[00:08:11] ponder.... [00:08:25] anyone done a challenge: how big a ship can you dock without rcs.. period? [00:09:54] depends how much thrust vectoring you have [00:10:03] also depends on center of mass [00:11:02] yep, it's literally a matter of how much time warp you want to use. [00:11:20] you can always go at like 0.5m/sec and timewarp [00:11:28] using warp to kill rotation? well.... [00:13:02] Also, do action groups plus lots of engines for faking RCS count? [00:13:23] at that point you have just reimplimented RCS [00:13:36] just I launched an empty station. Just happened to end up in orbit a little ahead of a booster/relay part from a previous mission. No RCS though, but managed to dock it to one of the station's little pots [00:13:40] *ports [00:13:56] Yes, but it technically doesn't use RCS engines or propellant [00:14:12] it's still an RCS system for translation control. [00:14:58] small crafts can dock with no RCS (or translation engines) [00:15:14] anything can dock with no RCS [00:15:32] true but sometimes it comes down to skill... a bit of luck [00:15:53] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [00:16:11] craft can drift a tiny bit depending on where you are in relation because of changes in speeds/vectors between [00:26:35] yeesh... [00:26:51] place station in orbit around the sun... 6000fuel.. 7500electric charge.. [00:27:09] wants support for 9 kerbals huh? [00:33:44] JVFoxy: If you think it's not worth it, wait for a better contract. [00:34:07] its a bit... much. [00:34:23] nobody will have a grudge on you for it :). [00:34:53] only have the z-200 batteries.. I'd have to take 40-50 of them up [00:34:53] But if you like the challenge, go for it. [00:35:51] They are quite flexible if you stack that many. [00:36:02] I would have to haul a lot of stuff up in several launches, dock them in orbit. find a way to push it out of kerbin system [00:36:27] Definitely an option. [00:36:41] not too sure on fuel requirement.. or that much charge. guess game scales up requirements further from home you go? [00:40:32] I think reputation (?) influences the difficulty of contracts most and targets will be mostly what you already visited. [00:41:58] heh.. well suppose they could tone down the required amount of resources... I guess 'fuel depot' is one thing but... that much charge? [00:47:34] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptor' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [00:51:19] i had a contract for 6000LF in orbit of the mun [00:51:25] that took me foreer [00:51:29] forever [00:52:11] how was the returns? [00:52:17] worth it or? [00:53:18] I'm pretty sure there are faster ways to make money/science. [00:53:35] Mass-wise, that's less than an orange tank (though in reality you'd need 2 or 3?) [00:54:24] Shall I tell you the best money/science makers? [00:54:45] Ah, they have 2880 fuel, so oxidizer drained ones would be silly. [00:55:00] darsie: I assume science sats still? [00:55:00] odd it just asks for fuel.. not both fuel and oxy [00:55:19] guessing they preparing for nuke powered engines to be puttering around the place? [00:55:52] and if its just fuel... stupid you can't just drain oxy and replace with more fuel [00:56:20] there's a mod for that [00:56:57] Best money/science makers (decode with ROT13): orfg zbarl: svaq uvtuyl vapyvarq nfgrebvqf guerngravat Xreova jvgu na VE pnzren. Orfg fpvrapr: cebprff fpvrapr ba Zvazhf jvgu n fpvrapr yno. Lbh znl bayl arrq gb ivfvg 4 ovbzrf gb svavfu gur grpu gererr. [00:57:15] I know there are mods... [00:57:27] considering making a list for when I drop into the latest.. [00:57:54] https://www.rot13.com/ [00:58:38] you should encode with rot13 twice for extra security [00:58:47] :) [01:00:05] obfuscation <> security [01:00:20] gn [01:01:00] I had a basic program, could use a key word to scramble stuff.... use same key word and teh garbage it spat out, which decoded it back to original text [01:41:02] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o purpletarget|ktns' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [01:46:39] uff... so building this little one person crew lift craft. I've already put a parachute on it. AFK to get coffee, end up gone longer thane expected. Come back, try to remember what I was doing. Looking at the craft, see no chute. Go to make a quip about it on here, only to remember i buried the chute under the docking port jr. [01:48:36] pilots have check lists.. people would say: pilot is lying if they say they are good at flying. Else they wouldn't be using check lists. Trouble is.. they miss the point. Checklist isn't saying they are bad, its there as a measure so that nothing gets missed, what with so much going on. [01:51:09] who ever said that? [01:51:36] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+v eriophora' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [01:53:58] get all kinds of things from people...some tend to think they know better than the people who do the actual work. [01:56:01] these days, I'm hoping the perceptions people have of what it takes to fly safely, aviation in general, has gotten a little better than in the past... [01:58:10] Eddi|zuHause lets just say... I've come across a few things in the past. Is just one perception about checklists. [02:24:44] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [05:24:11] Last message repeated 3 time(s). [05:24:11] grumble... [05:24:38] go to meet up with orbital station, instead ended up flying to an orbiting bit of space junk [05:25:03] bright side... at least LF boosters did pretty descent job [05:28:47] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [05:55:44] .... there a bug when it comes to building stations in kerbin orbit? [05:56:08] what kind [05:56:12] contract isn't completing... I launched a station, then set a pilot up in a seperate ship. contract taken before station was built. [05:56:38] wants kerbin orbit, one pilot, 5 kerbals, stablity for 10 seconds [05:56:40] somehthing is missing? arent those checkmarks showing what is there? [05:56:50] all check marks.. contract wont' complete [05:56:55] lol [05:57:09] then you can just force it complete from the debug menu [05:59:55] also wants docking port, antenna, power generation... those I got too. [06:00:17] wondering if docking a section ship messes with things... didn't have a crew already on when it was launched. [06:05:25] https://www.cnet.com/news/nasa-is-showering-one-city-with-sonic-booms-and-hoping-no-one-notices/ [06:15:26] Althego (back from afk) found the issue... sigh. just stupid. [06:16:02] I docked that booster/relay thing earlier.. it was built and launched previously. I figured I'd store it on the station. Turns out it was preventing the contract complete from finishing. [06:16:23] soon as I disconnected it... contract completed. :\ [06:18:29] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [06:18:51] this is still a bug [06:19:03] but probably a rare edge case [06:19:48] nothing says you cant connect things to a station that are older [06:21:11] contract wants something new built after it was taken. I'm guessing if you connect something prior, it won't complete because it thinks you trying to use older parts. It doesn't know any better [06:21:39] yes but part of it is newer [06:21:46] basically, game checks date parts were 'built'.. if anything before contract was taken, it considers everything invalid [06:21:53] it just depends on what you think of as a root and a leaf [06:22:25] they probably figured, oh.. they'll just launch a whole station with pilot and everything in one go.. [06:22:51] not: launch probe controlled station in to orbit. docking an older craft, then sending up a pilot... I kinda went the long way around [06:24:59] it just... when I launched the station on its own.. I just happened to place it in orbit right next to a booster/relay part, which had already been sitting in orbit for a while before the station contract was taken. I wanted to dock it together in in case I came up with a use for it. [06:26:22] I guess I could have waited till I did teh contract, but would have meant waiting a dozen or so orbits before they got close together again (booster 72km orbit, station in 85km orbit) [06:48:51] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [07:03:26] yes but part of it is newer <-- as far as i know, game checks whether *all* parts are newer than the contract, not just "root" or whatever [07:12:19] I reverted... at least I'll know for later.. its just matter of dropping the booster off, then reconnecting it after it drifts out far enough [08:36:06] TheKosmonaut, softbank just sent a freaking scammer to my house [08:48:22] ..... scammers going door-to-door now? [08:49:37] kill them and then hang them by the door to scare away future ones [08:51:05] Gasher[work] not worth the paperwork [08:51:41] besides.. might scare off friends as well [08:51:43] no one will miss those [08:51:59] your own friends? [08:52:12] i mean scammers [08:52:32] took me too long to type [08:53:47] I was thinking more along the lines it would scare everyone else, and cause police to hunt you down [08:54:13] scammers from a major company [08:55:19] he ended up saying "this is not a contract" while asking for my bank account [08:55:22] ... major scamming company? [08:55:39] JVFoxy, well the H in ISP stands for honesty [08:56:00] GlassYuri eh.. you kinda lost me on that one [08:56:31] softbank is known to be a scummy internet service provider but this was 100% into scam territory [08:58:23] this the same Softbank in Japan or? [08:58:27] yeah [08:58:37] Quick search says its just a holding company [08:59:07] all megacorporations are just a holding company at the top [08:59:30] what they actually do under the softbank brand is internet disservice [08:59:39] oh frig's sake... -reads further [09:00:16] but when you f-ing tell me in my face that I'm not signing a contract while you're trying to get me into an agreement with you [09:00:32] you are 100% violating the law [09:00:43] ah tele-com... [09:00:58] eh... I wouldn't give banking info anyways [09:01:07] least not to someone coming to the door [09:03:26] I'm having some doubt if it was legitimate or someone pretending to be softbank [09:04:01] best to just refuse. Talk to the company directly [09:04:20] can never be sure.. people lately been pulling out pretty good fake id's [09:09:20] any case.. lates [10:39:42] GlassYuri: yeah i would NOT sign anything for guy coming to door [10:39:50] unless its for package arrival whatever [10:40:33] what I would do is read it really slowly [10:40:54] he didn't even give me anything to read [10:41:05] the whole thing was super suspicious from the start [10:41:06] so its sign for what? [10:41:28] at first he pretended to be just informing people of some construction work [10:41:48] and he was very clearly trying to mislead me [10:42:38] and needing bank account #? [10:42:41] wow very strange [10:43:01] he was trying to get me to switch providers [10:43:43] of isp or? [10:43:48] yeah [10:44:02] new consection might be isp making new hardline [10:44:25] still sounds strange tho [10:44:29] but he was trying to make it seem like they had to exchange my fiber to ethernet converter thing [10:45:12] weird [10:46:16] he was not even from my ISP but when I told him that he said something to make it seem like they had to change it for everyone so I assumed they were sharing infrastructure between ISPs [10:46:48] yeah too much fast talking [10:46:48] he was super evasive and actually got mad when I saw through it [10:47:19] maybe he was trying to get more customers by dodgy means [10:47:40] probably had a boss holding someone hostage until he reaches a sales goal [10:48:37] I once had someone outright tell me about his performance goals when I didn't want to buy anything [10:49:28] anyway when I saw through it this guy actually insulted my language ability for not """understanding""" him [10:49:43] at that point I broke out laughing and literally called him a scammer [10:49:44] lol [10:50:52] my 3d printer seems to have issues with the first layer [10:51:22] I think the middle of the bed is lower than the corners so I can't level it properly [10:52:58] thats always fun [10:53:21] you might be able to add center bolt so you can just push it up a little? [11:03:35] GlassYuri: I had NHK come to my door the other day [11:04:30] TheKosmonaut, they go away when you tell them you have no tv tho [11:04:48] I told him and he said are you sure? [11:04:56] ahahahahaha [11:04:58] And grilled me for like 4 minutes. [11:05:18] I told him my religion forbids it. And I believe tv to be an evil tool. [11:05:22] I havent owned a tv since 90s [11:05:34] And if hed like I could send him some literature, conveniently I have his business card. [11:05:38] not because of religion just dont need one [11:05:40] He left quick after that [11:05:42] half of me wants to reply "I watch everything on bilibili", the other half wants to avoid trouble [11:06:27] "ehh my tv is all smeared and it's in my bedroom, wanna see it?" [11:07:11] did you know that you can watch most anime legally for free with no ads if you are willing to use a VPN to tunnel INTO china [11:07:45] because bilibili licenses anime at a loss just to get people on their service who then spend money on mobile games [11:09:17] mobile games are so profitable you can sell them to customers who don't want to pay for their entertainment it seems [11:09:39] Rolf, that would mean you have a tv, which requires you to pay [11:09:44] GlassYuri: honestly SoftBank is cancer [11:09:57] I switched to AU which isnt much better, and my home internet is Sony [11:10:02] here you need to pay if you have a computer as the national TV is on the net [11:10:18] Claim to be Amish [11:10:21] GlassYuri: lol forgot about your weird tv license thing [11:10:42] but whenever Radiotjanst (the money collector company) comes, they as about a TV only [11:10:52] TheKosmonaut, docomo for both smartphone and home internet [11:13:45] TheKosmonaut, also the cops showed up two days ago to ask if my information is still current [11:13:52] somehow policewomen love me [11:14:35] I had one call me onii-san all the time when I reported losing something [11:16:33] They showed at your house? [11:16:37] Thats pretty crap [11:16:45] Ive never had them approach my house [11:17:28] I think it took like over a year for them to first show up, and I had gone to a koban in the area over something already [11:18:17] I also called 110 once from my home but I think that was after they came by themselves [11:51:01] https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/nov/09/worlds-first-ai-news-anchor-unveiled-in-china [14:21:59] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+v erio' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [15:26:18] tadün [15:27:18] . [15:27:44] tatü tata? [15:27:58] coming back to dialing 110? [15:29:10] https://youtu.be/IN05XJe7QeY?t=33 [15:29:12] this [15:29:38] at least i dont go to work tomorrow [15:29:46] saturday workdays are useless [16:03:30] so i restarted firefox and that freed like 4GB of memory [16:04:09] swap? [16:04:46] what does that have to do with anything? [16:05:49] freeing unused swap may not have much effect. [16:06:20] But I'm restarting FF, too, sometimes. When it gets slow. [16:12:11] https://youtu.be/3nVsjiBqGz0 [16:12:40] hehe [16:12:51] i've heard worse [16:13:00] yes only the last note was annoying [16:13:10] I guess it isn't too bad for two days of trumpeting [16:24:55] only a few days away from https://youtu.be/VThnyh3s8jE?t=32 [16:25:50] around 1.5 days away from it's business time. at least now they should really do it after many months of delays [16:27:50] (i think they shortened it a bit in that video) [16:31:34] here's a more complete version https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xZMFSlewmoE [16:33:52] I like how I know how to read music notes like one month every two years [16:59:39] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9vYdfsy4l5Y [17:11:10] woop woop, my duna outpost works! [17:12:06] but the mars rover doesnt [17:25:37] my rover does tho! and its a workhorse, it managed to drag the greenhouse to the mining equipment lol [17:39:17] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/231106102693986314/510507787097473080/45619126_1204038826401114_7940019294660722688_n.png [17:40:25] hehe [17:40:29] i like the 0-60 yes [17:40:36] lol.. ya was going to say same thing [17:40:46] only doesn't say.. 'yes....eventually'. [17:41:02] it can go any of those speeds! [17:41:19] ah but... [17:41:19] 60kph maybe [17:41:24] ugh beat me to it [17:41:27] speed depends on your reference coordinate system [17:41:38] think 60mph would... that tire going to stay on much longer? [17:41:43] so i would argue with the right choice of the reference any car can be fast :) [17:42:12] eh.. what was the other car.. two cycle-two cylinder? [17:43:01] trabant? [17:43:09] that is german [17:43:10] yes [17:43:12] I know [17:43:20] couldn't htink of name.. only on second coffee >_< [17:43:25] ah the smell of that [17:43:28] exhaust [17:43:34] same for the old wartburg :) [17:43:46] and that typical sound they made [17:44:07] smell huh? A shame they didn't do a diesel version. Run it on fry oil. :) [17:44:35] I have a friend that wants to buy a t34 [17:44:36] a little two cylinder diesel woulda been cute. [17:44:47] more economical to run than a car currently [17:45:31] meh.. tanks. they do tear up roads sometimes [17:45:56] yeah, that's the issue with tanks... road damage [17:46:19] and they consume a huge amount of fuel [17:46:20] remember someone would give a whole ton of grief over the striker tanks.. 8x8 wheeled things. [17:46:38] used to stick up a lot of youtube videos saying how he thought they were bad [17:46:43] they can run on oil and vodka tho [17:46:59] I wanna run a jet engine on vodka [17:47:05] but also on H2 [17:47:39] hehe [17:48:07] according to mythbusters, can run a car on H2... though gotta watch the backfire [17:50:53] H2 fuel cell goes farther. [17:51:16] turn to electricty? [17:51:20] mhm [17:51:40] yes but a fuel cell is still not very efficient compared to a battery [17:51:48] although it has higehr energy density [17:51:55] define efficient [17:52:01] I was thinking more that in order to get more power, you need more cells. Its not like you can turn up the speed on the conversion. [17:52:02] ahh [17:52:02] ok [17:52:37] Yeah, battery has lower energy losses, but FC has more range. [17:52:49] I was about to ask what fuel kerbals use... 4/6 ratio? Seems RP-1 uses a 3-4 or so.. or something [17:53:14] supposedly it is more like kerosene, so something like rp-1 [17:53:34] but if we think of the nuclear, then it should be hydrogen [17:54:18] h2-o2 burning is around 2 to 1 [17:54:42] eh well in the sense you basically making water [17:59:19] eh.. well this morning one of two things. record finishing this station contract.. or watch something on youtube.. [18:26:26] scott [18:26:43] about simplerockets2 [18:29:11] was wondering when... [18:29:38] been having another video from someone else show up in my suggested. titled something like 'Is Simplerockets 2 killer of KSP?' [18:30:07] based on 2 videos it looks good. quite siilar to ksp too [18:30:23] but maybe it is still missing sometihng [18:31:08] I'll look at his vid later.. already got a few others lined up to go through. One nearly an hour long [18:31:31] speed control is your friend [18:34:05] what.. like run videos at 2x speed? [18:34:47] yes [18:34:56] i watch many videos where there is only talk [18:34:57] nah.. I'm good. [18:35:01] i put them in the backgroun [18:35:20] and at least 1.5 speed is almost always ok [18:35:28] 2 is hard to understand in many cases [18:35:48] well.. ok ... Kurt's Farlands or bust I usually stick in background. Or his F1 2018 multiplayer... [18:36:32] this nearly 1 hour video is travel program... series that didn't quite get fully showed back when it came out in the early-mid 90s [18:36:59] had a video show up on suggested, it had thumb of what looked to be interesting camping trailer for bikes. [18:37:58] turns out, it was Portuguese couple in Norway talking, really fast, a lot about the bike culture out there. I tried CC but was really hard to follow with how fast they were talk'n [18:39:08] at least I noticed with Japanese, you can follow the text and see whats going on. This couple... text was constantly rolling by, no time to look at anything else, how fast it was giong. :( [19:18:55] JVFoxy, you could slow down playback? [19:19:44] maybe... CC might not work on ohter speeds? I not tested [19:21:01] I almost always watch things at 2x speed with the subtitles on [19:21:12] I'm doing it right now [19:46:24] epic https://i.imgur.com/CvkW9eQ.jpg [21:36:23] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [21:46:32] will there be another free demo? [21:49:50] ¯\_(Ä)_/¯ [21:50:05] They've said soon for a year or 2 now [21:50:21] I think there's one on Steam? [21:53:16] no? [21:53:33] Didn't find it last time I checked. [21:53:41] Found it on some website. [22:53:29] there's a demo on steam, but it's a really ancient version [22:57:51] I don't think it's still there. [23:00:29] I think it's still possible to download even if it's not visible [23:01:06] try it [23:01:44] https://steamdb.info/app/231410/ [23:02:10] https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/163917-what-happened-to-the-demo/ [23:02:45] sandbox: Did the download work? [23:04:41] Or did it fail because I have regular KSP installed? [23:05:05] they should be completely separate [23:05:29] I've got the install to come up [23:06:14] Disk space required 664 MB [23:06:43] Hmm, for me it starts steam, but doesn't download or anything. [23:06:59] try again? [23:07:08] A 6th time? [23:07:18] nothing happens. [23:09:07] on windows something like steam://install/231410 should work [23:09:47] Does it work via the menu item 'Activate product on steam...'? [23:10:09] Asks me to accept their TOS which includes stuff about billing. [23:10:37] Steam Subscriber Agreement [23:10:53] steam asks you for their TOS any time you buy something [23:11:47] 231410 is not a valid product code. [23:12:04] i didn't think that would work [23:12:23] i've no idea where you could enter an appid in the steam client itself [23:12:39] that's for keys [23:16:01] thats the product id not activation code [23:16:25] steam://install/231410 works for me ¯\_(Ä)_/¯ [23:17:02] thx [23:17:33] I should not have clicked that [23:17:56] Why? Do you have to play it now? [23:18:20] it made my hard drive jump to 100% and now steam is installing..... something....... [23:18:28] but there's nothing listen in the downloads page [23:18:43] just that steam is now using bandwidth and hard drive activity [23:18:59] no confirmation window in the steam ui or anything... [23:19:36] strange, i would have thought that does the same thing as clicking "install" on a shop page [23:19:46] Neal, have you restarted steam recently? there was an update either today or yesterday [23:20:14] I only restart it when it prompts me to, so no [23:20:46] sandbox, what app was your link to? [23:20:53] ksp demo [23:22:02] wow my ksp folder changed to last modified: nov 9th 3:16PM [23:22:28] O_o there wasn't any prompt for permission or anything, just running that steam link made it install something [23:22:51] look in steamapps/common or so [23:24:08] so... dear stellaris... why does a wormhole count as "adjacent" for the influence cost when trying to build an outpost, but not when making claims in another empire? [23:24:09] it added a new zip called bucket_1619036.zip under D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\steam_shader_cache [23:24:40] um ok [23:24:50] the date modified on its contents is 2098 [23:26:15] https://i.imgur.com/Ltj8nY5.png [23:27:23] congratulations, the file date is 2038 safe :p