[00:01:01] Action: Scolar_Visari is amused that the Jurassic World Evolution site dinopedia entry for the Pachycephalosaurus mentions an alternative to the popular but scientifically debated practice of headbutting. [00:02:31] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [00:02:37] Evening, Gentlemen. [00:03:05] Supernovy: Would you like to play a game today? [00:05:10] The only winning move it not to play. [00:07:35] Action: Scolar_Visari moves first with a sudden strike by nuclear armed bombers flying underneath Azander's radar with a followup strike by SSBNs parked just off shore from their targets firing their payloads on depressed trajectories. [00:07:49] I ARE WINNER! [00:08:52] Scolar_Visari: if you ever played defcon, you know that scenario is really unlikely [00:09:33] ve2dmn: DEFCON uses magick to make everything visible! [00:10:11] I'm talking about https://www.introversion.co.uk/defcon/index.html [00:10:12] Also: For a time, particularly when the Soviet Union was reliant on R-7 derivatives, a first strike could've realistically wiped out their entire strategic nuclear arsenal. [00:10:43] Ezriilc, i'm thinking to mess around a bit more, now that i got InterKalactic 2 to work [00:10:45] Yeah, I know, I think everything in the game (SSBNs and attack craft included) were always visible. [00:11:17] but not the submarines or the silos [00:11:19] Um... ok...? [00:11:44] ve2dmn: In practice, airplanes and surface vessels would be harder to detect than video games in general seem to imply. [00:12:26] Also, since media outlets seem to be thinking SpaceX's postponement of its alleged Lunar mission is new http://spacenews.com/spacex-no-longer-planning-crewed-missions-on-falcon-heavy/ [00:14:58] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+v Guest98977' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [00:15:17] Though I wouldn't be so sure on sending a Dragon V2 around the Moon or back before one even launches into LEO. [00:22:29] Action: Scolar_Visari ponders why the Kerbalized versions of SpaceX did not opt to name the Dragon family of vehicles into the Kraken family of vehicles. [00:24:42] ¯\_(Ä)_/¯ [00:24:55] GTG [00:25:10] Incidentally, the stock crafts now include something that looks like a GSLV clone. [00:28:01] UmbralRaptop: Moar early von Braun clones plz. [00:29:06] Nein, more wings! https://history.nasa.gov/SP-4221/p5.jpg [00:29:43] Point. [00:29:56] Also some old style Mars landers? [00:30:17] (though Duna's atmosphere is way thinner than it used to be) [00:30:48] Same with Mars, from von Braun's perspective! [00:32:01] It actually took some time to get the surface atmospheric pressure accurately figured out, much to the detriment of von Braun's fascination with gigantic wings. [00:32:10] Blunt body shapes for everyone! [00:33:47] Amusingly, however, the BFR concepts involve the use of puny wings. [00:35:57] Where we're going, we won't need wings http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-aFdRf97BCrc/ToYk16U2grI/AAAAAAAAEO0/JPGdzuO93wo/s1600/Braun+03+wings+on.jpg [00:36:08] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptop' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [00:37:52] There's a suspiciously green patch in the background. [00:38:17] This was all published prior to Mariner 4. [00:38:24] I recently managed to get my hands on an outline for a space mission where they would put a small nuclear pulse ship on top of an uprated Saturn V [00:38:38] There was still the hope that it'd be less Marsy than modern Mars. [00:39:13] Supernovy: I would think that would either require impossibly small pulse units or very few pulse units. [00:39:37] 0.1 - 20 kt [00:39:41] Unless they're, like, magnetically compressed pulse detonation thrusters. [00:40:09] yeah here we go, published in '65 [00:43:34] Ernst Stuhlinger > von Braun http://crowlspace.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Disney-Mars-Fleet-Ignition.jpg [00:43:53] https://i.imgur.com/ZYVW1Tu.png [00:45:18] Action: Scolar_Visari sees ft/sec. [00:45:23] What kind of heresy is this!? [00:45:35] Feet? POUNDS!? [00:46:06] Scolar_Visari: the dark ages [00:46:15] Also, ion engines for 🜨’B? [00:46:57] It's USA 1965! [00:47:47] UmbralRaptop: yes, Stuhlinger was rather forward thinking at the time. I think he mentioned the possibility of the transfer vehicles being docked with en route by the crew return vehicles so personnel would not spend so much time in deep space. The transfer vehicle mostly handling life support and shipment of the Mars ascent/descent vehicles. [00:48:09] https://i.imgur.com/NuVACUz.png [00:49:26] Action: Scolar_Visari still shudders at the mechanical complexity of nuclear warhead based pulse rockets. [00:49:44] I imagine having the magazine and pulse unit dispenser fail would be as bad as having a dud. [00:52:11] https://i.imgur.com/olMjS6Z.png [00:53:51] I have that one here somewhere. [00:54:38] and last one: https://i.imgur.com/5bKWXuR.png [00:55:35] I remember General Atomic referring to it as "external combustion" [00:55:46] & landing a nuclear pulse vehicle? [00:56:23] UmbralRaptop: my pet dinosaur is dumb [00:56:47] Is she complaining about something? [00:57:48] I know a 24h live dinosaur webcam [00:57:55] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=peO0FAUg1b0 [00:57:56] YouTube - Faucons UdeM - nichoir en direct [00:58:06] No, they have separate excursion vehicles that look suspiciously similar to Venture Stars. [00:59:15] Supernovy: I would not have put it beyond them to land the entire thing. [00:59:29] recommended radiation dose across the mission? 500 mSv. [01:00:14] UmbralRaptop: she really hates my left hand [01:00:55] Supernovy: 500 mSv so long as you're in front of the pusher plate. [01:01:26] As long as you're in that 40,000 lb shelter. [01:01:40] Didn't Zubrin estimate about that much exposure for Mars Direct? [01:02:12] From space radiation alone? [01:02:14] Rokker: acquire a glove for falconry? [01:02:40] Yes. (Solar+galactic cosmic rays mainly) [01:02:44] UmbralRaptop: For how many days, however? 1 Sv for 1,000 days is rule of thumb at the moment. [01:02:47] UmbralRaptop: but its weird [01:02:57] she will step up onto my right hand just fine [01:03:02] doesnt care at all [01:03:16] but if my left hand comes near her, she gets angry [01:04:06] Scolar_Visari: Uh, something like 800? [01:04:10] Action: Scolar_Visari would be cautious of Zubrin's radiation estimates given the last edition was published circa 2011. [01:04:22] UmbralRaptop: I'd think 500 mSv would be a bit of a low ball, then. [01:04:30] This is from a 90s edition. >_> [01:04:59] What is it, 158 days each way, 500 on the surface? [01:06:11] Action: Scolar_Visari would actually be cautious of anything Zubrin has said in the last few years in general given his recent excursions. [01:10:19] Case in point: http://spacenews.com/op-ed-moon-direct-how-to-build-a-moonbase-in-four-years/ [01:11:33] Who needs to break down payload masses, volumes and R&D costs when you can say, "Just a few Falcon Heavy launches will do"!? [01:12:23] Action: Scolar_Visari is also amused Zubrin wrote the article after SpaceX already indicated manned launches were never going to be a thing for the Falcon Heavy [01:34:38] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Dman979' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [01:37:45] Probes go to Jupiter to get less stupider https://apod.nasa.gov/apod/image/1806/JupiterComplex_JunoMarriott_2324.jpg [01:38:31] Action: Scolar_Visari ponders how long Huygens will last on Titan. [01:47:51] Is it still going? [01:47:54] Action: Scolar_Visari revels in satisfaction, having finally acquired the Bretonnia regiments of renown. [01:48:15] Supernovy: No, its battery died not too long after setting down. I was thinking how long it would last as a visible artificial feature. [01:48:28] Ah. [01:48:51] Like, how would Titan's erosive forces and freakishly cold atmosphere effect it? [01:50:20] Is it a very dust-stormy place? [01:50:31] Unclear. [01:50:31] What's the wind like? [01:50:51] Action: UmbralRaptop had no idea. Lots of dunes, though. [01:51:08] Action: Scolar_Visari notes Titan has an atmospheric density at surface greater than that of Earth. [01:51:09] Also, rain is fairly rare, and shouldn't be that reactive? [01:51:18] 0 < wind < infinity, then [01:51:55] Supernovy: The heat death might fix that all up. [01:52:18] I'd say we can safely set an upper bound of Neptune (400 m/s?) [01:53:11] Neptunian wind speeds can exceed 600 m/s! [01:54:13] It's a cold world. A blue world. A world hostile to all life as we know it. [01:56:13] It's a mad mad mad mad mad mad world? [01:56:18] To be fair, a lot of worlds are hostile. [01:57:23] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BJuxpf-RE7k [01:57:24] YouTube - The Chicken Heated Nuclear Land Mine (Oh yes, totally a real thing) [01:57:33] KrazyKrl: All around us are uninhabitable planets, icey planets, desert planets. [01:57:47] All around me are familiar faces [01:57:49] UmbralRaptop: That's why we should be Building Better Worlds (and preferably not worlds). [01:58:32] Action: UmbralRaptop stares at Weyland an Yutani. [01:59:21] Moreover, I find some much too massive, I find them far too cold, the planet on which we're trapped on is the best we've ever had. [03:20:10] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptop' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [03:20:29] ISS data unavailable :( [03:27:56] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+v eriophora' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [06:13:38] ufff... half way through 'Mission Controllers' video... [06:16:13] nice to see those in that part of the space program getting a little bit of attention [07:52:03] ...3ds Max doesn't let you do ctrl+a in a text field [07:52:24] how did that piece of crap become industry standard [08:01:35] I think that's a prerequisite [08:58:15] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Deddly' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [09:37:02] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Unq__OKPoAo for the German viewers [10:54:47] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZmB-h7OpdU8 in Russian [10:55:33] offline now. Wow [10:55:43] ah, there is it again [11:06:01] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wwMDvPCGeE0 NASA Edu channel [12:16:30] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [14:02:21] Wow, that's great [14:16:47] LES has only been used once, right? [14:16:56] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y3niFzo5VLI T- 3m [14:20:29] uhm [14:20:48] they're already in orbit and this is a replay [14:21:42] There is no live. There is only replay. Your brain see the world as it was a few ms ago [14:21:42] Launch was 3 hours ago [14:21:51] ve2dmn: out. now. :P [14:22:28] Action: ve2dmn goes back to work [14:23:05] THEY CUT OFF THE CROSS [14:23:31] PFFF they why does it say live? [14:23:44] someone is replaying it as a live stream [14:23:53] to fool people, who can't read schedules ;) [14:24:10] hahahhaha [14:24:21] Replay, but still, that SAS wobble :P [14:24:32] I guess it's just for the clicks [14:27:10] Sadly 'live' on youtube does not mean 'live feed', it mean 'live stream' [14:33:50] what is a live feed [14:35:09] What is live [14:35:55] really live, not like the "live" iss streams, like all 100 of them, which are not live at all they just streamed live [14:38:47] What is live, baby don't hurt me.... [14:39:10] ... sorry [14:39:25] no [14:39:28] wrong song [14:39:37] that is what is love [14:39:42] what you meant, live is life [14:40:51] ho {diety}! I can't stand that song because I can only think of the crappy local translation [14:41:20] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rQSmfR1_SVE [14:41:20] YouTube - Opus - Life Is Life (Live) [14:41:50] translation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mU4PCU-O5cg [14:41:50] YouTube - rené simard.......chante lalalala [14:41:51] hehe this video has the title incorreclty [14:41:56] laibach version is better :p [14:41:58] because it is live is life [14:42:04] for life is life i mean [14:42:39] not too bad, but it may turn into real annoyance if this is played often [14:44:04] Althego: the lyrics are... not good IMHO [14:44:12] the original is better :P [14:44:13] cant understand that [14:44:15] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptop' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [14:44:45] but most songs are incomprehensible https://xkcd.com/1538/ [14:44:58] It's translated as 'life sings' and 'It's better when we sing' [14:45:07] that's the TL;DR [14:45:28] so it's a bit too 'meta' for my taste [14:46:21] metavar = "FILENAME" [14:47:28] I hate this tendency of translating songs for the 'local market'... [14:47:55] here all movies and series are dubbed [14:48:13] the dub is ok, the translation is horrible [14:48:28] ... with the exception of the original writter translating it himself [14:48:57] Disney has seperate version of the movies for the FR and QC markets [14:49:07] hehe [14:49:08] ehy [14:49:19] why [14:49:41] Kind of like there are 2 version of Harry Potter: UK and US [14:50:31] i didnt know about that either [14:51:09] We are a bigger market then, say, Norway or Finland [14:53:18] even if we are less then 2% of the North American population [14:55:33] And giving enough isolation, languages diverge... Or else we would still all be speaking Proto-Indo-Europeen [15:00:55] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptop' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [15:04:26] hmm, 32 core 64 thread threadripper [15:04:53] 7nm radeon with 32 GB hbm2 [15:05:01] i douvbt that it is really 7nm [15:06:45] Althego: we all know that this is not real 7 nm. But I couldn't find the picture anymore showing the differences [15:07:08] given that intel struggles with 10 [15:07:15] also I want this threadripper just to compile the kernel on 64 threads at once. :D [15:07:23] hehe [15:07:53] usually you can have around twice as many compiling threads as cores [15:07:58] so make it 128 [15:08:20] with an SSD and enough RAM this is not true anymore [15:08:22] or not, because these fake threads (started by intel) are a cancer [15:08:55] also there are dependencies, so most of the time you probably cant scale up to this level [15:08:57] well, it's a better utilization of the cpu [15:09:09] why cant we compile on the gpu? [15:09:25] and AMD is doing a better job in keeping the threads safe from each other than Intel :P [15:09:31] it runs ai now, why cant it run a compiler? [15:09:42] at least with the current generation [15:09:47] spectre and stuff [15:11:14] the AI software it's running is the same software that ran on it in the 90s. Just waaaaaaay scaled up [15:11:25] All petty boring stuff [15:11:40] compiling is boring too :) [15:11:49] it is [15:11:57] software development is also boring [15:11:57] basically you have to generate bit strings from other bit strings [15:12:04] cant be that hard :) [15:12:14] it's not that hard at all [15:12:55] but creating efficient stuff is [15:14:34] why is there no new ker for 1.4? [15:14:44] There is, but from jbuddha [15:14:49] ok, the old one works, but still [15:14:59] uh, jrbudda: https://github.com/jrbudda/KerbalEngineer/ [15:15:12] yes there is that [15:15:17] but that is not the official one [15:15:21] or is this now the official? [15:15:23] have a look at the last pages from the KER thread [15:15:31] ckan also delivers the jrbudda version [15:15:37] heh [15:15:51] jrbudda forked it and the original author doesn't seem to care anymore [15:16:02] o7 [15:16:09] which is sad. I want a working KER for RSS :/ [15:16:13] benjamin kerman? [15:16:16] well, it is partially working [15:16:25] but some important things are missing [15:16:26] this way please, we have a capsule for you [15:18:05] What [15:18:20] I wonder if the github purchase is gonna break a few links with mods [15:18:38] here, climb this ladder to the top. dont worry about those boosters. step right in. [15:18:43] heh [15:19:05] it'll probably be fine ve2dmn [15:19:35] ve2dmn: nah, don't think so. This is nothing of concern for MS. [15:19:53] People I asked didn't seem to care about github being purchased [15:19:55] But I wonder what happens with tools that make in-depth analytics of Windows or things like DeepFake [15:20:21] well, a lot of projects moved to gitlab... there some who care. [15:20:34] !shrug [15:20:35] *there are [15:20:42] if you really care you can self host [15:20:52] yes, indeed. [15:20:55] We do that [15:20:57] what is the point of a centralized storage when the whole idea behind git is to be decentralzied? [15:21:15] but it's for legal reasons more then ideological ones [15:21:24] Althego: I never understood why github was so popular. Also I wonder when nextcloud will get git integration ;) [15:21:43] because people secretely want to use svn :) [15:21:53] Althego: All git repo are equal, but some are more equal then others [15:22:24] ve2dmn: I'd always host my code myself. Even more if it's stuff for clients I'm doing. I'd never host it on some us servers :P [15:22:55] The only code I have on Github is public anyway... [15:23:01] another bloody update. no it is not an adjective. i have a bloody6 mouse [15:23:12] yay, new Wintergatan video! One more reason to procrastinate :D [15:23:19] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_roikOlK-OI [15:23:19] YouTube - CNC Plasma Cut Magnet Levers - Marble Machine X #37 [15:23:40] oh wait this was wintergatan? i just didnt click it yet [15:24:03] hehe launch narration on the video [15:24:09] probably spacex? [15:26:54] hehe space invaders [15:28:34] lol thor [15:34:10] now it's only a matter of weeks until we see the final machine \o/ [15:34:40] it was always a matter of weeks [15:35:54] Final, Final-with-fix, Final-for-real-this-time or Final-revision4? [15:37:00] There is no final version. [15:37:24] There's a release, then there are fixes to the release and then the project gets abandoned :D [15:37:48] Final-The-heat-death-of-the-universe-is-in-15min-so-I-guess-this-is-it [15:38:55] the heat death is going to take a long time [15:39:02] so 15 minutes on that is pointless [15:39:04] I know. I'm joking [15:39:28] oh i forgot that i dont have my old configs for ker [15:39:40] have to create the flight overlay thing again [17:00:07] Ladies and Gentlemen, I made a thing: https://youtu.be/1qwwFiZO6vU [17:00:07] YouTube - Just a quick Jool-5... [17:01:22] Cutting a Jool-5 mission down to three minutes has been an experience. But I think the result may be interesting even outside of the Challenge submission forum. Enjoy! [17:03:26] whoever showed me the Dead Mall series, you are evil. [17:07:20] nice music [17:07:52] i would have left the ion thing in orbit [17:08:09] but remarcably small craft for a jool 5 [17:08:13] Althego: One of those great artists you've certainly heard before, but probably never heard *of*. [17:10:24] hehe with parachute [17:11:56] The power of ions... and leaving the science at home also helps a lot. [17:12:24] ions are more bother than useful, especially at jool [17:13:11] Also, with 1.4 I'm no longer carrying a 100kg parachute to every Jolian moon ;) [17:13:40] hehe [17:13:44] you dont need to [17:14:49] Even managed to cling to the science, only took two or three tries... [17:18:09] But really, what makes me feel so strong about the video is the sheer amount of effort that went into editing. [17:18:40] The mission as such is rather casual, one can rip it off in a lazy afternoon. So I did. [17:18:50] yes, the music sync [17:19:59] ...only to find out that the footage wasn't worth a damn. I had to go back and do it all over again, flying for the camera this time. [17:20:09] hehe [17:23:11] Editing... well, once I'd settled on the music it pretty much fell into place. Just listen to the tune and try to imagine a Jool-5, I'm certain that you will visualize similar to what I did. [17:23:39] you 'leave the science at home' but you bring 'homee' with you [17:23:54] The problem was shooting good footage to cut up. [17:24:09] ve2dmn: the science gear. Valentina takes a few rock samples, though. [17:24:15] As keepsakes, I presume. [17:25:27] schnobs: nah. Just bring Kerbin to Jool. How hard can it be? [17:26:34] it is already doen in some mods :) [17:26:48] I guess the game would become 'Vallerian Space Program' [17:27:24] or 'Laythal Space Program' [17:27:39] ...or just Lethal Space Program [17:27:58] theer is a mod which can put your starting planet as something else than kerbin [17:28:18] but that is different from moving kerbin [17:29:17] Hmmm. KSC on Jool? [17:29:23] not on jool [17:29:27] jool doesnt have a surface [17:29:33] "Stick to the pathways, lads, or you'll fall off!" [17:29:36] and zero altitude destroys everything (currently) [17:30:08] Althego: there are still quotes if you manage to land and take a science reading [17:30:17] i know [17:30:35] A very hidden Easter Egg :D [17:30:46] you can just readthrough the file [17:38:55] Raymond Scott Quintette, ah these are the same people who made powerhouse, the music you often hear in factories in old cartoons [18:16:12] oh i forgot about the soyuz launch [18:25:30] hah they had an external camera this time [18:26:04] and there you have it, earth is round even from russia [18:26:07] anyone has a Mac? I have a quick question about an adaptor [18:26:16] hahaha [18:26:42] Althego: And also Round from China and France D.O.M. and T.O.M. [18:27:06] awesome, like some movie scene as the last stage separates [18:27:16] it just floated right in the view of the camera [18:27:22] CGI!!!! [18:28:19] so they went for a 2 day docking [18:40:27] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptop' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [19:13:14] I forgot I was already here heh [19:14:48] hehe [19:20:32] been pondering turning this thing into a legacy machine lately...complete with Win95. Problem with that would be to find drivers...USB as far as I know didn't exist back then. [19:21:14] win98 se supports usb [19:21:21] USB1.1, USB2 or USB3 ? [19:22:24] i remember i installed it on my old pentium (no number), when it was around 10 years old. and i could connect through usb bluetooth to my 6230, and use it to get internet connection [19:22:59] DracoNetbook: why not go the alternative route and run reactos? [19:23:38] hmmm. [19:24:01] reactos...never heard of it for one heh. [19:24:10] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ReactOS [19:24:58] is "it's business time" ever going to launch? [19:25:04] no [19:25:23] 8ball [19:27:02] Althego: Internal divinating leprechaun of the magic 8ball says 'no' [19:27:50] Nice. I get a Delta IV Heavy launch for my birthday [19:30:57] i still dont like it that there is no delta v :) [19:32:09] parker solar probe in 54 days? [19:32:26] yes [19:32:31] I'm older then I look [19:34:17] I'M SO OLD WE HAD TO RIDE TO SCHOOL ON HORSEBACK...IN THE SNOW...UPHILL BOTH WAYS. [19:34:25] hehe [19:34:30] yorkshiremen [19:34:47] DracoNetbook: I was gonna mention Challenger, but your comment is close enough [19:35:34] Also, school was less then a km away, so I walked [19:36:56] bwoop [19:36:58] Aside from the obvious experience of being over level 30+, it's nothing to be proud of [19:37:51] anyone remember when the weather channels played smooth jazz all day? [19:38:05] Ahhhhhh yeah I do. [19:38:30] i remember when there were no such things (at least here) [19:38:38] i kinda prefer that to the hype-vision they mostly all turned into [19:38:42] I had the weather network, but same thing [19:38:48] hehe [19:38:50] channels? what is that? there was only 1. ok, 2 [19:38:59] In my area they had this text-based weather thing too. [19:39:58] METAR/TAF? [19:40:41] I think so. [19:41:06] That's kind of standard in aviation... [19:41:15] yeah, in the early days it was largely text based, then they started having hosted segments a few times a day [19:41:46] then later, more recntly, they have mostly hosted stuff and "reality tv" format weather shows [19:42:33] Current METAR for CYUL (for example): METAR CYUL 061900Z 04004KT 290V090 15SM SCT030 BKN060 16/10 A2993 RMK SC3SC4 SLP136 DENSITY ALT 300FT= [19:42:49] and what's funny, is the standard weather channel with only the looping radar/forecast is different here between verizon and comcast [19:43:18] yeah [19:43:48] These days I use emulation to scratch the retro itch...nice being in the future but sometimes it's nice to look back too, yanno? [19:43:51] in human readable format : '06 JUNE 2018 - 1900 UTC', some clouds and stuff [19:43:57] that channel gets shuffled around quite a bit when network channel designations get shuffled [19:44:46] for example, it used to be 678, but now 678 is part of the hispanic channel package when they did the realignment [19:45:07] hispanic channel package used to be in the 800's [19:46:55] ive discovered that 3.4 to 4 minutes is the ideal tea steeping time [19:47:01] 3.5-4* [19:47:19] however ive clearly not discovered the proper way to type x-x [19:47:51] so i am going to do a livestream, i think [19:51:59] 800 channels? who has TIME for that many?? [19:52:13] Action: ve2dmn has cable 20 years ago. No more. [19:52:28] some alien has built a seti like thing to record all :) [19:53:03] https://gaming.youtube.com/channel/UCZuDQkMA5GF3Jh29ElK3-uQ/live [19:53:40] Action: ve2dmn now has visions of some alien far off in 100 light-year+ waiting for the next episode of a cheezy soap to go on the air... just as the station switch to digital [19:53:55] hehe [19:59:42] ok here we go [20:14:02] yes, here i go (to bed) :) [20:14:11] nite [20:40:18] 800 channels? who has TIME for that many?? <-- now there are 8 million youtube channels? [20:54:06] time for a picture screen [20:54:16] a la back to the future [20:54:57] 210250 xenon, is that enough? [21:02:18] KSP live! https://gaming.youtube.com/channel/UCZuDQkMA5GF3Jh29ElK3-uQ/live [21:08:32] What's the density of Kerbin? [21:11:24] as dense as my head [21:36:14] darsie: denser than the densest elements iirc [21:37:02] Ok, I'll calc it ... [21:37:18] mhm [21:38:29] Density 58 484.090 kg/m3 https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/Kerbin [22:53:53] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptop' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [23:51:52] Last message repeated 1 time(s). [23:51:52] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [23:52:00] Evening, Gentlemen. [23:54:00] . [23:57:27] ..