[00:09:36] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [00:09:42] Evening, Gentlemen. [00:13:54] Evening, Supernovy [00:16:11] I was looking at the pictures from my year in the prop making school [00:16:13] good stuff [00:16:23] like the one where we hang a head from the ceiling [00:37:58] Fluburtur: based huey [00:38:39] lmao https://www.banggood.com/Henglong-3828-126-27MHZ-German-Tiger-RC-Car-Battle-Tank-Simulated-With-Sound-Light-Toys-p-1268257.html?rmmds=flashdeals&ID=41195&cur_warehouse=CN [00:40:07] Fluburtur: the huey still sees limited US military use [00:40:32] is it good choppah [01:39:58] finally [01:40:01] https://i.imgur.com/oMy3MC2.png [01:40:18] wow that's elaborate [01:40:19] that should provice sufficient coverage, I hope [01:41:37] 6 planes with 6 60deg spaced satellites at 60deg inclination, each plane 60deg from the next plane [01:41:59] + 6 at 60deg seperation at 0 inclination [01:47:09] what about planet blocking? You need some high eccentricity polar orbit long range commsats [01:48:55] oh, this is only for LKO comms [01:50:22] For long distance, I'll set up another constellation of relays in a polar orbit, with a dedicated relay in synchronous orbit over the space center [01:51:45] Just use L4/L5 for the long range comsats. [01:52:07] For the Duna comms backbone, I'll also put a backup relay in a simulated L5 point (and possibly L4) to avoid disconnects when the sun is on the other side [01:53:22] Probably 3 sats at L3+L4+L5 would handle 99.999% of situations. [01:53:51] Using RemoteTech though, so dishes have to point at one specific place [02:03:33] kerbin L4/5 or duna L4/5? [02:12:13] Well... the fact that KSP only has 1 SoI at a time; you can probably setup a constellation of sats along kerbin's orbital path. Then you just need to point your sats at the orbital plane of kerbin to get a signal. [02:18:33] KrazyKrl: Yeah, that's why "simulated" :) [02:38:32] you could use Principia and simulate it :P [04:53:28] so ehm [04:53:33] I need help with MJ [04:53:59] I'm trying to let it launch my rocket into orbit, but it's making my entire rocket overheat [04:54:02] and blow up [04:54:06] before it leaves the atmosphere [04:54:23] lol [04:54:43] cant you limit thrust / acceleration? [04:55:36] hmm let me see. [05:09:31] suppose instead of one kerbal pushing a spacecraft you designed the spacecraft with nacelles containing teams of kerbals [05:10:01] lol [05:10:02] who would take turns pushing and going inside to recharge [05:10:21] you can use only one nacelle [05:10:29] because you can take control of only one kerbal [05:10:59] there are mods for that [05:11:10] Althego: but kerbals respond to trim controls right [05:11:14] (burn together, and some follow-the-leader thing for kerbals) [05:11:16] does burn tugether work for kerbals? [05:11:33] hmm i never thought of trim [05:11:54] do they? [05:14:02] although it would be hilarious to do it with one kerbal laboriously pushing a 200 ton ship to jool [05:14:34] lol [05:14:37] slower than ion [05:19:03] Althego: it's the kerbal version of the EmDrive, no mods needed [05:40:13] Bad Idea #1 - Making a MASSIVE virtual disk drive and having it take FOREVERRRRR to complete [06:33:28] finally it is over [06:33:38] free from the election ads [07:24:45] went to subway and back..ate food. opened ksp, rocket crashed. didnt even know i had a rocket flying [07:25:51] hehe [08:29:06] free from the election ads <--- after the election is before the election [08:35:19] i recall a good caricature about elections but it would be unappropriate here [08:38:15] it might be particularly bad in germany, due to the federal system and the voting dates not being synchronized between states, there's always an election somewhere [10:46:29] https://78.media.tumblr.com/5962066ebf6c42b35977e97f170b615d/tumblr_nej7khytfR1rqqjz0o3_540.jpg [10:56:53] Hi! [10:56:58] I'm back [10:57:11] IS APlayer here? [10:57:23] I guess no [11:10:33] hehe that didnt take too long [11:11:42] when do we get the event horizon picture? [11:17:28] When will the Event Horizon arrive? [11:18:29] it stays where it is [11:18:39] the picture is scattered on hundreds of hdds [11:21:26] So, you think the Event Horizon shouldn't be rescued? [11:34:21] Am I getting old or does nobody get the reference to this 21 year old movie? :P [11:35:30] Mat2ch, i don't get the picture part. i remember the movie [11:41:27] Gasher[work]: oh, they're currently taking a picture of a black hole and are trying to capture the event horizon [11:41:35] also Event Horizon wasn't a good movie. :P [11:42:05] a movie don't have to be good to become cult [11:58:25] sometimes you think those two are mutually exclusive [12:00:01] maybe it has some roots in myths where gods had to have deficiences to be gods [12:06:06] maybe that's when they decided to replace all those gods with one universal god? (see also https://xkcd.com/927/) [12:28:54] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Deddly' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [12:30:00] CKAN throwing SSL errors again. Is it just me, or do others see it as well? [13:00:10] schnobs: Windows or Linux and since when? [13:03:26] I want to play some cities skyline [13:03:49] my big city I was playing before is really laggy and has traffic problems so time to make a enw one [13:13:21] I only have 87 hours on C:S? [13:13:26] feels like more [13:13:29] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Deddly' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [13:15:25] Mat2ch: Linux, since today(?) and I'm pretty certain it's not a true SSL problem. [13:16:33] Installing the newly-released RO 1.3.1 via CKAN, most downloads work but a select few doesn't. [13:17:07] Specifically, FAR and RealChute. [13:23:39] schnobs: check your Mono version. Some distributions still ship Mono 4, but ckan now needs Mono 5. [13:24:15] schnobs: Hah, I ran into the same problem when installing RSS/RO :) [13:33:30] Mat2ch: my brand new, latest, hot-off-the-press Debian apparently ships with mono4. Dang. [13:34:22] (Still don't get why it downloads most files but fails a few -- shouldn't all downloads from github suffer the same problem?) [13:35:59] schnobs: define 'fail' [13:36:44] Missing file? Timeout? [13:37:48] ve2dmn: ckan says "Oh no! Our download failed with a certificate error!" [13:38:40] Which I find hard to believe, as it fetched several other files from the same source (github) just moments before. [13:38:55] SSL/TLS issue then. I vaguely remember something like that a while ago [13:40:16] Which version of CKAN? [13:40:23] A few weeks ago github enfored TLS 1.2, which CKAN didn't support. That's what gave us teh most recent CKAN release. [13:40:44] yeah, that's the thing I was thinking about [13:41:32] I guess, find which file doesn't download and try to curl/wget to find the exact error message& [13:42:06] ve2dmn: curl & wget both work. [13:42:53] If i knew how CKAN arrives at the number it prepends to every file, I could just put the files inte the download folder myself. [13:42:54] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [13:43:25] schnobs: you CAN install the mod manually, but then CKAN will stop maintaining it [13:43:51] I know, that's what I'd like to avoid. [13:45:43] seem mono has it own list in '~/.config/.mono/Trust/' [13:47:00] ve2dmn: I'm pretty certain it's not actually a SSL error. Either that, or the nodes in github's CDN don't all have the same certificate. [13:48:37] schnobs: the github stuff is the problem and you can't get that to trusted with Mono 4 somehow. [13:48:40] yes, but it seems that Mono, like Firefox, has a different rootCA repository then the system [13:48:43] schnobs: I also use Debian :D [13:49:16] it's apretty day, guess I'll go for a walk and try again later. [13:49:27] If you're on Linux, try running (as user): 'mozroots --import --ask-remove' [13:49:35] Mat2ch: how did you get mono5? [13:49:37] ^ copy-pasted from a webpage [13:49:45] My solution was to use debootstrap to create a minimal debian system in a directory, then use schroot to change into that, modify the sources.list there to get Mono 5 from their repository and then start ckan from the schroot. Works for me. :D [13:50:05] So my main system doesn't use Mono 5 and is still pure Debian. :) [13:50:29] Mat2ch: *sigh* All these containers tech are giving me a headache [13:50:40] ve2dmn: schroot is just a managed chroot [13:50:51] Mat2ch: sounds like a mouthful, but I might actually try that. [13:50:58] And you can't argue with that chroot has been there for a looooong time. :D [13:51:08] chroot is older then old [13:51:13] schnobs: https://wiki.debian.org/Schroot [13:51:51] After you switch into it, it's just like a regular Debian system. And you can access your files in the home directory. But the base system is different. [13:52:02] ve2dmn: see. No headache. :D [13:52:40] It's mostly that every time I look around, it seems a new thing pop-up [13:53:16] When it's not a virtualEnv it's a docker or VM containement [13:53:44] "It's easy, you just need to 'container-this install image' " [13:53:56] Which is great.... until it break [13:55:54] schroot is a Debian thing to build packages within a clean system [13:56:10] so you basically do a deboostrap, schroot in it and try to build your package [13:56:30] then you'll see if you're missing dependencies and stuff. [13:56:39] Example: never run docker with dnsmasq [13:56:46] Never run docker. [13:56:53] Use LXC. :D [13:56:57] As if I had a choice [13:57:05] lxc! [13:57:12] You alawys have a choice. :P [13:57:53] yes, using all tech is the choice with the less headaches so far [13:59:01] Action: ve2dmn is happy we don't live in the old unix days of mostly incompatible OSes [13:59:07] No, you could just move to a cabin in canada! [13:59:46] How would driving north 2h solve anything? [14:02:52] If you still have an internet connection there you havn't driving far enough! [14:04:43] If you want to be isolated from the world at large, I could show you my basement... [14:05:08] Mat2ch: I can drive very far and still have internet (but no cell phone service) [14:06:33] I think I could drive 15h north and still have acess to the internet [14:06:55] ...but then I would be out of road [14:07:59] I got the new props I ordered but the hole is too small [14:08:03] will have to drill that [14:13:10] ^ I'm sure there are several joke in there that would be against the rule to mention [14:16:03] ... and yet you do [14:16:16] :( [14:16:55] On another subject... would anyone be interested if I could set up a LMP server? [14:17:02] LMP? [14:17:11] yeah [14:17:20] the new ksp multiplayer mod [14:17:23] Luna Multiplayer for KSP. It's like a replacement for DMP [14:17:27] crashes my game after two minutes but eh [14:17:41] Oohh, I would love to try out multiplayer in KSP one day [14:17:42] are you on their discord server? [14:17:49] Not sure how it works, though [14:17:54] I've not tried it, I'm just looking to see is there's an interest [14:17:59] Also, I need to move my stuff to 1.4 [14:18:03] Deddly: how does it works? [14:18:04] Fluburtur, I'm on it right now [14:18:50] ve2dmn, I'm not sure I understand what you are asking [14:19:28] How do time acceralation and revert works? [14:19:35] time bubbles [14:19:43] And can 2 people control the same craft? [14:19:50] nah [14:20:01] ve2dmn: how?! [14:20:08] ve2dmn: iridium? :P [14:20:10] One thing I still want to try out is a mission control sort of thing [14:20:20] I.e. one has the controls, the other one has the readouts [14:21:03] I did some dogfight with dmp and bda some time ago [14:21:05] was very fun [14:22:02] LMP supports time bubbles and timewarp together [14:22:18] Fluburtur: ugh, drilling holes in props. It's hard to get the bigger hole centered right :| [14:22:22] APlayer, Telemachus supports that, I believe [14:22:35] so... only 1 person on the launch pad at any time? [14:22:40] I have props with 3mm holes [14:22:46] and I want them to be 5mm [14:23:01] I can use the press drill for that [14:24:01] ve2dmn, I think it depends what mode you are playing in [14:24:51] I'm trying to understand how multiplayer would work... and mostly, what happens in the edge cases [14:25:00] players are in a "safety bubble" at launch [14:25:06] like... if you play career do you get the same $ pool ? [14:25:07] get the mod and try [14:25:59] Is the forum still updating? [14:29:33] man my big city in C:S lags my whole computer [14:29:41] probably because the traffic is horrible [14:31:06] Simcity and C:S are first and foremost traffic simulators [14:32:17] ve2dmn: you still haven't explained how you get an internet connection in the middle of nowhere ;) [14:32:26] putting bus lines are boring [14:32:30] trains are best [14:32:37] try trams? [14:32:37] but my train traffic is horrible too [14:32:43] I don't have that dlc [14:32:54] then it's down to city planning [14:33:00] also: prices for graphic adapters are dropping and dropping \o/ [14:33:07] I don't really plan [14:33:15] I expand then im like "uh" [14:33:26] Mat2ch: it's possible to get Internet in https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Radisson,_Quebec [14:35:06] ve2dmn: not remote enough. :D [14:35:17] but if you head east on the https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trans-Taiga_Road you lose everything pretty fast [14:35:19] go somewhere, where in a 100 km radius is no settlement :P [14:35:39] Mat2ch: i'll need a plane for that [14:35:58] or just a parachute! [14:36:52] but that sounds like a plan. Living the life in the forrest and the only thing you have to worry about are bears and mosquitos. :P [14:37:31] At that point, you are pretty much near the tree line... you'll have to worry about more then just wildlife [14:37:36] Now, where do I get a parachute? [14:38:07] Why? Enough trees to burn in winter, but you should bring enough food. :D [14:38:34] I guess 'define winter' would be a better question [14:39:54] don't destroy my dreams! [14:40:50] You could also go 1.5h north of Montreal and simply not get cable or DSL [14:42:16] Otherwise, I suggest the hunting/fishing cabins that are only accessible by planes [14:50:16] sounds like a plan. Where do I have to sign? [14:57:16] Are you a citizen? [15:00:42] No. But I have a very nice signature! [15:01:56] ve2dmn, LMP career games apparently chare a common pot of funds [15:02:01] share* [15:03:05] well, since funds are usually not the problem, I guess they gather plenty of science points very quickly [15:04:40] ;tell scolar_visari I appreciate your desire to protect us from hostile aliens, but is it necessary to repeatedly sterilize Prox Cen b to surgical standards? https://arxiv.org/abs/1804.02001 [15:04:40] UmbralRaptop: I'll let scolar_visari know when I see them [15:06:33] Mat2ch: then I suggest http://www.pourvoirierelaisgabriel.com/ since there is a road that gets there [15:07:52] Although, to get there, be sure to fill your car/truck tank before heading on the road to Fermont/Labrador-city [15:08:17] There are only a few gas stations and there are seperated by about 90-100 km (on average) [15:08:43] I'll bring an extra jerrycan. Maybe two [15:08:53] (I know because I visited the Manic-5 hydro-electric complex) [15:10:05] well, one problem: I don't speak French... [15:16:01] then, bring a friend who do :P [15:47:49] so this plane can flywithout the tail https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/378456662392045573/432929594161627157/20180409173601_1.jpg [15:49:32] Well, a lot of craft can in KSP [15:49:38] That sideslip tho [15:50:08] yeah but for some reason it didn't go into a flat spin [15:50:23] reaction wheels? [15:50:34] I don't think that would be enough [15:50:57] disable 'em & then try it :p [15:52:00] I had planes with ejectable wings [15:52:06] no time for a plane with ejectable tail [15:52:14] now* [15:55:33] with enough power, you can fly with just the engine [15:58:29] yeah it is stable with no tail and no reaction wheels [15:58:39] and can recover from severe sideslip easily [15:58:58] what is the point of trying to make tailless flying wing if I can just break off the tail of a regular plane [15:59:13] if you cut out the power... what happens? [15:59:53] still stable [16:00:43] actually under 70m/s it starts going into a spin then the motors can't restart [16:02:50] it does have a lot of yaw wag [16:06:43] might be because of the body lift [16:10:18] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/236560222133551104/432935276638109696/20180409180839_1.jpg [16:13:00] you need stabilization rockets on it. [16:16:11] the aircraft is balanced without the tail [16:16:22] and I can make it go into a spin if I turn it the correct way [16:19:01] can you do looping? [16:19:11] yeah [16:19:29] pitch authority is bad because extremely short coupled but better than some of my designs [16:27:08] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/236560222133551104/432939511199301633/20180409182642_1.jpg [17:19:17] Woooo tested my setup I want for my netbook on a virtual machine...ended up being PERFECT for that thing. 8GB SSD card, with Xubuntu installed. 3.3GB left over. [17:20:05] Xubuntu is pretty good for keeping a small footprint [17:20:38] Of course, you could go for something completely different ;) [17:21:41] I like Lubuntu, too [17:23:22] http://aros.sourceforge.net/ [17:32:49] i3! [17:37:07] Deddly: https://www.haiku-os.org/ [17:37:34] Oh BeOS, now there's a blast from the past [17:40:09] nextstep, there's a blast from further past [17:40:11] it's gonna change everything Deddly :) [17:40:13] There's also SyllableOS, ReactOS, MorphOS... [17:42:21] Will they have a PalmOS? [17:42:41] They do. [17:42:56] Usually used in those old Palm Pilots [17:42:57] ...MenuetOS, Menuet64, KolibriOS... [17:43:17] I think we broke ve2 lol [17:45:43] Software failiure. Guru Meditatio 0x00000042 [17:46:10] Best error message ever [17:46:45] I like you dude...even though you crashed....but how do we reboot you without getting too personal? [17:46:57] https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/db/Guru_meditation.gif [17:48:48] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lp0_on_fire [17:49:27] Keyboard error. Press F1 to continue. [17:50:40] "While modern inkjet and laser printers are nowhere near as spontaneously flammable as their mainframe ancestors" [17:50:45] why is that [17:50:55] that's clearly a design flaw [17:51:25] They stopped using Kerbal labour in the factories [17:51:42] should definitely be a thing for 3d printers [17:53:03] well 3d printers sometimes catch fire [17:53:21] Oh wow, someone actually made 3D-printed rocket fuel [17:53:38] PLA plastique is a bit flamable [17:53:41] sounds perfectly safe [17:53:45] but not enough [17:54:17] I guess you can extrude rocket candy or the like? [17:54:29] hmm [17:54:32] too hard [17:54:35] a rocket sausage machine [17:54:46] probably some rubbery fuel [17:54:57] Slower than casting, but should allow for more control in shape/burn profile? [17:55:26] but 3d printing isn't only fusion deposition [17:55:28] can you make the rocket out of fuel itself? [17:55:32] could be laser melting dust [17:55:48] like how they make 3d printed metal parts [17:55:54] that would be an interesting aerodynamic problem [17:56:08] "stabilise a self-consuming rocket" [17:56:50] sounds like a job for Cave Johnson. [17:57:05] the more simple rocket candy rockets are actually made like that [17:57:09] no casing [17:57:12] "we fire the whole rocket! That's right, our rockets are 100% made of fuel!" [17:57:25] I thought about that a while ago. Use nitrogen oxide and a PVC pipe = the rocket is the fuel. But yeah... I can't imagine a way to make that useful since it's all about the nozzle [17:57:29] wouldn't that give infinite dv? [17:57:33] since the empty mass is zero [17:57:53] Only with infinite fuel [17:57:59] yes, but the empty thrust is also zero :P [17:58:11] Fluburtur: you can push NULL to infinity, yes [18:00:01] NOTHING goes SOMEWHERE, quickly. [18:00:48] schnobs: mathematically, it's already there! [18:01:54] ve2dmn: you can't get from A to B any faster than c, so it might still take a while. [18:02:23] virtual points have no speed limit [18:02:27] ^ [18:04:38] you can move a dot from a laser pointer faster then the speed of light, but the light itself never moved faster than c [18:11:17] ...ok... [18:15:23] think about it [18:22:21] I have difficulty seeing how the dot would not move faster than c, because the light still needs to get there from the laser aperture. [18:23:23] Deddly: see it this way, I can cover 180 degrees of the sky under 1 sec with a laser pointer... [18:24:03] ve2dmn, yes, but the actual dot cannot get there, can it? [18:24:24] it does... just very, very, very, very faint [18:24:29] The beam as visible to you, sure [18:25:16] Let's say you have an unrealistic laser with no beam divergence [18:25:44] And you have two observers on two extremes of the visible moon [18:26:35] (or jupiter, since it's 140000 km across... almost half a second-light [18:26:38] ) [18:26:44] If you quickly flick the beam across the moon, will the second observer really see the dot quicker than the speed of c from the first observation point? [18:27:19] It takes time for the dot to get there, right? [18:27:32] the light is moving at c [18:27:33] at the speed of c from your laser [18:28:13] but I can illuminate 1 pole of a planet and move to the under pole under 100ms [18:28:24] for me it's just a few degrees [18:28:41] But the actual dot has to get there from the laser [18:28:45] at the speed of c [18:28:51] it's like shaking a water hose.. [18:29:13] the light will continue in a straigh line [18:29:54] Shake a water hose and you'll see a visible bend in the "beam". Will not the same thing happen with your laser beam? [18:32:44] probably... [18:33:08] but in the case of the hose, the place where the water 'hits' the ground would be your 'dot' [18:33:13] That being the case, the end of the beam lags behind where you are pointing it [18:33:30] yup, because c [18:34:08] Point the hose to one side of the garden, flick the hose to the other side of the garden - the "dot" must wait until the water gets there [18:34:19] exactly [18:35:07] Point the laser to one side of Jupiter, flick the laser to the other side of Jupiter - the "dot" must wait until the light gets there [18:36:02] if I rotate 180 degrees under 1 sec, how fast would the 'image' of laser (that dot) move on the surface of jupiter? [18:36:38] The dot, or image, is simple a reflection. It, itself, does not 'move' because it is not a thing by itself [18:36:40] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lighthouse_paradox [18:37:10] also see superluminal scissors but that one is just bad recognition of assumptions (infinite rigidity) [18:37:20] ve2dmn, it suddenly clicked for me [18:37:36] tl;dr the dot/shadow/whatever can move at faster than c, but the information doesn't so causality isn't violated [18:37:41] Also, thanks for the link, SnoopJeDi [18:37:42] ^ [18:38:09] So yeah, virtual things can move faster then c :D [18:38:49] it's sorta equivalent to the group/phase velocity thing that always confuses lousy popsci journos every couple of months [18:38:50] Just like the "dot" on the hose can move faster than the speed of the water flowing. [18:39:08] the "bend" is irrelevant [18:39:15] I got it. Thanks for your patience :) [18:40:43] nah, it's fine. Those things are hard to understand [18:44:01] Deddly: it's like an xkcd What-if [18:44:55] and btw, someone did the full math for the nerd snipping xkcd [18:46:31] I think the final answer was something like 1/2R [18:49:16] all we need now is for some pretentious jerk to come along and point out that of course that's the obvious answer [18:49:47] Well, duh [18:51:37] I put some lines in my vimrc that mark the words "clearly" and "obviously" in bright red, so that I never use them in prose. [18:52:42] :) [18:53:26] if you want idiots, look at the comments https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rX4xv5-NvE [18:53:26] YouTube - Jet Engine made on a 3D Printer [18:53:55] I'm on the internet, I spend my time avoiding them ;) [18:55:23] now that I have a 3d printer I could try building an EDF unit [18:55:28] that can only go wrong [18:58:24] "Never read the comments" [18:58:31] I learned that lesson the hard way [19:06:35] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+v erio' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [19:11:03] ve2dmn, see that's why the comments are a cesspool, because the people who are capable of learning avoid them like the plague after a short time. [19:12:25] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VyugfHPOFBE [19:12:25] YouTube - Don't Feed the Trolls [19:13:07] "This cideo is not available" lol. Very apt [19:13:12] video* [19:37:11] now that I have a 3d printer I could try building an EDF unit - Earth Defense Force unit? Technology is increasing and if you do that you'll be ahead of everyone else for when computers take over. [19:37:50] well I was thinking more like the EDF units we use in rc stuff vut I guess I could do that too [19:42:20] I, for one, welcome our new computer overlords [19:43:07] Deddly: The dot would experience a delay in moving from one pole to the other, but the time it spends between beginning and finishing the movement will be equivalent to the time it take you to rotate the laser [19:43:55] Yes, thank you APlayer, I got it now ;) [19:44:29] Action: ve2dmn get a flashback from the end of Portal2 [19:44:47] I should have read the whole conversation before writing that, heh [19:45:05] XPR, I'd say [19:48:30] It /is/ flat after all! https://i.imgur.com/vMDcEnX.png [19:48:44] (and not the space core quote thing either) [19:49:33] I found my copy of Freelancer last night...funny thing is I looked ALL OVER for it. Ended up being in the CD drive of my old computer. [19:50:36] Hehe [19:50:57] That's not extreme, though [19:51:36] Imagine looking for your slippers... and finding them... in the fridge. Yes. [19:52:05] Actual story that happened to a family member a few years ago. [19:52:08] I once found my nintendo DS in the freezer [19:52:15] Draconiator: that was a good game... any modern equivalent? [19:52:22] it had been in there for probably years [19:52:40] oren: Has the lead soldering crumbled? [19:53:15] APlayer: it doesn't work, not sure what precisely is wrong with it, I had switched to 3ds [19:53:38] hence why I didn't look for it for so long [19:53:54] oren: did you find a game in it? [19:54:05] Perhaps is was not broken because it was in the freezer, but it was in the freezer because it was broken? [19:54:13] APlayer: good point [19:54:33] APlayer: my dad used to put watches in the freezer [19:54:37] ve2dmn: no, I generally don't keep games in systems when Im not using them [19:55:37] The alarm would go off at 4 in the morning and rather then try to find how to turn it off, he would put it in the freezer [19:57:10] Hmmm. I wonder if I should set up a proxy to intercept connections to github and downgrade them to a protocol CKAN understands. [19:57:34] Or just install FAR manually... [20:01:10] NUDE PHOTO HERE: https://urly.fi/W4j [20:01:20] Last message repeated 2 time(s). [20:01:20] !op [20:01:26] APlayer? [20:01:26] APlayer your time to shine [20:01:28] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+b *!*@95.153.134.*' by APlayer!~APlayer@p200300C22BC4FD00804C785224A6201F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de [20:01:44] I hope this was the right command? [20:01:52] blinky kicked from #kspofficial by APlayer: blinky [20:02:45] Deddly, UmbralRaptor ^ please correct the ban if I banned too little or too much [20:03:03] Ugh [20:03:40] APlayer: you just blocked the whole town of Krasnodar, Russia [20:03:45] (kidding) [20:03:54] I was about to start howling [20:04:31] Probably a bit much for a longterm ban. [20:04:56] how long was it since the last allah is doing? [20:04:59] https://i.gyazo.com/3f33a88e055cb0fcc5356940bcd6e5b8.jpg - my Eve flyer, I may change it a bit though...does the thickness of Eves atmosphere mean I can use shorter wings for one? [20:05:07] UmbralRaptop: well... 3 violations in under 2 sec [20:05:31] Fluburtur: Ban! [20:06:05] Draconiator: possible problem I see is that it might only work at noon. [20:06:14] UmbralRaptop: I'd appreciate if you could correct it, because I have no idea how to use this properly [20:06:23] (dunno how much power you generate & need) [20:06:55] ve2dmn: I mean, I think banning a /24 is a lot? [20:07:15] Draconiator: also, solar panels become less efficient when hot. So you might have less juice than you think, even on sunny Eve. [20:07:29] 255 adresses? maybe a bit, yes [20:07:46] Action: UmbralRaptop had to double check how CIDR worked. >_>;; [20:09:09] UmbralRaptop: try ipcalc [20:09:30] Hrm, lots of channels. Poke Hikaru, mr_flea, or the like about a network ban? [20:15:06] #KSPOfficial: mode change '-b *!*@95.153.134.*' by APlayer!~APlayer@p200300C22BC4FD00804C785224A6201F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de [20:15:09] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+b *!*@' by APlayer!~APlayer@p200300C22BC4FD00804C785224A6201F.dip0.t-ipconnect.de [20:15:31] Alright [20:17:47] UmbralRaptop: looks like mbaxter already got him... he's very sneaky [20:17:50] thanks for the heads-up [20:18:52] yay [20:25:21] UmbralRaptop: if you are on linux try 'ipcalc' [20:25:28] it has pretty colours [20:29:19] TIL ipcalc [20:30:36] SnoopJeDi: http://www.commandlinefu.com/commands/browse/sort-by-votes [20:44:32] Hey it's Raptop [20:45:49] Hi, I need help with KSP after the original load up it crashes and I dont know why? I have no mods and have reinstalled multiple times. Can you help me? [20:46:18] Greetings, sword. [20:46:33] I bow before thy knowledge. [20:46:36] montezuma: maybe. Uh, steam or store? [20:46:45] steam [20:47:33] Okay, steam's not always good about uninstalling things, did you delete everything in that folder? [20:48:36] no i uninstalled through steam, ill try it manually. [20:49:52] Action: UmbralRaptop hopes that it's something silly steam did with the 1.4.x releases, because next would probably involve poking at drivers. >_>;; [20:56:31] ta ve2dmn [20:57:19] ITS ALIVE!!!! Thank you for all your help! [20:58:47] \o/ [21:03:59] https://i.gyazo.com/c69fee8d8fbde249747a55c06afd7541.png [21:12:19] hmm, become quite adept at the sudo command in Linux. [21:13:11] don't like it too much. Either be root, or don't. [21:16:45] ve2dmn, Mat2ch: regarding my CKAN issue from earlier today... [21:18:14] Issue itself is still unresolved, but today I learned that ckan can digest & install zipfiles it didn't download itself. [21:19:00] File -> Import downloaded mods... [22:00:26] https://78.media.tumblr.com/81a5b97e3a95fca82d5d08fa6287b715/tumblr_ofqdq5COeG1v68e5do1_540.png [22:02:10] schnobs: that sounds like an ugly hack. ;) [22:02:15] Well, not really :) [22:06:07] idk what to do [22:06:11] let's watch cartoons then [22:09:13] getting all sorts of confusing results for low thrust boosts from LEO to Molniya [22:09:23] apparently at low thrusts its higher delta-V than GEO? o.O [22:17:27] Fluburtur: get some sleep? [22:17:43] cartoons first [22:18:54] Priorities are important. :D [22:32:34] thinking of how I can make a solar Eve flyer....scrapped 2 designs so far. [22:36:24] I could send you one of my planes [22:36:28] then you can modify it [22:51:42] https://i.gyazo.com/aa8808109f252bba7911a971fa2fa04d.png - 3rd design MAY work. [22:52:23] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/236560222133551104/432939511199301633/20180409182642_1.jpg [23:05:55] Well this is a suprise....the dang thing flies on Duna. needs quite a bit of ground to take off though.... [23:46:59] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [23:47:14] Evening, Gentlemen. [23:55:12] Supernovy: morning, gentlewomen