool( 'reset_filter_button', false ); if( $t_filter_default ) { $t_filter_user_value = ALL_USERS; $t_filter_project_value = ALL_PROJECTS; $t_filter_config_value = META_FILTER_NONE; } else if( $t_filter_reset ) { $t_filter_user_value = META_FILTER_NONE; $t_filter_project_value = META_FILTER_NONE; $t_filter_config_value = META_FILTER_NONE; } else { $t_filter_user_value = gpc_get_int( 'filter_user_id', ALL_USERS ); $t_filter_project_value = gpc_get_int( 'filter_project_id', ALL_PROJECTS ); $t_filter_config_value = gpc_get_string( 'filter_config_id', META_FILTER_NONE ); } # Manage filter's persistency through cookie $t_cookie_name = config_get( 'manage_config_cookie' ); if( $t_filter_save ) { # Save user's filter to the cookie $t_cookie_string = implode( ':', array( $t_filter_user_value, $t_filter_project_value, $t_filter_config_value, ) ); gpc_set_cookie( $t_cookie_name, $t_cookie_string, true ); } else { # Retrieve the filter from the cookie if it exists $t_cookie_string = gpc_get_cookie( $t_cookie_name, null ); if( null !== $t_cookie_string ) { $t_cookie_contents = explode( ':', $t_cookie_string ); $t_filter_user_value = $t_cookie_contents[0]; $t_filter_project_value = $t_cookie_contents[1]; $t_filter_config_value = $t_cookie_contents[2]; if( $t_filter_project_value != META_FILTER_NONE && !project_exists( $t_filter_project_value ) ) { $t_filter_project_value = ALL_PROJECTS; } if( $t_filter_config_value != META_FILTER_NONE && !is_blank( $t_filter_config_value ) && @config_get_global( $t_filter_config_value ) === null ) { $t_filter_config_value = META_FILTER_NONE; } } } # Get config edit values $t_edit_user_id = gpc_get_int( 'user_id', $t_filter_user_value == META_FILTER_NONE ? ALL_USERS : $t_filter_user_value ); $t_edit_project_id = gpc_get_int( 'project_id', $t_filter_project_value == META_FILTER_NONE ? ALL_PROJECTS : $t_filter_project_value ); $t_edit_option = gpc_get_string( 'config_option', $t_filter_config_value == META_FILTER_NONE ? '' : $t_filter_config_value ); $t_edit_type = gpc_get_string( 'type', CONFIG_TYPE_DEFAULT ); $t_edit_value = gpc_get_string( 'value', '' ); # Apply filters $t_config_table = db_get_table( 'mantis_config_table' ); $t_project_table = db_get_table( 'mantis_project_table' ); # Get users in db having specific configs $query = "SELECT DISTINCT user_id FROM $t_config_table WHERE user_id <> " . db_param() ; $t_result = db_query_bound( $query, array( ALL_USERS ) ); if( $t_filter_user_value != META_FILTER_NONE && $t_filter_user_value != ALL_USERS ) { # Make sure the filter value exists in the list $t_users_list[$t_filter_user_value] = user_get_name( $t_filter_user_value ); } else { $t_users_list = array(); } while ( $row = db_fetch_array( $t_result ) ) { $t_user_id = $row['user_id']; $t_users_list[$t_user_id] = user_get_name( $t_user_id ); } asort( $t_users_list ); # Prepend '[any]' and 'All Users' to the list $t_users_list = array( META_FILTER_NONE => '[' . lang_get( 'any' ) . ']', ALL_USERS => lang_get( 'all_users' ), ) + $t_users_list; # Get projects in db with specific configs $query = "SELECT DISTINCT project_id, pt.name as project_name FROM $t_config_table as ct JOIN $t_project_table as pt ON pt.id = ct.project_id WHERE project_id!=0 ORDER BY project_name"; $t_result = db_query_bound( $query ); $t_projects_list[META_FILTER_NONE] = '[' . lang_get( 'any' ) . ']'; $t_projects_list[ALL_PROJECTS] = lang_get( 'all_projects' ); while ( $row = db_fetch_array( $t_result ) ) { extract( $row, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'v' ); $t_projects_list[$v_project_id] = $v_project_name; } # Get config list used in db $query = "SELECT DISTINCT config_id FROM $t_config_table ORDER BY config_id"; $t_result = db_query_bound( $query ); $t_configs_list[META_FILTER_NONE] = '[' . lang_get( 'any' ) . ']'; if( $t_filter_config_value != META_FILTER_NONE ) { # Make sure the filter value exists in the list $t_configs_list[$t_filter_config_value] = $t_filter_config_value; } while ( $row = db_fetch_array( $t_result ) ) { extract( $row, EXTR_PREFIX_ALL, 'v' ); $t_configs_list[$v_config_id] = $v_config_id; } # Build filter's where clause $t_where = ''; $t_param = array(); if( $t_filter_user_value != META_FILTER_NONE ) { $t_where .= " AND user_id = " . db_param(); $t_param[] = $t_filter_user_value; } if( $t_filter_project_value != META_FILTER_NONE ) { $t_where .= " AND project_id = " . db_param(); $t_param[] = $t_filter_project_value; } if( $t_filter_config_value != META_FILTER_NONE ) { $t_where .= " AND config_id = " . db_param(); $t_param[] = $t_filter_config_value; } if( $t_where != '' ) { $t_where = " WHERE 1=1 " . $t_where; } $query = "SELECT config_id, user_id, project_id, type, value, access_reqd FROM $t_config_table $t_where ORDER BY user_id, project_id, config_id "; $result = db_query_bound( $query, $t_param ); ?>

$v_user_id, 'project_id' => $v_project_id, 'config_option' => $v_config_id, 'type' => $v_type, 'value' => $v_value, ), OFF ); # Delete button print_button( 'adm_config_delete.php', lang_get( 'delete_link' ), array( 'user_id' => $v_user_id, 'project_id' => $v_project_id, 'config_option' => $v_config_id, ), $t_form_security_token ); } else { echo ' '; } ?>

valign="top"> valign="top"> valign="top"> valign="top"> valign="top">