[00:04:23] I would like to point out that this stellaris mod lacks Elephants and turtles all the way down: https://www.reddit.com/r/Stellaris/comments/8jlxsz/found_this_scientific_accurate_mod/ [00:16:21] .... [00:16:39] need a ring world mod now [01:02:50] https://i.gyazo.com/5195752f8833c63826854591089b98b4.png - New recordholder for the coldest "star" I have ever found in SE. still looking for the elusive 9.9 heh. I wanna write about it on a wiki. [01:06:20] Action: UmbralRaptor bets that a Y9.9 will have a mass of something like 14 C. [01:07:44] https://i.gyazo.com/896572a6d33df9258d9c1241f10e6cd3.png - I keep breaking my own record lol [01:08:53] >12 Gy old. O_O [01:12:38] https://i.gyazo.com/6cd82077cdde7dd7d9939f159fdaf96e.png - JACKPOT! [01:42:44] so what's the border between a "brown dwarf" and a (jupiter-like) "planet"? [01:56:45] Eddi|zuHause: fusion? [01:57:34] Generally D-D fusion (~13 M_C) [01:58:15] Usually different formation mechanism (disk instability vs core accretion) [02:14:15] Wut [02:29:20] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Dman979' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [03:11:59] I have two dumb scientists in a lab who don't know how to operate it. Looks like I also need a pilot or a computer. [03:14:37] They can't add data, start research or upgrade themselves. [03:15:33] The lab is not a command module; any craft it is a part of will need a probe body or command pod to be piloted. [03:27:03] But that doesn't mean the lab needs a probe body or command pod to work. [03:51:55] ISS Urine Tank Level: 8% [03:56:58] heh when wasthe electron launch [03:59:09] they dont say :( [03:59:36] but there is a cool pdf with an overview [03:59:44] https://isslive.com/handbooks/ethosHandbook.pdf#page=4 [04:00:05] not sure those shorts are up to code tho [04:00:57] oh wait it was postponed, 1 week from now [04:06:30] wow, just found https://github.com/Rahjital/XenoIndustry - should make things interesting! [04:07:43] >.> [04:09:31] actually, thats kinda cool :) [04:10:23] if i played factorio too, prolly be pstoked [04:14:53] has science gone too far? [04:18:35] lol [05:03:17] hah finally somebody on youtube found the balaton flat earth measurement [05:56:17] is it just me or is the KSP website's CDN for downloading abysmally slow? currently getting literally 300 *bytes* per second :/ [05:57:21] meanwhile, youtube gives me 500k/sec so it's not a local issue [05:57:35] it is the internet. may be something in the middle [05:58:01] or they are really having issues. but that usually happens only right after release [05:58:25] I don't think I've had reasonable speeds from KSP CDN since like 0.21 or so [05:58:53] what is a cdn? [05:59:08] but anyway, if you mean the download, it was always ok for me, except on relase nghts [06:13:54] Althego: content delivery network [07:31:19] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Deddly' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [12:28:16] Last message repeated 3 time(s). [12:28:16] https://imgur.com/gallery/6SXVTmg [12:28:19] ksp related [12:40:05] hasn't the issue popped up like a million separate times [12:40:28] I feel like every week someone complained about the EULA cause muh spyware [12:45:02] i'm sure that goes for every EULA ever... [12:47:30] something not ksp related: https://youtu.be/Pna0Q998dlE?t=34 [12:48:14] someone finally read the license agreement past the first few lines? [12:48:38] ive found the best coffee mug ever [12:49:15] https://i.imgur.com/F1a2XoR.jpg [12:50:01] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [12:51:10] seriously, I bet none of you can find a better one [12:52:13] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Dman979' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [12:52:24] I've seen a better one... but I can't remember what it was [12:55:23] sandbox: lies [13:04:10] I use this mug:  [13:04:21] wow... copy paste fail [13:04:38] https://nostarch.com/mug.htm [13:04:56] https://nostarch.com/sites/default/files/styles/uc_product_full/public/mug_vi.jpg?itok=lOFK6q0_ [13:06:54] someone finally read the license agreement past the first few lines? <-- you actually read the first few lines of an EULA? [13:07:48] haha, service animal https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N7HFXgyTya0 [13:07:49] YouTube - My Dinosaur Is a Service Animal (with Chris Pratt and Bryce Dallas Howard!) [13:08:51] (bit of a continuation of yesterday, but not really) [13:10:22] what was yesterday? [13:12:31] i brought up some article that an american airline doesnt allow some emotional support animal anymore including insects, goats, hawks, ferrets, etc [13:25:39] surprised they didn't go for an elephant [13:27:00] guys check out this cool pic of the C-133 I took. It's so weird that there is such a giant empty space here. https://i.imgur.com/hnd8mwX.jpg [13:31:54] hehe [13:32:14] a bit of an effort you could make a 3d model of the inside of the museum [13:34:19] Althego: i could make one by heart at this point [14:28:06] Rokker: why don't you? You could make one of each exhibit, put it on Thingyverse or Shapeways and have them printed, so you could make you very own exhibit at home [14:28:14] (some painting might be required) [14:53:40] holy mother of god [15:04:11] I know it's not terribly appropriate for this channel [15:04:16] but I'm slightly aroused [15:05:59] that plane flyover [15:06:13] I'm pretty sure it's what it looks like if Angel's take you to heaven [15:09:55] https://youtu.be/QFKDWHQcB8E [15:09:56] YouTube - Memphis Belle unveiling flyover. May 16 2018. [15:13:42] The Blue Angels? Probably, but faster [15:14:34] Side note: my browser doesn't like the cert of https://www.blueangels.navy.mil/ [15:14:39] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vJwN7l7xT0A [15:14:40] YouTube - Bell UH 1 Rotor Balancing Runs [15:15:50] Fluburtur: this just happened to me 25 minutes ago https://youtu.be/QFKDWHQcB8E [15:15:50] YouTube - Memphis Belle unveiling flyover. May 16 2018. [15:16:15] rokker reporting live :) [15:16:49] not bad [15:17:00] just needs german planes shooting them down for realism [15:17:05] insert obama meme face? [15:17:36] this one? http://i0.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/024/221/upload.png [15:17:46] no [15:18:06] http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/138/246/tumblr_lltzgnHi5F1qzib3wo1_400.jpg [15:18:38] wait the levator thing on the huey actually moves? [15:19:05] ... [15:19:07] yes [15:19:17] why [15:20:05] it helps when ur going fast [15:20:26] less cyclic needed? [15:20:43] actually my rc heli has a tiny hstab [15:20:44] Fluburtur: the Huey has a top speed of 217 km/h [15:20:56] kinda helps [15:21:09] but I thought the tail fins on mine were only there to look nice [15:21:31] because this kind of helis isn't really made to fly forward all the time, is a 3d machine [15:22:23] I guess a conventionnal rudder and elevator would be handy as backup, I had to land the huey with no tail rotor many times in rs2 [15:23:01] https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/8j9fve/forever_burning/ [15:23:26] https://i.redditmedia.com/8nOYX5L2zZgjIVo5ivZVHzQfaE21roCz0x5w6hYovuA.jpg?s=3db6539de66885393e45bded0eeaae40 [15:23:33] https://i.redditmedia.com/hyP9IcsTkiVbSHAuk2Rf8fLag9X_S7JnBbuqGpqprsc.png?s=b07c6674d8559065b93ac7e5470d30c4 [15:23:43] the perfect action movie backdrop [15:23:56] actually the vertical stab on rc helis is mostly there to protect the tail rotor from tail strikes [15:25:06] https://gfycat.com/gifs/detail/weirdnaturalkiskadee [15:25:44] still best action scene https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/380846093002473475/446011154704367636/20180515200744_1.jpg [15:28:24] well time for terminators https://78.media.tumblr.com/62e26fd13e78c5ebad11d96803b651be/tumblr_p8qbr2ldEG1qdjvf7o1_540.jpg [15:32:13] uhm [15:32:47] I can get power from eating stuff too, am I a robot? [15:32:56] yes [15:33:03] Now back to work. [15:33:20] I just came back from work [15:33:30] what [15:33:32] you work? [15:33:37] yes since monday [15:33:41] hehe [15:33:48] haven't you noticed im here less often [15:33:56] no, because i work :) [15:34:01] eh I guess [15:34:50] I've been touching glass tubes and burning myself [15:35:03] lol [15:35:13] that's how you learn to make glass thermometers [15:36:55] can't touch this :) [15:39:14] Fluburtur: oh, where do you work? [15:39:33] a place that makes thermometers for industry and crap like that [15:39:33] glaziery? [15:39:54] they have mercury and carbonic ice so that's cool [15:40:14] why do they have dry ice? [15:40:29] is mercury still allowed in anything today? [15:40:33] to do crap with the mercury thermometers [15:40:55] mercury thermometers are for crap that is above 200°c, petrol ones start to boil then [15:41:15] but the average random dude can't buy one, it's for pertrol industry and stuff like that [15:41:43] hehe they do enough polution already, 1 or 2 thermometers dont matter [15:42:00] yeah [15:42:06] but mercury looks nice [15:42:08] and it is heavy af [15:42:33] maybe I will try to make myself one and bring it home [15:43:48] I mean, peoples are not allowed to *buy* them but there is nothing stopping me from bringing one home if I make it [15:45:21] lol [15:45:32] https://78.media.tumblr.com/e1c305e80accef1416303891873f6ba7/tumblr_p8f5hlB3xM1vjcb7vo1_540.jpg [15:50:56] https://www.reddit.com/r/KerbalSpaceProgram/comments/8jv1fs/when_kerbals_get_human_hands/ [15:54:22] oh, wow [15:56:50] Looks like a cool mod [15:57:08] cant beat the factorio integration mod [16:04:31] https://i.imgur.com/ASz9GCm.jpg [16:04:50] why are the stripes so pixelateD? [16:08:03] idk. I'm blaming imgur [16:15:44] https://i.imgur.com/NTl7NnZ.jpg [16:22:39] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptop' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [16:23:42] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptor' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [16:29:23] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptop' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [16:40:27] that air intake! [16:53:42] https://i.gyazo.com/0ccfdb6fda59e3ec3b9c6892fd3b0f82.png - How's this for a Kerbal band name? [16:54:26] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptor' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [17:00:45] burner is more like jet. change it to turbopumps :) [17:02:30] Althego: ' factorio integration mod'? Tell me more.... [17:02:43] https://github.com/Rahjital/XenoIndustry [17:02:50] somebody linked this in the morning [17:03:53] That's both brilliant and evil [17:14:18] (How) can I configure the keybinding "Reverse cycle focus in orbital map"? I don't like left shift tab as that decreases throttle. [17:16:03] where all the other keys, if it is there [17:16:14] and yes shift tab is stupid because of the engines [17:16:20] I didn't find it. [17:16:26] usually i have to cycle around the whoel solar system because of that [17:16:38] right [17:16:44] alternatively supposedly you can close down the navball in map mode then it doesnt do engine [17:16:53] Doesn't seem to be configurable. [17:17:04] but i never want to close the navball. it took a lot of time for them to give that option [17:17:05] hmm, ok. [17:17:33] Can I edit a file to configure it? [17:18:57] i think it is not even in the file lol [17:19:31] bug [17:19:43] feature [17:19:48] lol [17:19:53] or rather it is hardcoded [17:20:07] you can maybe add a feature request on the bugtracker [17:20:21] Nah, I just report it in the official channel. [17:20:34] this is like dev null [17:20:44] nobody is listening [17:22:19] I'm rescuing a kerbal that jetpacked from Minmus surface to Kerbin orbit and aerobraked to lower apoapsis. Fortunately, IIRC, there is no aerobraking when I control the rescue rocket, so I can get my encounter. [17:23:14] if it is above some altitude, maybe 35 km, and not focused, any object will stay in orbit [17:47:31] TIL Shift-TAB works in map mode [17:48:16] where els would it work? [17:48:29] and you expect it to, since it is the counterpart to tab [17:48:48] I just click on things [18:12:35] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Deddly' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [18:19:41] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yy-vAc6hPig [18:19:42] YouTube - Amazing White Laser Experiments!!! [18:22:23] https://kerbalx.com/Draconiator/Kerbals-of-Rock-Stage [18:22:23] that reminds me, i still need to get a laser [18:23:59] Oh cool, Styropyro is back! [18:25:23] so if you can get a so big color gau [18:25:26] gamut [18:25:37] then why arent there laser projectors with this? [18:26:23] Action: Deddly hasn't actually watched the vid yet [18:26:31] But there are laser projectors [18:27:50] new ksp update turns the game into spyware [18:27:57] Last message repeated 4 time(s). [18:27:57] Guest23346 kicked from #kspofficial by Deddly: Guest23346 [18:28:11] fastest draw on the wild internet [18:28:23] Deddliest mod [18:28:51] Action: Deddly blows the smoke from the barrel of his trusty Magnum [18:33:50] uhhh... [18:34:09] why would anybody do this? [18:34:09] most games are spyware these days anyway...NOTHING NEW CARRY ON. [18:34:16] he should make a hard mount for those lasers and prism cubes and add a driver so he can put out a light show any time [18:34:19] Deddly: people are dumb [18:34:26] Action: Deddly writes down everything Draconiator says [18:34:33] games? the os already [18:34:41] the EULA change that did that was forever ago [18:35:07] This is true [18:37:02] https://i.gyazo.com/1ace70a1e9600a44e312d5af98f01f2f.png - My mod partition for modded games. [18:43:21] funny when people are concerned about games turning into spyware, while running on Windows 10 [18:43:42] ^ [18:44:37] although the GDPR enforcements on WIndows 10 will be interesting to see [18:44:51] I didn't think of that... [18:45:05] Action: ve2dmn put popcorn in the microwave [18:45:41] Action: APlayer gives Guest23346 a tin foil hat [18:45:54] and a flat earth model [18:46:23] And a spherical flat earth [18:46:37] cubical earth, because minecraft is real [18:46:49] Did you know that by logging in to an IRC channel, your IP address, user name, usage habits and everything you type will be recorded by however many people are online? [18:46:56] with enough dimensions, all this could be true :D [18:47:11] Deddly, and directly sent as daily digest to my email /s [18:47:16] that is the poin [18:47:18] t [18:47:26] Zarthus, ever an unsecured connection?? ;) [18:47:31] how else would you communicate without sending messages to them? [18:47:40] Althego, indeed [18:47:42] A spherical flat earth where the upper hemisphere is a bulged flat earth, and the lower hemisphere is whatever stuff would be on the backside of the flat earth. Lizard land, I guess. Oh, and Antarctica would be on the equator [18:47:46] Deddly, doesn't matter what you use when I am the man in the middle [18:48:01] Deddly: you mean webchat@ from the University of Southampton isn't anonymous? Shocking! [18:48:06] "upper" and "lower" hemispheres? [18:48:10] ESPER SPIES ON YOU [18:48:21] Last message repeated 1 time(s). [18:48:21] /kline deddly [18:48:53] new deddly(tm) firmware update turns the irc into spyware [18:49:09] (Re-read 10 times for authentic effect) [18:49:12] Action: Deddly gets strangled and replaced with a more compliant personality [18:49:34] Still does not pass TÜV :P [18:50:56] You will be assimilated. Your personal data and geographic diversity will by added to our own. [18:51:40] "We are Facebook. Lower your Shield. Join Us" [18:52:15] no [18:52:27] Too late [18:52:37] no, i am still not on facebook [18:52:53] They still have a shadow profile of you [18:53:01] how [18:53:05] come on Althego, join before it collapses [18:53:09] i am not on any of these things [18:53:48] Basically, if you know anyone on facebook, your own personnal information can be infer from them [18:54:02] sad, but true [18:54:09] that might be possible [18:54:26] and since some billion people are on it [18:54:35] you must know somebody on facebook [18:55:38] You were probably tagged without knowing. You email was scrapped from letting facebook check the contacts of a friend... [18:56:17] I'll stop there. That rabbit hole is DEEP [18:56:21] They are coming. They are coming to get you. Enjoy your day while you can. [18:59:58] I once got an email from some social network thing because a friend had clicked "invite a friend" and put my email address in it. The site has already set up a page for me and sent me masses of reminders about how many people had viewed my profile etc etc. Drove me nuts [19:01:36] But get this: The profile was set up in my real name [19:02:03] (because my friend had so helpfully added that, too) [19:02:44] did he get 100MB of free space from that referal? [19:02:52] Probably [19:03:31] A month of premium badge showing up on their account page [19:03:50] Reddit Silver, and 100credits on farmville [19:04:33] Also, bitcoins :P [19:04:45] Dogecoins you mean [19:05:13] Right [19:05:22] Such doge. Much coins. Wow. [19:06:16] Cryptocurrency is so 'in vogue' right now that Dogecoin blew up in value... [19:06:28] ...and the original creator is shaking his head [19:07:23] i dont even know what normal money is (already seem fictional numbers), but these cryptothings are even more fictional [19:07:45] https://techcrunch.com/2013/12/25/dogecoin-hack/ though [19:17:14] Althego: it's a tool, like everything else. [19:17:30] but it feels forced and artificial [19:18:06] it's math. You can prove you own it via hard-to-reverse calculus [19:18:16] But the value is.... highly inflated [19:18:18] Unless your coins are made of gold or silver, they are artificial, too. But I do get where you're coming from. [19:18:36] that is why i said i dont even know what the usual money is [19:18:37] Even gold is only valuable because of it's scarcity [19:18:59] ENGINES https://i.imgur.com/Lnf6rHU.jpg [19:18:59] who wants to be blind https://www.banggood.com/EleksMaker-Laser-Module-Red-Laser-Line-Generator-Diode-Engraving-Machine-Parts-p-955966.html?rmmds=search&cur_warehouse=CN [19:19:06] E N G I N E S [19:19:31] The problem with speculation is that they never 'just' look at value. They look at the value of time function on focus all their attention on teh first and second derivative of that function... [19:19:54] ...never realizing they exptrapolated that function from just 2 data points [19:20:01] hehe [19:20:15] 2008 in a nutshell [19:20:34] Rokker, nice [19:20:48] what even https://www.banggood.com/64-Medical-Diodes-Laser-Hair-Loss-Treatment-Solution-Helmet-Cap-Fast-Regrowth-Oil-Control-Glasses-p-1227614.html?rmmds=search&cur_warehouse=CN [19:20:59] that was 10 years ago [19:21:07] next one is comming [19:21:19] Fluburtur, if you're going to get one of these, please tell me you'll have goggles at the correct wavelength protection [19:21:22] Deddly: engines [19:21:35] Rokker, nice engines. [19:21:40] no I want to be blind [19:21:51] he could make special glasses with steel plates welded on them :) [19:21:52] actually I just want a 5mw green laser diode for a project [19:21:57] Fluburtur, how will you IRC? [19:22:04] Deddly: best engines [19:22:11] I will plug my brain into the computer [19:22:41] OK 5mw will be fine [19:23:41] will maybe get this too https://www.banggood.com/Burning-Laser-303-Green-Laser-PointerLight-Star-Cap-532nm-5mw-p-955849.html?rmmds=search&ID=229&cur_warehouse=CN [19:26:25] Deddly: the engine was too big to test by attaching to a normal plane [19:27:14] Rokker, what is the engine and what is the plane? [19:27:47] XB-70 with 6 YJ93 engines [19:28:50] Ooh [19:29:41] Deddly: in order to test the YJ93 they had to stick it on the bottom of a B-58 Hustler where the bomb/fuel pod went [19:29:44] https://www.reddit.com/r/aviation/comments/2khwx4/convair_b58_hustler/?utm_source=reddit-android [19:30:21] Fluburtur: just get one of theses and you'll be fine https://s3.amazonaws.com/cdn.teachersource.com/images/uploads/1075_721_popup.jpg [19:30:42] yeah [19:32:34] Thrust-to-weight ratio of 5:1! [19:33:17] (The XB-70) [19:34:46] Automatic aerodynamic disintegration machine [19:35:43] Deddly: basically a mach 3 B-52 [19:38:31] also I'm just gonna point out that I talking to ya'll from beneath the wing of JFKs presidential plane [19:39:00] curious if you ever went to see spruce goose [19:39:08] its definitely interesting plane [19:39:55] Rokker, now I'd REALLY be impressed if you were talking to us from ABOVE the wing [19:40:08] or ON the wing [19:40:11] or even better, plane isnt touching floor [19:40:43] Deddly: I can talk to you from inside it [19:40:54] woohoo [19:41:29] https://youtu.be/M68ndaZSKa8?t=137 [19:48:15] Deddly: look at me. I'm the president now https://i.imgur.com/Zt1b2Xs.jpg [19:49:02] Awesome :) [19:49:06] Rokker live from the museum? :D [19:49:27] Action: Deddly copies the fingerprints for TakeTwo [19:49:28] Gasher: nope I dead [19:49:28] well he lives there so yeah [19:49:41] sounds plausible [19:50:04] is that the Evergeen museum in, uhh, McMinville Oregon? [19:51:19] how dare you [19:51:41] this is the national museum of the usaf, tyvm [19:52:34] so not the one with the Spruce Goose, then [19:53:28] no, better [19:57:59] Supercheese: I made the mistake it mentioning what-shall-not-be-named once.... [19:58:07] of* [20:00:53] ve2dmn: MUSEUM MUSEUM MUSEUM [20:01:05] as long as it has lots of juicy WW2-era aircraft, I'm bound to like it [20:01:13] voldemort? [20:01:18] basically my only criteria for aviation museums [20:02:16] Supercheese: then boy do i have good news for you [20:02:16] Action: Deddly considers making the bot randomly use the word that shall not be mentioned [20:02:25] Supercheese: you know the Memphis Belle [20:02:27] loke [20:02:29] like [20:02:33] yes [20:02:36] THE Memphis Belle [20:02:40] quite [20:02:45] Supercheese: shes being unveiled here tomorrow [20:02:51] for permanent display [20:03:03] Supercheese: we also have the Bockscar [20:03:13] Fantastic [20:03:21] as in Nagasaki bomber Bockscar [20:03:40] also I've wondered if any museum has a Lockheed Constellation that you are allowed to tour the inside cabin of [20:03:49] certainly none near my area do [20:03:57] Supercheese: well... it's not a commercial one here [20:04:13] Supercheese: because it was Eisenhowers Super connie [20:04:22] but you can go inside [20:05:01] neato [20:05:06] Supercheese: we have the P-75 Eagle [20:06:03] any P-61s? [20:06:18] Mid-Atlantic air museum guys are slooowwwlllyy working on one [20:06:23] SR-71? [20:06:27] sr-71. [20:06:31] Action: Deddly LOVES the SR-71 [20:06:45] Supercheese: of course [20:06:49] that's an almost ironicly cool piece of the future. [20:06:56] Deddly: I'll do you one better [20:07:11] Hmm [20:07:12] Deddly: SR-71 ANDDDDD YF-12 [20:07:15] OOOH [20:07:23] the YF-12 [20:07:24] OK that was indeed one better [20:07:33] Fantastic [20:07:34] and a D-21 [20:08:10] yeah the MAAM's P-61 project has been extraordinarily lengthy [20:08:18] I do hope they get it flying one day [20:08:25] Deddly: the SR-71 is next to our B-2, the YF-12 is next to our X-15 and the XB-70 [20:08:32] Supercheese: that would be great [20:08:44] I'm coming over [20:08:51] such a weird plane. what with the spoilerons and whatnot [20:08:58] it always tickles me pink when the good old Collings Foundation flies in with the B-17, B-24, and P-51 [20:09:00] Deddly: we also have rockets [20:09:05] the space kind [20:09:06] been lucky to have them visit the local airport several times [20:09:09] and the nuke kind [20:09:25] Supercheese: oh I forgot to show you what I saw today [20:09:34] part of the Memphis belle festivities [20:09:49] https://youtu.be/QFKDWHQcB8E [20:09:50] YouTube - Memphis Belle unveiling flyover. May 16 2018. [20:10:00] matter of fact, they're flying in here next month IIRC [20:10:02] end of June [20:10:20] https://www.collingsfoundation.org/events/category/wings-of-freedom-tour/ [20:11:05] Supercheese: look at the link [20:11:06] when the 4-engine heavies do a flyover, everyone better stop and watch [20:11:09] look at it [20:11:21] I mean really [20:11:28] Supercheese: when 3 of them fly over your heart stops and watches too [20:11:34] delicious [20:11:55] i used to live near a naval air base here in sweden. i used to feel the resonance of the engines in my windows when they were practicing over the sea. [20:11:58] they were supposed to land but weather prevented it. hopefully they land tomorrow during the unveiling [20:12:06] that was the jas 39. [20:12:30] NGC3982: in Toledo I was near an F-16 national guard wing. that was always a treat [20:12:41] cool [20:12:44] Gotland? [20:13:13] halmstad [20:13:28] Ah OK. Didn't know there was a base there [20:13:55] any other planes yall wanna ask about [20:14:07] X-15 [20:14:25] next to the YF-12 [20:14:31] Action: Deddly faints [20:14:33] Deddly: we got the faster one [20:14:38] the saab 9-5. [20:14:57] that's the one area the museum is lacking in is foreign planes [20:15:01] no saab [20:15:02] the best jet the swedes could ever build. [20:15:14] not many British or german [20:15:21] or anything else [20:15:55] Deddly: we have the only B-2 and F-22 on display [20:16:01] LOL, Saab 9-5 [20:16:06] as well as the YF-23 [20:16:25] saab aerospace still got it, tho. [20:16:53] Saab 9-5 is a car, FYI [20:17:07] nope, it's a god damn jet. [20:17:09] and a good one too [20:17:14] Y'all got a B-36, right? [20:17:24] almost as good as the other jets, saab 9-3, 900 and Sonette. [20:17:24] of course [20:17:26] can ya tour the inside? [20:17:34] https://i.imgur.com/HcIdZfN.jpg [20:17:47] Supercheese: you can go under the open bomb bay [20:17:58] but not the cockpit or anything [20:18:33] The Saab Sonette was the first mach-1 spy plane. [20:19:09] hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm [20:19:34] B-36 is a very Kerbal plane [20:19:46] "Should we use piston engines or turbojets"? [20:19:48] "Yes." [20:20:04] also put the cyclones in pusher configuration because why not [20:20:13] they also built cars like the Saab 18. [20:20:20] or no, wasps not cyclones [20:20:23] https://i.imgur.com/VCasR6B.jpg Deddly [20:20:43] <3 [20:21:14] Rokker, did you see the stock Kerbal SR-71 someone made a while ago? [20:21:33] Supercheese: https://i.imgur.com/v5dlQio.jpg [20:21:41] Deddly: missed it [20:23:34] https://i.imgur.com/OmceGu8.jpg [20:24:07] https://i.imgur.com/SgAWzDW.jpg [20:24:11] Rokker, https://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/index.php?/topic/156011-sr-71-blackbird-by-eorin-and-exothermos/ [20:24:18] Has anyone used the impulse from Kerbals going on EVA? It changes orbits slightly. [20:25:16] https://i.imgur.com/4U98oq0.jpg [20:25:21] Deddly: nice [20:26:11] I think he got Thread of the Month for that [20:26:24] Action: Deddly away [20:27:22] Deddly: wait [20:27:28] https://i.imgur.com/tws5tSk.jpg [20:27:32] ok now you can go [20:27:51] Stop making me drool [20:27:55] why does imgur keep messing up my pics [20:28:11] my phone isn't like 100 pixels [20:29:20] darsie: what do you mean? [20:29:38] Mat2ch: Use it for propulsion. [20:30:01] darsie: I used Kerbals on EVA to push their capsules :D [20:30:31] Yes, with the jetpack. I mean just by having them go on EVA and then go back in. [20:30:52] It also starts to spin rockets. [20:31:09] Oh, well, Kerbals have mass and an impulse [20:31:34] Yes, but the impulse of rocket+kerbal should stay the same. It doesn't. [20:32:52] Go on EVA and back in and your Ap and Pe changed. [20:33:10] darsie: Scott used fuel transfers as a method for changing his orbit in a video [20:33:30] :) [20:33:31] a few things that should not change orbits do, but the effects are minor [20:41:02] I'm the smoothest operator around https://twitter.com/RokkerBoyy/status/996852277473431552?s=09 [20:41:03] @ulalaunch I feel like I've seen this Titan IV fairing somewhere else but I Delta IV-get where I've seen it. :P https://t.co/2kwFQqPUqm [20:41:20] pun / 10 [21:26:52] Does the Textures Unlimited mod have any significant impact on performance/FPS? [21:42:05] https://www.yahoo.com/finance/news/senate-barely-passes-resolution-restore-195000932.html [21:46:45] https://kerbalx.com/Draconiator/Kerbals-of-Rock-Stage - Holy crapola this more or less shook up the KerbalX community based on the notifications I'm getting.] [21:55:38] Supercheese: oh. the museum also has a Me 262 and Me 163 [21:59:48] Komet Sighted! [21:59:53] Stability: -1 [22:11:22] "I wish i was born in a more enligtened time" [22:11:56] If only we had more komet sense... [22:12:13] i think there's a version of that event that gives a bonus [22:12:27] when you have a scientific advisor [22:13:13] Yep [22:13:32] also, in stellaris it has different effects ;) [22:13:33] like your leader has to have a Scientific trait and then you get "Fascinating!" and some research [22:13:46] and in Hearts of Iron, the event is just a joke event [22:14:45] it probably exists in CkII as well [23:13:26] https://imgur.com/gallery/6SXVTmg ??? [23:19:33] KSP doesn't need an internet connection so just blacklist it in your firewall if you feel like it [23:19:59] the updated EULA was confirmed as just boilerplate and does not reflect Squad's practices, just generic Take Two overlord stuff [23:28:19] Take Two....I've had a few of their games before I even found out about KSP...