[04:19:59] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Althego' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [05:27:08] more on vitamin d against covid https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYK9-zvJF_k [05:27:20] get it, eat it, good for you [05:29:04] https://mars.umaxtu.space/ShareX/SMALLIRON/2021/02/screenshot5%20%282%29.png [05:29:18] hehe [05:29:43] i build similar looking things in early career for tourist missions. many cabins on top [05:29:45] going to minmus anyway, might as well bring along a couple of comsats right? [05:30:39] hmm, now that reminds me, i should send the sats there before i send something there. a simple probe is in already going there just to collect basic science [05:30:50] minmus is so far away... [05:39:12] https://twitter.com/elonmusk/status/1360774866023112704 [05:39:17] 60% chance of landing [05:45:04] unfortunately, my monitor has decided to stop doing exactly what my computer tells it. https://mars.umaxtu.space/ShareX/SMALLIRON/2021/02/PXL_20210214_052858995.jpg [05:58:58] it is trying to communicate [05:59:04] looks like a contrail [06:05:56] lol [06:13:14] we credit arctic for adressing our complaints for the 280 (?) mounting process for the amd bracket. you no longer need to grow a 3rd hand, although this is detrimental to the evolution of the human body towards having 3 hands. we were really looking forward to our tripedal future as well. we think itt is probably the most responsible decision for today's humans [06:13:27] (steve from gamers nexus) [06:30:13] hah found flat earth content [06:51:33] i have 4 pilots, 3 engineers, 2 scientists. the random kerbal drops are unbalanced [06:51:55] in the worst case i am going to change one pilot to a scientist [06:57:43] don't worry, bike batteries still require at least three hands to replace [06:58:01] I shoved the docking ports into a service tank and I think the result is pretty neat https://social.shadowkat.net/media/e46594cb566be61d046380d28b91954eb0be248c7e24c38f30c28b384a173ba3.jpg [06:58:30] common kerbals, uncommon kerbals, rare kerbals [06:58:40] (confusingly, there's no color pie. Why are they all green?) [07:02:15] in hzd the green color shows the most common drop [07:06:55] apparently there are no uncommon or rare kerbals [08:25:43] heh i missed a crater, had to go around. what is funnier i landed in that. yet i didnt have eva above [08:26:56] also a contract probe overshot the mun because it didnt have a node set. had to turn it around on the way out. its contract would have already be completed if not for this. but it has plenty of delta v [08:28:21] and got another engineer [08:30:06] bob is still in orbit around the mun, i have only one guy to reset experiments for biome collection [09:09:00] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptop' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [09:30:19] raptop, Invocation of the continual one [18:19:12] minas_tirith: That sounds like a song by lustmørd [18:19:27] raptop, its a Morbid Angel song [18:19:56] hm [19:48:38] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+v eriophora' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [21:37:32] Hi, I have a problem, the problem is that the spacers do not join, only one of all the ones that I put is the one that holds the side rockets and wobble a lot [21:46:41] Carlos: Use one separator, plus struts to avoid wobbling [21:47:07] (https://wiki.kerbalspaceprogram.com/wiki/EAS-4_Strut_Connector) [21:48:31] All connections in KSP, other than struts and fuel pipes, are arranged in a tree -- i.e. each part has exactly one 'parent' part and you can't have loops [21:48:50] Which is why multiple spacers don't work [21:48:56] Oh, and docking ports [21:51:53] .oO( with docking ports you can do multiple attachment points. But it's hard to align them properly :(