. /** * @package MantisBT * @copyright Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Kenzaburo Ito - kenito@300baud.org * @copyright Copyright (C) 2002 - 2014 MantisBT Team - mantisbt-dev@lists.sourceforge.net * @link http://www.mantisbt.org */ /** * MantisBT Core API's */ require_once( 'core.php' ); require_once( 'bug_api.php' ); require_once( 'compress_api.php' ); require_once( 'current_user_api.php' ); require_once( 'relationship_graph_api.php' ); # If relationship graphs were made disabled, we disallow any access to # this script. auth_ensure_user_authenticated(); if ( ON != config_get( 'relationship_graph_enable' ) ) access_denied(); $f_bug_id = gpc_get_int( 'bug_id' ); $f_type = gpc_get_string( 'graph', 'relation' ); $f_orientation = gpc_get_string( 'orientation', config_get( 'relationship_graph_orientation' ) ); if ( 'relation' == $f_type ) { $t_graph_type = 'relation'; $t_graph_relation = true; } else { $t_graph_type = 'dependency'; $t_graph_relation = false; } if ( 'horizontal' == $f_orientation ) { $t_graph_orientation = 'horizontal'; $t_graph_horizontal = true; } else { $t_graph_orientation = 'vertical'; $t_graph_horizontal = false; } $t_bug = bug_get( $f_bug_id, true ); if( $t_bug->project_id != helper_get_current_project() ) { # in case the current project is not the same project of the bug we are viewing... # ... override the current project. This to avoid problems with categories and handlers lists etc. $g_project_override = $t_bug->project_id; } access_ensure_bug_level( VIEWER, $f_bug_id ); compress_enable(); html_page_top( bug_format_summary( $f_bug_id, SUMMARY_CAPTION ) ); ?>