. /** * This page stores the reported bug * * @package MantisBT * @copyright Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Kenzaburo Ito - kenito@300baud.org * @copyright Copyright (C) 2002 - 2014 MantisBT Team - mantisbt-dev@lists.sourceforge.net * @link http://www.mantisbt.org */ /** * MantisBT Core API's */ require_once( 'core.php' ); form_security_validate( 'adm_config_set' ); $f_user_id = gpc_get_int( 'user_id' ); $f_project_id = gpc_get_int( 'project_id' ); $f_config_option = gpc_get_string( 'config_option' ); $f_type = gpc_get_string( 'type' ); $f_value = gpc_get_string( 'value' ); if ( is_blank( $f_config_option ) ) { error_parameters( 'config_option' ); trigger_error( ERROR_EMPTY_FIELD, ERROR ); } if ( $f_project_id == ALL_PROJECTS ) { access_ensure_global_level( config_get('set_configuration_threshold' ) ); } else { project_ensure_exists( $f_project_id ); access_ensure_project_level( config_get('set_configuration_threshold' ), $f_project_id ); } # make sure that configuration option specified is a valid one. $t_not_found_value = '***CONFIG OPTION NOT FOUND***'; if ( config_get_global( $f_config_option, $t_not_found_value ) === $t_not_found_value ) { error_parameters( $f_config_option ); trigger_error( ERROR_CONFIG_OPT_NOT_FOUND, ERROR ); } # make sure that configuration option specified can be stored in the database if ( !config_can_set_in_database( $f_config_option ) ) { error_parameters( $f_config_option ); trigger_error( ERROR_CONFIG_OPT_CANT_BE_SET_IN_DB, ERROR ); } # For 'default', behavior is based on the global variable's type if( $f_type == CONFIG_TYPE_DEFAULT ) { $t_config_global_value = config_get_global( $f_config_option ); if( is_string( $t_config_global_value ) ) { $t_type = CONFIG_TYPE_STRING; } else if( is_int( $t_config_global_value ) ) { $t_type = CONFIG_TYPE_INT; } else if( is_float( $t_config_global_value ) ) { $t_type = CONFIG_TYPE_FLOAT; } else { # note that we consider bool and float as complex. # We use ON/OFF for bools which map to numeric. $t_type = CONFIG_TYPE_COMPLEX; } } else { $t_type = $f_type; } switch( $t_type ) { case CONFIG_TYPE_STRING: $t_value = $f_value; break; case CONFIG_TYPE_INT: $t_value = (integer) constant_replace( trim( $f_value ) ); break; case CONFIG_TYPE_FLOAT: $t_value = (float) constant_replace( trim( $f_value ) ); break; case CONFIG_TYPE_COMPLEX: default: $t_value = process_complex_value( $f_value ); break; } config_set( $f_config_option, $t_value, $f_user_id, $f_project_id ); form_security_purge( 'adm_config_set' ); print_successful_redirect( 'adm_config_report.php' ); /** * Helper function to recursively process complex types * We support the following kind of variables here: * 1. constant values (like the ON/OFF switches): they are defined as constants mapping to numeric values * 2. simple arrays with the form: array( a, b, c, d ) * 3. associative arrays with the form: array( a=>1, b=>2, c=>3, d=>4 ) * 4. multi-dimensional arrays * commas and '=>' within strings are handled * * @param string $p_value Complex value to process * @return parsed variable */ function process_complex_value( $p_value, $p_trimquotes = false ) { static $s_regex_array = null; static $s_regex_string = null; static $s_regex_element = null; $t_value = trim( $p_value ); # Parsing regex initialization if( is_null( $s_regex_array ) ) { $s_regex_array = '^array[\s]*\((.*)\)$'; $s_regex_string = # unquoted string (word) '[\w]+' . '|' . # single-quoted string "'(?:[^'\\\\]|\\\\.)*'" . '|' . # double-quoted string '"(?:[^"\\\\]|\\\\.)*"'; # The following complex regex will parse individual array elements, # taking into consideration sub-arrays, associative arrays and single, # double and un-quoted strings # @TODO dregad reverse pattern logic for sub-array to avoid match on array(xxx)=>array(xxx) $s_regex_element = '(' # Main sub-pattern - match one of . '(' . # sub-array: ungreedy, no-case match ignoring nested parenthesis '(?:(?iU:array\s*(?:\\((?:(?>[^()]+)|(?1))*\\))))' . '|' . $s_regex_string . ')' # Optional pattern for associative array, back-referencing the # above main pattern . '(?:\s*=>\s*(?2))?' . ')'; } if( preg_match( "/$s_regex_array/s", $t_value, $t_match ) === 1 ) { # It's an array - process each element $t_processed = array(); if( preg_match_all( "/$s_regex_element/", $t_match[1], $t_elements ) ) { foreach( $t_elements[0] as $key => $element ) { if( !trim( $element ) ) { # Empty element - skip it continue; } # Check if element is associative array preg_match_all( "/($s_regex_string)\s*=>\s*(.*)/", $element, $t_split ); if( !empty( $t_split[0] ) ) { # associative array $t_new_key = constant_replace( trim( $t_split[1][0], " \t\n\r\0\x0B\"'" ) ); $t_new_value = process_complex_value( $t_split[2][0], true ); $t_processed[$t_new_key] = $t_new_value; } else { # regular array $t_new_value = process_complex_value( $element ); $t_processed[$key] = $t_new_value; } } } return $t_processed; } else { # Scalar value if( $p_trimquotes ) { $t_value = trim( $t_value, " \t\n\r\0\x0B\"'" ); } return constant_replace( $t_value ); } } /** * Split by commas, but ignore commas that are within quotes or parenthesis. * Ignoring commas within parenthesis helps allow for multi-dimensional arrays. * @param $p_string string to split * @return array */ function special_split ( $p_string ) { $t_values = array(); $t_array_element = ""; $t_paren_level = 0; $t_inside_quote = False; $t_escape_next = False; foreach( str_split( trim( $p_string ) ) as $character ) { if( $t_escape_next ) { $t_array_element .= $character; $t_escape_next = False; } else if( $character == "," && $t_paren_level==0 && !$t_inside_quote ) { array_push( $t_values, $t_array_element ); $t_array_element = ""; } else { if( $character == "(" && !$t_inside_quote ) { $t_paren_level ++; } else if( $character == ")" && !$t_inside_quote ) { $t_paren_level --; } else if( $character == "'" ) { $t_inside_quote = !$t_inside_quote; } else if( $character == "\\" ) { # escape character $t_escape_next = true; # keep the escape if the string will be going through another recursion if( $t_paren_level > 0 ) { $t_array_element .= $character; } continue; } $t_array_element .= $character; } } array_push( $t_values, $t_array_element ); return $t_values; } /** * Check if the passed string is a constant and returns its value * if yes, or the string itself if not * @param $p_name string to check * @return mixed|string value of constant $p_name, or $p_name itself */ function constant_replace( $p_name ) { if( is_string( $p_name ) && defined( $p_name ) ) { # we have a constant return constant( $p_name ); } return $p_name; }