* @package MantisBT
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2000 - 2002 Kenzaburo Ito - kenito@300baud.org
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2002 - 2014 MantisBT Team - mantisbt-dev@lists.sourceforge.net
* @link http://www.mantisbt.org
* MantisBT Core API's
require_once( 'core.php' );
require_once( 'current_user_api.php' );
$f_project_id = gpc_get_string( 'project_id' );
$f_make_default = gpc_get_bool ( 'make_default' );
$f_ref = gpc_get_string( 'ref', '' );
$c_ref = string_prepare_header( $f_ref );
$t_project = explode( ';', $f_project_id );
$t_top = $t_project[0];
$t_bottom = $t_project[ count( $t_project ) - 1 ];
if ( ALL_PROJECTS != $t_bottom ) {
project_ensure_exists( $t_bottom );
# Set default project
if ( $f_make_default ) {
current_user_set_default_project( $t_top );
helper_set_current_project( $f_project_id );
# redirect to 'same page' when switching projects.
# for proxies that clear out HTTP_REFERER
if ( !is_blank( $c_ref ) ) {
$t_redirect_url = $c_ref;
} else if ( !isset( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ) || is_blank( $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'] ) ) {
$t_redirect_url = config_get( 'default_home_page' );
} else {
$t_home_page = config_get( 'default_home_page' );
# Check that referrer matches our address after squashing case (case insensitive compare)
$t_path = rtrim( config_get( 'path' ), '/' );
if ( preg_match( "@^($t_path)/(?:/*([^\?#]*))(.*)?\$@", $_SERVER['HTTP_REFERER'], $t_matches ) ) {
$t_referrer_page = $t_matches[2];
$t_param = $t_matches[3];
# if view_all_bug_page, pass on filter
if ( strcasecmp( 'view_all_bug_page.php', $t_referrer_page ) == 0 ) {
$t_source_filter_id = filter_db_get_project_current( $f_project_id );
$t_redirect_url = 'view_all_set.php?type=4';
if ( $t_source_filter_id !== null ) {
$t_redirect_url = 'view_all_set.php?type=3&source_query_id=' . $t_source_filter_id;
} else if ( stripos( $t_referrer_page, '_page.php' ) !== false ) {
switch ( $t_referrer_page ) {
case 'bug_view_page.php':
case 'bug_view_advanced_page.php':
case 'bug_update_page.php':
case 'bug_update_advanced_page.php':
case 'bug_change_status_page.php':
$t_path = $t_home_page;
$t_path = $t_referrer_page . $t_param;
$t_redirect_url = $t_path;
} else if ( $t_referrer_page == 'plugin.php' ) {
$t_redirect_url = $t_referrer_page . $t_param; # redirect to same plugin page
} else {
$t_redirect_url = $t_home_page;
} else {
$t_redirect_url = $t_home_page;
print_header_redirect( $t_redirect_url, true, true );
html_meta_redirect( $t_redirect_url );