* @package MantisBT
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Kenzaburo Ito - kenito@300baud.org
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2002 - 2014 MantisBT Team - mantisbt-dev@lists.sourceforge.net
* @link http://www.mantisbt.org
* MantisBT Core API's
require_once( 'core.php' );
require_once( 'email_api.php' );
access_ensure_global_level( config_get( 'manage_user_threshold' ) );
$f_protected = gpc_get_bool( 'protected' );
$f_enabled = gpc_get_bool( 'enabled' );
$f_email = gpc_get_string( 'email', '' );
$f_username = gpc_get_string( 'username', '' );
$f_realname = gpc_get_string( 'realname', '' );
$f_access_level = gpc_get_int( 'access_level' );
$f_user_id = gpc_get_int( 'user_id' );
if ( config_get( 'enable_email_notification' ) == ON ) {
$f_send_email_notification = gpc_get_bool( 'send_email_notification' );
} else {
$f_send_email_notification = 0;
user_ensure_exists( $f_user_id );
$t_user = user_get_row( $f_user_id );
$f_username = trim( $f_username );
$t_old_username = $t_user['username'];
if ( $f_send_email_notification ) {
$t_old_realname = $t_user['realname'];
$t_old_email = $t_user['email'];
$t_old_access_level = $t_user['access_level'];
# Ensure that the account to be updated is of equal or lower access to the
# current user.
access_ensure_global_level( $t_user['access_level'] );
# check that the username is unique
if ( 0 != strcasecmp( $t_old_username, $f_username )
&& false == user_is_name_unique( $f_username ) ) {
user_ensure_name_valid( $f_username );
$t_ldap = ( LDAP == config_get( 'login_method' ) );
if ( $t_ldap && config_get( 'use_ldap_realname' ) ) {
$t_realname = ldap_realname_from_username( $f_username );
} else {
# strip extra space from real name
$t_realname = string_normalize( $f_realname );
user_ensure_realname_valid( $t_realname );
user_ensure_realname_unique( $t_old_username, $t_realname );
if ( $t_ldap && config_get( 'use_ldap_email' ) ) {
$t_email = ldap_email( $f_user_id );
} else {
$t_email = email_append_domain( trim( $f_email ) );
email_ensure_valid( $t_email );
email_ensure_not_disposable( $t_email );
$c_email = $t_email;
$c_username = $f_username;
$c_realname = $t_realname;
$c_protected = db_prepare_bool( $f_protected );
$c_enabled = db_prepare_bool( $f_enabled );
$c_user_id = db_prepare_int( $f_user_id );
$c_access_level = db_prepare_int( $f_access_level );
$t_user_table = db_get_table( 'mantis_user_table' );
$t_old_protected = $t_user['protected'];
# Ensure that users aren't escalating privileges of accounts beyond their
# own global access level.
access_ensure_global_level( $f_access_level );
# check that we are not downgrading the last administrator
$t_admin_threshold = config_get_global( 'admin_site_threshold' );
if ( user_is_administrator( $f_user_id ) &&
$f_access_level < $t_admin_threshold &&
user_count_level( $t_admin_threshold ) <= 1 ) {
# Project specific access rights override global levels, hence, for users who are changed
# to be administrators, we have to remove project specific rights.
if ( ( $f_access_level >= $t_admin_threshold ) && ( !user_is_administrator( $f_user_id ) ) ) {
user_delete_project_specific_access_levels( $f_user_id );
# if the user is already protected and the admin is not removing the
# protected flag then don't update the access level and enabled flag.
# If the user was unprotected or the protected flag is being turned off
# then proceed with a full update.
$query_params = Array();
if ( $f_protected && $t_old_protected ) {
$query = "UPDATE $t_user_table
SET username=" . db_param() . ", email=" . db_param() . ",
protected=" . db_param() . ", realname=" . db_param() . "
WHERE id=" . db_param();
$query_params = Array( $c_username, $c_email, $c_protected, $c_realname, $c_user_id );
# Prevent e-mail notification for a change that did not happen
$f_access_level = $t_old_access_level;
} else {
$query = "UPDATE $t_user_table
SET username=" . db_param() . ", email=" . db_param() . ",
access_level=" . db_param() . ", enabled=" . db_param() . ",
protected=" . db_param() . ", realname=" . db_param() . "
WHERE id=" . db_param();
$query_params = Array( $c_username, $c_email, $c_access_level, $c_enabled, $c_protected, $c_realname, $c_user_id );
$result = db_query_bound( $query, $query_params );
if ( $f_send_email_notification ) {
lang_push( user_pref_get_language( $f_user_id ) );
$t_changes = "";
if ( strcmp( $f_username, $t_old_username ) ) {
$t_changes .= lang_get( 'username' ) . ': ' . $t_old_username . ' => ' . $f_username . "\n";
if ( strcmp( $t_realname, $t_old_realname ) ) {
$t_changes .= lang_get( 'realname' ) . ': ' . $t_old_realname . ' => ' . $t_realname . "\n";
if ( strcmp( $t_email, $t_old_email ) ) {
$t_changes .= lang_get( 'email' ) . ': ' . $t_old_email . ' => ' . $t_email . "\n";
if ( strcmp( $f_access_level, $t_old_access_level ) ) {
$t_old_access_string = get_enum_element( 'access_levels', $t_old_access_level );
$t_new_access_string = get_enum_element( 'access_levels', $f_access_level );
$t_changes .= lang_get( 'access_level' ) . ': ' . $t_old_access_string . ' => ' . $t_new_access_string . "\n\n";
if ( !empty( $t_changes ) ) {
$t_subject = '[' . config_get( 'window_title' ) . '] ' . lang_get( 'email_user_updated_subject' );
$t_updated_msg = lang_get( 'email_user_updated_msg' );
$t_message = $t_updated_msg . "\n\n" . config_get( 'path' ) . 'account_page.php' . "\n\n" . $t_changes;
if( null === email_store( $t_email, $t_subject, $t_message ) ) {
log_event( LOG_EMAIL, sprintf( 'Notification was NOT sent to ' . $f_username ) );
} else {
log_event( LOG_EMAIL, sprintf( 'Account update notification sent to ' . $f_username . ' (' . $t_email . ')' ) );
if ( config_get( 'email_send_using_cronjob' ) == OFF ) {
$t_redirect_url = 'manage_user_edit_page.php?user_id=' . $c_user_id;
html_page_top( null, $result ? $t_redirect_url : null );