[00:12:15] Last message repeated 1 time(s). [00:12:15] ooh, Kerbalism 3.1 - moar radiation, moar engine failures ( https://github.com/Kerbalism/Kerbalism/releases ) [01:09:42] algum br pode me ajudar ? [01:18:57] ? [01:20:35] Few of us know Portuguese. How good is your English? [02:00:49] https://twitter.com/alt_kia/status/1192257517016899586 [02:18:29] Ok, I have a weird problem. W,A,D work, but S does not. It's still mapped to pitch [02:18:40] packbart, it's very shiny in general, especially science [02:22:16] o_O [02:23:28] I'm guessing there's some bug in a mod that's capturing the keypress event? [03:04:50] UmbralRaptop: is it bad that i don't understand the twitter joke? [03:36:14] Eddi|zuHause: Yes in that it means that you've never played many bullet hell games, especially 東方 [04:06:07] Eddi|zuHause: the japanese "Astro Live Experiences" create artificial meteor showers. http://star-ale.com/en/ [04:14:45] even the artist's impression makes it look like a particle cannon ;) http://star-ale.com/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/1a6555a5f3747bc6a33bf9712f73a500.jpg [04:23:42] "just like natural shooting stars, but BETTER!" - ich glaub trotzdem immer noch, daß das keine reine Unterhaltungswaffendemo ist ;) https://twitter.com/cosmos4u/status/1192237622430781443 [04:23:52] err, oops. wrong window :) [14:13:26] Rokker https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/964242094217116154/2FB662B608D838C827F39B75C47F0A367DD5A78D/ [14:23:28] flub3: glorious [16:30:53] "Scurvy-infested Booty o' X-ray elongated emission from a ultraluminous X-ray source in th' interacting pairrr o' swashbuckling galaxies NGC 5953/5954 - Thar she blows!" - search&replace can be such fun. https://twitter.com/arrrxiv [16:46:13] o_O [16:47:41] they went full pirate [19:15:25] just how does this guy get these amazing guests? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t3rtulfdxsY [22:23:49] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptop' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [23:38:01] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptor' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net