#!/usr/bin/php -q . # See the README and LICENSE files for details global $g_bypass_headers; $g_bypass_headers = 1; require_once( dirname( dirname( __FILE__ ) ) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'core.php' ); # Make sure this script doesn't run via the webserver if( php_sapi_name() != 'cli' ) { echo "checkin.php is not allowed to run through the webserver.\n"; exit( 1 ); } # Check that the username is set and exists $t_username = config_get( 'source_control_account' ); if( is_blank( $t_username ) || ( user_get_id_by_name( $t_username ) === false ) ) { echo "Invalid source control account ('$t_username').\n"; exit( 1 ); } if( !defined( "STDIN" ) ) { define( "STDIN", fopen( 'php://stdin', 'r' ) ); } # Detect references to issues + concat all lines to have the comment log. $t_commit_regexp = config_get( 'source_control_regexp' ); $t_commit_fixed_regexp = config_get( 'source_control_fixed_regexp' ); $t_comment = ''; $t_issues = array(); $t_fixed_issues = array(); while(( $t_line = fgets( STDIN, 1024 ) ) ) { $t_comment .= $t_line; if( preg_match_all( $t_commit_regexp, $t_line, $t_matches ) ) { $t_count = count( $t_matches[0] ); for( $i = 0;$i < $t_count;++$i ) { $t_issues[] = $t_matches[1][$i]; } } if( preg_match_all( $t_commit_fixed_regexp, $t_line, $t_matches ) ) { $t_count = count( $t_matches[0] ); for( $i = 0;$i < $t_count;++$i ) { $t_fixed_issues[] = $t_matches[1][$i]; } } } # If no issues found, then no work to do. if(( count( $t_issues ) == 0 ) && ( count( $t_fixed_issues ) == 0 ) ) { echo "Comment does not reference any issues.\n"; exit( 0 ); } # Login as source control user if( !auth_attempt_script_login( $t_username ) ) { echo "Unable to login\n"; exit( 1 ); } # history parameters are reserved for future use. $t_history_old_value = ''; $t_history_new_value = ''; # add note to each bug only once $t_issues = array_unique( $t_issues ); $t_fixed_issues = array_unique( $t_fixed_issues ); # Call the custom function to register the checkin on each issue. foreach( $t_issues as $t_issue_id ) { if( !in_array( $t_issue_id, $t_fixed_issues ) ) { helper_call_custom_function( 'checkin', array( $t_issue_id, $t_comment, $t_history_old_value, $t_history_new_value, false ) ); } } foreach( $t_fixed_issues as $t_issue_id ) { helper_call_custom_function( 'checkin', array( $t_issue_id, $t_comment, $t_history_old_value, $t_history_new_value, true ) ); } exit( 0 );