* This file POSTs data to report_bug.php
* @package MantisBT
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Kenzaburo Ito - kenito@300baud.org
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2002 - 2014 MantisBT Team - mantisbt-dev@lists.sourceforge.net
* @link http://www.mantisbt.org
$g_allow_browser_cache = 1;
* MantisBT Core API's
require_once( 'core.php' );
require_once( 'file_api.php' );
require_once( 'custom_field_api.php' );
require_once( 'last_visited_api.php' );
require_once( 'projax_api.php' );
require_once( 'collapse_api.php' );
$f_master_bug_id = gpc_get_int( 'm_id', 0 );
if ( $f_master_bug_id > 0 ) {
# master bug exists...
bug_ensure_exists( $f_master_bug_id );
# master bug is not read-only...
if ( bug_is_readonly( $f_master_bug_id ) ) {
error_parameters( $f_master_bug_id );
$t_bug = bug_get( $f_master_bug_id, true );
# the user can at least update the master bug (needed to add the relationship)...
access_ensure_bug_level( config_get( 'update_bug_threshold', null, null, $t_bug->project_id ), $f_master_bug_id );
#@@@ (thraxisp) Note that the master bug is cloned into the same project as the master, independent of
# what the current project is set to.
if( $t_bug->project_id != helper_get_current_project() ) {
# in case the current project is not the same project of the bug we are viewing...
# ... override the current project. This to avoid problems with categories and handlers lists etc.
$g_project_override = $t_bug->project_id;
$t_changed_project = true;
} else {
$t_changed_project = false;
access_ensure_project_level( config_get( 'report_bug_threshold' ) );
$f_build = $t_bug->build;
$f_platform = $t_bug->platform;
$f_os = $t_bug->os;
$f_os_build = $t_bug->os_build;
$f_product_version = $t_bug->version;
$f_target_version = $t_bug->target_version;
$f_profile_id = 0;
$f_handler_id = $t_bug->handler_id;
$f_category_id = $t_bug->category_id;
$f_reproducibility = $t_bug->reproducibility;
$f_eta = $t_bug->eta;
$f_severity = $t_bug->severity;
$f_priority = $t_bug->priority;
$f_summary = $t_bug->summary;
$f_description = $t_bug->description;
$f_steps_to_reproduce = $t_bug->steps_to_reproduce;
$f_additional_info = $t_bug->additional_information;
$f_view_state = $t_bug->view_state;
$f_due_date = $t_bug->due_date;
$t_project_id = $t_bug->project_id;
} else {
# Get Project Id and set it as current
$t_project_id = gpc_get_int( 'project_id', helper_get_current_project() );
if( ( ALL_PROJECTS == $t_project_id || project_exists( $t_project_id ) )
&& $t_project_id != helper_get_current_project()
) {
helper_set_current_project( $t_project_id );
# Reloading the page is required so that the project browser
# reflects the new current project
print_header_redirect( $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], true, false, true );
# New issues cannot be reported for the 'All Project' selection
if ( ( ALL_PROJECTS == helper_get_current_project() ) ) {
print_header_redirect( 'login_select_proj_page.php?ref=bug_report_page.php' );
access_ensure_project_level( config_get( 'report_bug_threshold' ) );
$f_build = gpc_get_string( 'build', '' );
$f_platform = gpc_get_string( 'platform', '' );
$f_os = gpc_get_string( 'os', '' );
$f_os_build = gpc_get_string( 'os_build', '' );
$f_product_version = gpc_get_string( 'product_version', '' );
$f_target_version = gpc_get_string( 'target_version', '' );
$f_profile_id = gpc_get_int( 'profile_id', 0 );
$f_handler_id = gpc_get_int( 'handler_id', 0 );
$f_category_id = gpc_get_int( 'category_id', 0 );
$f_reproducibility = gpc_get_int( 'reproducibility', config_get( 'default_bug_reproducibility' ) );
$f_eta = gpc_get_int( 'eta', config_get( 'default_bug_eta' ) );
$f_severity = gpc_get_int( 'severity', config_get( 'default_bug_severity' ) );
$f_priority = gpc_get_int( 'priority', config_get( 'default_bug_priority' ) );
$f_summary = gpc_get_string( 'summary', '' );
$f_description = gpc_get_string( 'description', '' );
$f_steps_to_reproduce = gpc_get_string( 'steps_to_reproduce', config_get( 'default_bug_steps_to_reproduce' ) );
$f_additional_info = gpc_get_string( 'additional_info', config_get ( 'default_bug_additional_info' ) );
$f_view_state = gpc_get_int( 'view_state', config_get( 'default_bug_view_status' ) );
$f_due_date = gpc_get_string( 'due_date', '');
if ( $f_due_date == '' ) {
$f_due_date = date_get_null();
$t_changed_project = false;
$f_report_stay = gpc_get_bool( 'report_stay', false );
$f_copy_notes_from_parent = gpc_get_bool( 'copy_notes_from_parent', false);
$f_copy_attachments_from_parent = gpc_get_bool( 'copy_attachments_from_parent', false);
$t_fields = config_get( 'bug_report_page_fields' );
$t_fields = columns_filter_disabled( $t_fields );
$tpl_show_category = in_array( 'category_id', $t_fields );
$tpl_show_reproducibility = in_array( 'reproducibility', $t_fields );
$tpl_show_eta = in_array( 'eta', $t_fields );
$tpl_show_severity = in_array( 'severity', $t_fields );
$tpl_show_priority = in_array( 'priority', $t_fields );
$tpl_show_steps_to_reproduce = in_array( 'steps_to_reproduce', $t_fields );
$tpl_show_handler = in_array( 'handler', $t_fields ) && access_has_project_level( config_get( 'update_bug_assign_threshold' ) );
$tpl_show_profiles = config_get( 'enable_profiles' );
$tpl_show_platform = $tpl_show_profiles && in_array( 'platform', $t_fields );
$tpl_show_os = $tpl_show_profiles && in_array( 'os', $t_fields );
$tpl_show_os_version = $tpl_show_profiles && in_array( 'os_version', $t_fields );
$tpl_show_resolution = in_array('resolution', $t_fields);
$tpl_show_status = in_array('status', $t_fields);
$tpl_show_versions = version_should_show_product_version( $t_project_id );
$tpl_show_product_version = $tpl_show_versions && in_array( 'product_version', $t_fields );
$tpl_show_product_build = $tpl_show_versions && in_array( 'product_build', $t_fields ) && config_get( 'enable_product_build' ) == ON;
$tpl_show_target_version = $tpl_show_versions && in_array( 'target_version', $t_fields ) && access_has_project_level( config_get( 'roadmap_update_threshold' ) );
$tpl_show_additional_info = in_array( 'additional_info', $t_fields );
$tpl_show_due_date = in_array( 'due_date', $t_fields ) && access_has_project_level( config_get( 'due_date_update_threshold' ), helper_get_current_project(), auth_get_current_user_id() );
$tpl_show_attachments = in_array( 'attachments', $t_fields ) && file_allow_bug_upload();
$tpl_show_view_state = in_array( 'view_state', $t_fields ) && access_has_project_level( config_get( 'set_view_status_threshold' ) );
# don't index bug report page
html_page_top( lang_get( 'report_bug_link' ) );