* @package MantisBT
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Kenzaburo Ito - kenito@300baud.org
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2002 - 2014 MantisBT Team - mantisbt-dev@lists.sourceforge.net
* @link http://www.mantisbt.org
error_reporting( E_ALL );
$g_skip_open_db = true; # don't open the database in database_api.php
* MantisBT Core API's
require_once( dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.php' );
require_once( 'email_api.php' );
require_once( 'database_api.php' );
$f_showall = gpc_get_int( 'showall', false );
$g_failed_test = false;
function print_test_result( $p_result ) {
global $g_failed_test;
switch ( $p_result ) {
case BAD:
echo '
BAD | ';
$g_failed_test = true;
case GOOD:
echo 'GOOD | ';
case WARN:
echo 'WARN | ';
function print_info_row( $p_description, $p_info = null ) {
if( $p_info == null ) {
echo '' . $p_description . ' |
} else {
echo '' . $p_description . ' | ';
echo '' . $p_info . ' |
function print_test_row( $p_description, $p_pass, $p_info = null ) {
global $f_showall;
if ( $f_showall == false && $p_pass == true ) {
return $p_pass;
echo '' .$p_description;
if( $p_info != null) {
if( is_array( $p_info ) ) {
if( isset( $p_info[$p_pass] ) ) {
echo ' ' . $p_info[$p_pass] . '';
} else {
echo ' ' . $p_info . '';
echo ' | ';
if( $p_pass ) {
print_test_result( GOOD );
} else {
print_test_result( BAD );
echo '
return $p_pass;
function print_test_warn_row( $p_description, $p_pass, $p_info = null ) {
global $f_showall;
if ( $f_showall == false && $p_pass == true ) {
return $p_pass;
echo '' . $p_description;
if( $p_info != null) {
if( is_array( $p_info ) ) {
echo ' ' . $p_info[$p_pass] . '';
} else {
echo ' ' . $p_info . '';
echo ' | ';
if( $p_pass ) {
print_test_result( GOOD );
} else {
print_test_result( WARN );
echo '
return $p_pass;
function test_bug_download_threshold() {
$t_pass = true;
$t_view_threshold = config_get_global( 'view_attachments_threshold' );
$t_download_threshold = config_get_global( 'download_attachments_threshold' );
$t_delete_threshold = config_get_global( 'delete_attachments_threshold' );
if( $t_view_threshold > $t_download_threshold ) {
$t_pass = false;
} else {
if( $t_download_threshold > $t_delete_threshold ) {
$t_pass = false;
print_test_row( 'Bug attachments download thresholds (view_attachments_threshold, ' .
'download_attachments_threshold, delete_attachments_threshold)', $t_pass );
return $t_pass;
function test_bug_attachments_allow_flags() {
$t_pass = true;
$t_own_view = config_get_global( 'allow_view_own_attachments' );
$t_own_download = config_get_global( 'allow_download_own_attachments' );
$t_own_delete = config_get_global( 'allow_delete_own_attachments' );
if(( $t_own_delete == ON ) && ( $t_own_download == FALSE ) ) {
$t_pass = false;
} else {
if(( $t_own_download == ON ) && ( $t_own_view == OFF ) ) {
$t_pass = false;
print_test_row( 'Bug attachments allow own flags (allow_view_own_attachments, ' .
'allow_download_own_attachments, allow_delete_own_attachments)', $t_pass );
return $t_pass;
function check_zend_optimiser_version() {
$t_pass = false;
$t_output = ob_get_contents();
$t_output = str_replace(array(">", "<", """, "&", "'", " "), array(">", "<", "\"", "&", "'", " "), $t_output);
$t_zend_optimizer_min_version = '3.3.3';
$t_info = '';
if ( preg_match( '/with Zend Optimizer\+? v([\d\.]*)/', $t_output, $t_matches ) === 1 ) {
if ( version_compare( $t_matches[1], $t_zend_optimizer_min_version, '>=' ) ) {
$t_pass = true;
} else {
$t_info = 'Fail - Installed Version: ' . $t_matches[1] . '. Zend Optimizer should be version be version ' . $t_zend_optimizer_min_version . ' or greater! Some old versions cause the view issues page not to display completely. The latest version of Zend Optimizer can be found at www.zend.com';
} else {
$t_pass = true;
$t_info = 'Zend Optimizer not detected.';
print_test_row( 'Checking Zend Optimizer version (if installed)...', $t_pass, $t_info );
return $t_pass;
function test_database_utf8() {
if ( !db_is_mysql() ) {
// table collation/character set check
$result = db_query_bound( 'SHOW TABLE STATUS' );
while( $row = db_fetch_array( $result ) ) {
if( $row['Comment'] !== 'VIEW' ) {
print_test_row( 'Checking Table Collation is utf8 for ' . $row['Name'] . '....', substr( $row['Collation'], 0, 5 ) === 'utf8_', $row['Collation'] );
foreach( db_get_table_list() as $t_table ) {
if( db_table_exists( $t_table ) ) {
$result = db_query_bound( 'SHOW FULL FIELDS FROM ' . $t_table );
while( $row = db_fetch_array( $result ) ) {
if ( $row['Collation'] === null ) {
print_test_row( 'Checking Non-null Column Collation in ' . $t_table . ' is utf8 for ' . $row['Field'] . '....', substr( $row['Collation'], 0, 5 ) === 'utf8_', $row['Collation'] . ' ( ' . $row['Type'] . ')' );
html_page_top( 'MantisBT Administration - Check Installation' );
PHP ' . PHP_MIN_VERSION . '. You are running PHP ' . phpversion(), $result = version_compare( phpversion(), PHP_MIN_VERSION, '>=' ) );
if ( !print_test_row( 'Checking Config File Exists', file_exists( $g_absolute_path . 'config_inc.php' ), array( false => 'Please use install.php to perform initial installation Click here' ) ) ) {
print_test_row( 'Opening connection to database [' . config_get_global( 'database_name' ) . '] on host [' . config_get_global( 'hostname' ) . '] with username [' . config_get_global( 'db_username' ) . ']', @db_connect( config_get_global( 'dsn', false ), config_get_global( 'hostname' ), config_get_global( 'db_username' ), config_get_global( 'db_password' ), config_get_global( 'database_name' ) ) != false );
if( !db_is_connected() ) {
print_info_row( 'Database is not connected - Can not continue checks' );
require_once( 'obsolete.php' );
if( isset( $ADODB_vers ) ) {
# ADOConnection::Version() is broken as it treats v5.1 the same as v5.10
# Therefore we must extract the correct version ourselves
# Upstream bug report: http://phplens.com/lens/lensforum/msgs.php?id=18320
# This bug has been fixed in ADOdb 5.11 (May 5, 2010) but we still
# need to use the backwards compatible approach to detect ADOdb <5.11.
if( preg_match( '/^[Vv]([0-9\.]+)/', $ADODB_vers, $t_matches ) == 1 ) {
$t_adodb_version_check_ok = version_compare( $t_matches[1], '5.10', '>=' );
print_test_warn_row( 'Checking ADOdb version...', $t_adodb_version_check_ok, $ADODB_vers );
# Making sure we're not using the ADOdb extension (see #14552)
'Checking use of the ADOdb extension',
!extension_loaded( 'ADOdb' ),
"The 'ADOdb' extension is not supported and must be disabled"
print_test_row( 'Checking using bundled ADOdb with some drivers...', !(db_is_pgsql() || db_is_mssql() || db_is_db2()) || strstr($ADODB_vers, 'MantisBT Version') !== false );
$t_serverinfo = $g_db->ServerInfo();
print_info_row( 'Database Type (adodb)', $g_db->databaseType );
print_info_row( 'Database Provider (adodb)', $g_db->dataProvider );
print_info_row( 'Database Server Description (adodb)', $t_serverinfo['description'] );
print_info_row( 'Database Server Description (version)', $t_serverinfo['version'] );
print_test_row( 'Checking to see if your absolute_path config option has a trailing slash: "' . config_get_global( 'absolute_path' ) . '"', ( "\\" == substr( config_get_global( 'absolute_path' ), -1, 1 ) ) || ( "/" == substr( config_get_global( 'absolute_path' ), -1, 1 ) ) );
// Windows-only checks
if( is_windows_server() ) {
print_test_row( 'validate_email (if ON) requires php 5.3 on windows...',
OFF == config_get_global( 'validate_email' ) || ON == config_get_global( 'validate_email' ) && version_compare( phpversion(), '5.3.0', '>=' ) );
print_test_row( 'check_mx_record (if ON) requires php 5.3 on windows...',
OFF == config_get_global( 'check_mx_record' ) || ON == config_get_global( 'check_mx_record' ) && version_compare( phpversion(), '5.3.0', '>=' ) );
$t_vars = array(
while( list( $t_foo, $t_var ) = each( $t_vars ) ) {
print_info_row( $t_var, ini_get( $t_var ) );
if ( db_is_mssql() ) {
if( 'mssql' == config_get_global( 'db_type' ) ) {
print_test_warn_row( 'Checking PHP support for Microsoft SQL Server driver',
version_compare( phpversion(), '5.3' ) < 0,
"'mssql' driver is no longer supported in PHP >= 5.3, please use 'mssqlnative' instead"
if ( print_test_row( 'check mssql textsize in php.ini...', ini_get( 'mssql.textsize' ) != 4096, ini_get( 'mssql.textsize' ) ) ) {
print_test_warn_row( 'check mssql textsize in php.ini...', ini_get( 'mssql.textsize' ) == 2147483647, ini_get( 'mssql.textsize' ) );
if ( print_test_row( 'check mssql textsize in php.ini...', ini_get( 'mssql.textlimit' ) != 4096 , ini_get( 'mssql.textlimit' ) ) ) {
print_test_warn_row( 'check mssql textsize in php.ini...', ini_get( 'mssql.textsize' ) == 2147483647, ini_get( 'mssql.textsize' ) );
print_test_row( 'check variables_order includes GPCS', stristr( ini_get( 'variables_order' ), 'G' ) && stristr( ini_get( 'variables_order' ), 'P' ) && stristr( ini_get( 'variables_order' ), 'C' ) && stristr( ini_get( 'variables_order' ), 'S' ), ini_get( 'variables_order' ) );
print_test_row( 'check mail configuration: send_reset_password = ON requires allow_blank_email = OFF',
( ( OFF == config_get_global( 'send_reset_password' ) ) || ( OFF == config_get_global( 'allow_blank_email' ) ) ) );
print_test_row( 'check mail configuration: send_reset_password = ON requires enable_email_notification = ON',
( OFF == config_get_global( 'send_reset_password' ) ) || ( ON == config_get_global( 'enable_email_notification' ) ) );
print_test_row( 'check mail configuration: allow_signup = ON requires enable_email_notification = ON',
( OFF == config_get_global( 'allow_signup' ) ) || ( ON == config_get_global( 'enable_email_notification' ) ) );
print_test_row( 'check mail configuration: allow_signup = ON requires send_reset_password = ON',
( OFF == config_get_global( 'allow_signup' ) ) || ( ON == config_get_global( 'send_reset_password' ) ) );
print_test_row( 'check language configuration: fallback_language is not \'auto\'',
'auto' <> config_get_global( 'fallback_language' ) );
print_test_row( 'check configuration: allow_anonymous_login = ON requires anonymous_account to be set',
( OFF == config_get_global( 'allow_anonymous_login' ) ) || ( strlen( config_get_global( 'anonymous_account') ) > 0 ) );
$t_anon_user = false;
print_test_row( 'check configuration: anonymous_account is a valid username if set',
( (strlen( config_get_global( 'anonymous_account') ) > 0 ) ? ( ($t_anon_user = user_get_id_by_name( config_get_global( 'anonymous_account') ) ) !== false ) : TRUE ) );
print_test_row( 'check configuration: anonymous_account should not be an administrator',
( $t_anon_user ? ( !user_is_administrator( $t_anon_user ) ) : TRUE ) );
print_test_row( '$g_bug_link_tag is not empty ("' . config_get_global( 'bug_link_tag' ) . '")',
'' <> config_get_global( 'bug_link_tag' ) );
print_test_row( '$g_bugnote_link_tag is not empty ("' . config_get_global( 'bugnote_link_tag' ) . '")',
'' <> config_get_global( 'bugnote_link_tag' ) );
print_test_row( 'filters: dhtml_filters = ON requires use_javascript = ON',
( OFF == config_get_global( 'dhtml_filters' ) ) || ( ON == config_get_global( 'use_javascript' ) ) );
print_test_row( 'Phpmailer sendmail configuration requires escapeshellcmd. Please use a different phpmailer method if this is blocked.',
( PHPMAILER_METHOD_SENDMAIL != config_get( 'phpMailer_method' ) || ( PHPMAILER_METHOD_SENDMAIL == config_get( 'phpMailer_method' ) ) && function_exists( 'escapeshellcmd' ) ) );
print_test_row( 'Phpmailer sendmail configuration requires escapeshellarg. Please use a different phpmailer method if this is blocked.',
( PHPMAILER_METHOD_SENDMAIL != config_get( 'phpMailer_method' ) || ( PHPMAILER_METHOD_SENDMAIL == config_get( 'phpMailer_method' ) ) && function_exists( 'escapeshellarg' ) ) );
if( plugin_is_installed( 'MantisGraph' ) ) {
plugin_push_current( 'MantisGraph' );
print_test_row( 'checking gd is enabled, and version 2...', get_gd_version() == 2 );
if ( plugin_config_get( 'eczlibrary', ON ) == OFF ) {
$t_jpgraph_path = config_get( 'absolute_path' ) . 'library' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'jpgraph' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
if( !file_exists( $t_jpgraph_path . 'jpgraph.php') ) {
print_test_row( 'checking we can find jpgraph class files...', false );
} else {
require_once( $t_jpgraph_path . 'jpgraph.php' );
print_test_row( 'Checking Jpgraph version (if installed)...', version_compare(JPG_VERSION, '2.3.0') ? true : false, JPG_VERSION );
print_test_row( 'check configuration: jpgraph (if used) requires php bundled gd for antialiasing support',
( plugin_config_get( 'jpgraph_antialias', OFF ) == OFF || function_exists('imageantialias') ) );
print_test_row( 'Checking if ctype is enabled in php (required for rss feeds)....', extension_loaded('ctype') );
print_test_row( 'Checking for mysql is at least version 4.1...', !(db_is_mysql() && version_compare( $t_serverinfo['version'], '4.1.0', '<' ) ) );
print_test_row( 'Checking for broken mysql version ( bug 10250)...', !(db_is_mysql() && $t_serverinfo['version'] == '4.1.21') );
# Timezone checks
$t_timezone = config_get_global( 'default_timezone' );
$t_timezone_set = !is_blank( $t_timezone );
if( $t_timezone_set ) {
$t_timezone_set_in = 'config_inc.php';
} else {
$t_timezone = ini_get( 'date.timezone' );
$t_timezone_set = !is_blank( $t_timezone );
if( $t_timezone_set ) {
$t_timezone_set_in = 'php.ini';
'Checking if a timezone is set',
$t_timezone_set ?
"Defined in $t_timezone_set_in" :
'The default timezone must be defined either in config_inc.php '
. '($g_default_timezone) or php.ini (date.timezone)'
if( $t_timezone_set ) {
$t_timezone_valid = in_array( $t_timezone, timezone_identifiers_list() );
$t_msg = "Checking if the specified timezone is valid";
if( function_exists( 'timezone_identifiers_list' ) ) {
if( !$t_timezone_valid ) {
$t_timezone = "'$t_timezone' is not in the "
. ' List of Supported Timezones';
print_test_row( $t_msg, $t_timezone_valid, $t_timezone );
} else {
print_test_warn_row( $t_msg, false, 'Cannot check timezone validity on PHP < 5.2.0');
print_test_row( 'Checking Register Globals is set to off', ! ini_get_bool( 'register_globals' ) );
print_test_row( 'Checking CRYPT_FULL_SALT is NOT logon method', ! ( CRYPT_FULL_SALT == config_get_global( 'login_method' ) ) );
print_test_warn_row( 'Warn if passwords are stored in PLAIN text', ! ( PLAIN == config_get_global( 'login_method' ) ) );
print_test_warn_row( 'Warn if CRYPT is used (not MD5) for passwords', ! ( CRYPT == config_get_global( 'login_method' ) ) );
if ( config_get_global( 'allow_file_upload' ) ) {
print_test_row( 'Checking that fileuploads are allowed in php (enabled in mantis config)', ini_get_bool( 'file_uploads' ) );
print_info_row( 'PHP variable "upload_max_filesize"', ini_get_number( 'upload_max_filesize' ) );
print_info_row( 'PHP variable "post_max_size"', ini_get_number( 'post_max_size' ) );
print_info_row( 'MantisBT variable "max_file_size"', config_get_global( 'max_file_size' ) );
print_test_row( 'Checking MantisBT upload file size is less than php', ( config_get_global( 'max_file_size' ) <= ini_get_number( 'post_max_size' ) ) && ( config_get_global( 'max_file_size' ) <= ini_get_number( 'upload_max_filesize' ) ) );
switch( config_get_global( 'file_upload_method' ) ) {
print_info_row( 'There may also be settings in your web server and database that prevent you from uploading files or limit the maximum file size. See the documentation for those packages if you need more information.');
if( 500 < min( ini_get_number( 'upload_max_filesize' ), ini_get_number( 'post_max_size' ), config_get_global( 'max_file_size' ) ) ) {
print_info_row( 'Your current settings will most likely need adjustments to the PHP max_execution_time or memory_limit settings, the MySQL max_allowed_packet setting, or equivalent.' );
case DISK:
$t_upload_path = config_get_global( 'absolute_path_default_upload_folder' );
print_test_row( 'Checking that absolute_path_default_upload_folder has a trailing directory separator: "' . $t_upload_path . '"',
( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == substr( $t_upload_path, -1, 1 ) ) );
print_info_row( 'There may also be settings in your web server that prevent you from uploading files or limit the maximum file size. See the documentation for those packages if you need more information.');
Some Tests Failed. Please correct failed tests before using MantisBT. |
All Tests Passed. If you would like to view passed tests click here. |