* Login page POSTs results to login.php
* Check to see if the user is already logged in
* @package MantisBT
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Kenzaburo Ito - kenito@300baud.org
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2002 - 2014 MantisBT Team - mantisbt-dev@lists.sourceforge.net
* @link http://www.mantisbt.org
* MantisBT Core API's
require_once( 'core.php' );
$f_error = gpc_get_bool( 'error' );
$f_cookie_error = gpc_get_bool( 'cookie_error' );
$f_return = string_sanitize_url( gpc_get_string( 'return', '' ) );
$f_username = gpc_get_string( 'username', '' );
$f_perm_login = gpc_get_bool( 'perm_login', false );
$f_secure_session = gpc_get_bool( 'secure_session', false );
$f_secure_session_cookie = gpc_get_cookie( config_get_global( 'cookie_prefix' ) . '_secure_session', null );
# Set username to blank if invalid to prevent possible XSS exploits
if( !user_is_name_valid( $f_username ) ) {
$f_username = '';
$t_session_validation = ( ON == config_get_global( 'session_validation' ) );
// If user is already authenticated and not anonymous
if( auth_is_user_authenticated() && !current_user_is_anonymous() ) {
// If return URL is specified redirect to it; otherwise use default page
if( !is_blank( $f_return ) ) {
print_header_redirect( $f_return, false, false, true );
else {
print_header_redirect( config_get( 'default_home_page' ) );
# Check for automatic logon methods where we want the logon to just be handled by login.php
if ( auth_automatic_logon_bypass_form() ) {
$t_uri = "login.php";
if ( ON == config_get( 'allow_anonymous_login' ) ) {
$t_uri = "login_anon.php";
if ( !is_blank( $f_return ) ) {
$t_uri .= "?return=" . string_url( $f_return );
print_header_redirect( $t_uri );
# Login page shouldn't be indexed by search engines
echo '
# Display short greeting message
# echo lang_get( 'login_page_info' ) . '
# Only echo error message if error variable is set
if ( $f_error ) {
echo '' . lang_get( 'login_error' ) . '';
if ( $f_cookie_error ) {
echo lang_get( 'login_cookies_disabled' ) . '
# Determine if secure_session should default on or off?
# - If no errors, and no cookies set, default to on.
# - If no errors, but cookie is set, use the cookie value.
# - If errors, use the value passed in.
if ( $t_session_validation ) {
if ( !$f_error && !$f_cookie_error ) {
$t_default_secure_session = ( is_null( $f_secure_session_cookie ) ? true : $f_secure_session_cookie );
} else {
$t_default_secure_session = $f_secure_session;
echo '
echo ' ';
echo '
# Do some checks to warn administrators of possible security holes.
# Since this is considered part of the admin-checks, the strings are not translated.
if ( config_get_global( 'admin_checks' ) == ON ) {
# Generate a warning if administrator/root is valid.
$t_admin_user_id = user_get_id_by_name( 'administrator' );
if ( $t_admin_user_id !== false ) {
if ( user_is_enabled( $t_admin_user_id ) && auth_does_password_match( $t_admin_user_id, 'root' ) ) {
echo '', "\n";
echo "\t", '
', lang_get( 'warning_default_administrator_account_present' ), '
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
# Check if the admin directory is available and is readable.
$t_admin_dir = dirname( __FILE__ ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'admin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
if ( is_dir( $t_admin_dir ) ) {
echo '', "\n";
echo '
', lang_get( 'warning_admin_directory_present' ), '
', "\n";
echo '
', "\n";
if ( is_dir( $t_admin_dir ) && is_readable( $t_admin_dir ) && is_executable( $t_admin_dir ) && @file_exists( "$t_admin_dir/." ) ) {
# since admin directory and db_upgrade lists are available check for missing db upgrades
# Check for db upgrade for versions < 1.0.0 using old upgrader
$t_db_version = config_get( 'database_version' , 0 );
# if db version is 0, we haven't moved to new installer.
if ( $t_db_version == 0 ) {
$t_upgrade_count = 0;
if ( db_table_exists( db_get_table( 'mantis_upgrade_table' ) ) ) {
$query = "SELECT COUNT(*) from " . db_get_table( 'mantis_upgrade_table' ) . ";";
$result = db_query_bound( $query );
if ( db_num_rows( $result ) > 0 ) {
$t_upgrade_count = (int)db_result( $result );
if ( $t_upgrade_count > 0 ) { # table exists, check for number of updates
# new config table database version is 0.
# old upgrade tables exist.
# assume user is upgrading from <1.0 and therefore needs to update to 1.x before upgrading to 1.2
echo '';
echo '
', lang_get( 'error_database_version_out_of_date_1' ), '
echo '
} else {
# old upgrade tables do not exist, yet config database_version is 0
echo '';
echo '
', lang_get( 'error_database_no_schema_version' ), '
echo '
# Check for db upgrade for versions > 1.0.0 using new installer and schema
require_once( 'admin' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'schema.php' );
$t_upgrades_reqd = count( $upgrade ) - 1;
if ( ( 0 < $t_db_version ) &&
( $t_db_version != $t_upgrades_reqd ) ) {
if ( $t_db_version < $t_upgrades_reqd ) {
echo '';
echo '
', lang_get( 'error_database_version_out_of_date_2' ), '
echo '
} else {
echo '';
echo '
', lang_get( 'error_code_version_out_of_date' ), '
echo '
} # if 'admin_checks'