[00:02:09] !outcome add The initially widespread fires are extinguished are rapidly extinguished as they deplete Kerbin's atmosphere of oxygen. [00:02:10] raptop: Added outcome: The initially widespread fires are extinguished are rapidly extinguished as they deplete Kerbin's atmosphere of oxygen. [00:07:57] !outcome add You melt Kerbin's scrith shell, causing it to fall into the singularity. [00:07:58] raptop: Added outcome: You melt Kerbin's scrith shell, causing it to fall into the singularity. [00:30:19] So . . . What's your favorite thing about space? [00:36:06] Δs intervals are invariant under the lorentz transform? [00:36:35] "are extinguished are rapidly extinguished"? [00:37:46] Action: raptop isn't a markov bot, I swear [00:38:03] !outcome del The initially widespread fires are extinguished are rapidly extinguished as they deplete Kerbin's atmosphere of oxygen. [00:38:04] raptop: Deleted outcome: "The initially widespread fires are extinguished are rapidly extinguished as they deplete Kerbin's atmosphere of oxygen." [00:38:15] are you not a cat too? [00:39:04] !outcome add The initially widespread fires are rapidly extinguished as they deplete Kerbin's atmosphere of oxygen. [00:39:04] raptop: Added outcome: The initially widespread fires are rapidly extinguished as they deplete Kerbin's atmosphere of oxygen. [00:39:24] last I checked I didn't have pointy ears or a tail [00:39:25] Wait, did the Taiidan just attack Kerbin for violating a 4,000 year old treaty? [00:39:45] launch pad accident [00:39:59] Kerbin is burning! https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/997/585/930.jpg [00:40:49] ah, yes, the banana mothership [00:41:56] Beats the look of the toaster mothership https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/001/218/836/large/jonathan-fawcett-20.jpg?1442415129 [00:42:43] Action: raptop is reminded of those platforms for the space levels in starcraft [00:42:54] And the utterly forgettable Vaygr flagship https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/homeworld/images/e/e1/Vaygr_Flagship.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20101128065919 [00:44:07] At least the space miners put a giant honking gun on the side of theirs https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/homeworld/images/e/ec/Warship_Kuun-Lan_-_Battle_for_Nomad_Moon.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/1000?cb=20120912053737 [00:44:41] Though, even before the siege cannon's added, their ship was actually capable of repelling strikecraft on its own. The guns on the motherships and carriers in Homeworld 1 were useless. [00:46:29] Underpowered, or purely decorative? [01:01:57] Almost UNpowered and they didn't even come with a turret model. They just shot out from spots on the mesh. [01:02:14] Though given the rough size of the Mothership, I suppose it's just as well they aren't actually modeled. [01:05:37] Yet the best point defense weapons of the series were the missiles onboard the Somtaaw Destroyer and Dreadnought. Though dedicated escorts (EG: Defenders, Multi-gun corvettes and multi-beam frigates) were preferable until you researched the homing energy projectiles. [01:08:07] Once you had missile destroyers and/or gravwell generators in the first game and destroyers and/or multi-beam frigates in Cataclysm, strikecraft became completely obsolete. [01:14:39] "Empty the bins!" https://www.moddb.com/groups/homeworld-universe-group/videos/missile-destroyer-missile-volley-is-back [01:19:59] children of a dead earth-like missile spam? [01:20:09] Yeah, but not nuclear. [01:20:38] Like, also, wouldn't the titular Children of a Dead Earth eventually run out of uranium with the way they spam nukes? [01:21:32] Like every time I fight in that game, it's like this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuqEX1PnG9I [01:23:30] Except with time on target missiles that all hit simultaneously. [01:25:24] heh [01:25:25] I suppose there's no kill quite like overkill with multi-kiloton yield missiles impacting within hundredths of a second of eachother. [01:26:13] It's not enough that a single conventional anti-shipping missile could delete you're plucky, barely-armored spaceship. Oh no, you need to reduce it to radioactive ashes and then reduce those ashes into smaller, even more radioactive ashes. [01:28:53] gotta overwhelm the laser batteries [01:29:28] Action: Solar_Oracle laughs in multiple-independently targeting submunitions [01:31:18] Good idea: Missiles that shoot large numbers of slightly smaller missiles. Better idea: Missiles with hundreds of nuclear explosively formed penetrators. [01:32:37] And some one's already attempted it! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XuqEX1PnG9I [01:32:41] I mean https://childrenofadeadearth.boards.net/thread/402/nuclear-explosively-formed-penetrator-designs [01:36:38] mmm... nuclear shaped charge... [01:49:34] When you absolutely must penetrate the armor of a target, and then the compartment behind that armor, and then the bulkhead behind that compartment, and then the compartment behind that bulkhead, and everything else in the way. [01:51:08] just accelerate something to 0.99c and send it on a collision course [01:51:17] the only thing that is better than nukular [01:52:10] raptop: gravitic power generator, uses Jupiter flybys to put mass on retrograde collision course with Earth, harvesting resulting energy [01:52:13] good idea, right? [01:52:19] You're wrong. The only thing better than relativistic projectiles are superluminal projectiles! [01:52:32] Action: Solar_Oracle bzaps in tachyon lance. [01:54:45] Mother of Jebediah . . . What have I done? [01:54:50] Action: Solar_Oracle has violated causality. [02:08:34] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Althego' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [02:41:08] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptop' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [02:49:33] bees: I mean, I guess getting a γ of 7 is nice [02:51:56] My god . . . It's full of idles! [02:53:14] Hey, is there a bot that makes decisions here so I don't have to? [02:55:17] You know what, upon previewing the remastered version of Life is Strange, that gives me an idea. [02:55:37] probably not [02:55:56] although one is full of lot of features [02:56:33] I guess we could annoy FLHerne and ask for another lunchbot feature [02:56:39] .help [02:56:40] Althego: I am a bot operated by FLHerne. Try !{nextlunch,lunchmode,mission,outcome,stupid,colloid,colloid²,nextfrog,rocks,nextbankruptcy,nextpinecone,nextyear,nextfire,banlist,wenhop,help} help. [02:56:52] colloid squared lol [02:57:07] It combines two collids in a silly way [02:57:20] !colloid² [02:57:21] raptop: Clahothrate Nhydreyate. [02:57:33] waht [02:57:42] Alright: Vermintide 2 or Warhammer 2 campaign with Go'Rok plus the Lizardmen's tactical nuclear warhead launcher? [02:58:05] wait, warhammer fantasy has lizardmen with nuclear weapons? [02:58:06] i guess i could add some kind of random number generator to mine [02:58:11] vut not now [02:58:14] [desire to know more intensifies] [02:59:13] Lord Kroak is a mummy that knows Deliverance of Itza, which is like a tactical yield nuclear explosion capable of annihilating whole regiments in game at a competitive magic cost. [02:59:19] It also does not effect friendly units. [03:00:02] this is insanity https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/html/draft-holmer-rmcat-transport-wide-cc-extensions-01#section-3.1 [03:00:14] https://www.reddit.com/r/totalwar/comments/kfdx58/when_the_deliverance_of_itza_hits_it_hits_hard/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3 [03:01:08] Gor'Rok is also nearly the very tankiest individual non-monsterous unit in the entire game. [03:02:08] And, with a pretty early skill, he does not get tired. He's literally the Lizardmen equivalent of a T-1000: He does not die without overwhelming force. In fact, the best strategy to use when fighting Gor'Rok is to actually kill everyone else but him and hope he routs. [03:02:30] And he starts with the single most powerful spellcaster in the game. [03:03:02] More Deliverance of Itza https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=toIKHEW1hmw [03:06:14] O_O [03:06:41] The only spells or special actions that come close to Kroak are the Skaven Doom Rockets (which literally ARE nuclear missiles) and the Manifestation of Sotek (which summons a giant spectral snake that can annihilate multiple regiments at a time). However, both of those have limited uses per battle. Deliverance of Itza can be used so long as you hav [03:06:41] e magic to cover it, and the magic cost can be nearly halved after leveling up a few times. [03:07:48] Doom Rocket http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hsItfkGf414&t=0m23s [03:08:45] And Sotek appears http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A83oRqOLqPI&t=0m13s [03:11:31] What's funny is how many complaints I see about the Sotek ability being weak and taking 97 turns to acquire. You can get it in ~55 if you're careful enough, and I can easily cut AI armies in half within a minute of battle starting. IT comes in real hand for settlement defense battles, especially since ALL Skaven factions declare war on ALL lizardme [03:11:31] n factions as part of the Sotek's natural campaign progression. [03:15:48] Action: raptop guesses that battles typically last hundreds of turns? [03:23:23] Oh no, that's for the campaign map. [03:23:27] Battles are in real time. [03:23:53] The reason it takes ~55 turns to get the Invocation of Sotek is because you have to have a advanced Shrine to Sotek, which requires a Level 4 settlement. [03:24:28] I always make a beeline to having at least one level 4 settlement, anyway, because you need them for training Fire-leech bola Terradons. [03:28:16] ah [03:29:34] You also need a level 4 settlement for the buildings needed to train the best Lizardmen heroes. [03:30:02] And all Lizardmen heroes have the option of riding dinosaurs into battle. [03:30:40] This is really useful in regards to spellcasters, as it gives them something to do once they've run out of magic. [03:33:50] Drive me closer, I want to hit them with my sword? [03:33:55] (okay, that's 40k, but still) [03:38:15] Action: raptop also wants to say that the lizardmen are good (well, lawful)? [03:39:28] They're the greatest enemies of Chaos, but they'll also go after anyone who settles in the wrong part of their homeland or steals any relic. [03:40:23] And the Cult of Sotek's shtick is that they are going to commit genocide against the Skaven. This is generally seen as a good thing. [03:40:44] Hence, as part of their campaign, ALL Skaven declare war on them and ALL other lizardmen factions. [03:41:32] This can get really silly if you're not prepared, as it means Skaven factions that are literally on the opposite side of the map will send armies (sometimes very well outfitted) to your homeland. [03:42:20] hm [03:42:38] So, when playing Sotek, I've gotten in the habit of either adding fortifications to every coastal settlement or stationing a reserve in ambush position next to points they can land in. [03:43:33] But, pound for pound, Lizardmen infantry among the very best in the game and they will murderize many times their number in rat-men before going down. [03:44:19] The real problem is when Skaven are using something other than their worthless melee infantry. Like, for instance, sending in harder to kill Doomwheels or using massed Ratling Gun fire. [03:47:25] For reference, here is a Doomwheel https://pbs.twimg.com/media/Eknr63pX0AIpFOk?format=jpg&name=large [03:47:41] And, yes, it is indeed a giant hamster wheel propelled by rats. [03:48:29] hah [03:51:25] Skaven melee infantry literally exist for no reason other than pinning down enemy units for larger or ranged Skaven units. Friendly fire is a feature. [05:09:37] why are humans so gross [05:56:03] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Deddly' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [11:30:38] unarchived zombie karaoke [11:35:21] (local) leet time [11:55:52] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Deddly' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [13:03:21] guh [13:03:27] kikkerikii [13:08:07] !nela [13:08:08] Althego => Falcon 9 - Transporter-2 - Fri Jun 25, 2021 11:00:00 UTC (L-6 days, 21:50:03) - https://rocketlaunch.live/launch/transporter-2 for info/stream [13:08:13] transporter [13:08:29] must be jason statham on the rocket [13:24:18] Today? [13:24:30] oh, no, next week. [15:31:02] hehe, gpu prices started to go back. still around 200% of what they should be [17:52:17] hmm, all those games on sale on gog [18:08:48] tempting [18:08:50] yeah [18:09:00] luckily it is so hot that I don't want to play any game. [18:09:32] hehe [18:09:38] was it so hot you didnt watch martin? :) [18:09:44] I did [18:09:49] see? [18:10:06] And I was happy I could stay on the couch and watch him. Then he ended the stream early. :( [18:30:16] oh, there was maybe a tornado in the Netherlands [18:32:04] found some article from 8 hours ago that stated they thought there wasa decent chance for it. nothing concrete, i guess i didnt happen [18:34:08] o_O [18:36:06] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9IqRmea8Me4 windy [18:36:32] and you will spot the European: Standing next to a window filming, while a tornado is passing by [18:44:12] yeah, I caught about 80% of that earlier [18:47:19] snow: you're from there? [18:51:26] like when people were looking at the meteor and it broke the windows... right into their faces [19:11:44] Mat2ch: Eindhoven de gekste! [19:27:06] snow: oh, nice. Well, you already have the weather I'm longing for. Will take two days to finally get here :( [19:28:04] I really should move to Norways or Finland... [19:28:20] sweden or finland. norway is relatively warm [19:29:02] Depends on where you are [19:29:08] and i should move to some tropical island [19:29:49] Will soon be swallowed by the sea. [19:29:57] hehe [19:30:01] not in my lifetime [19:30:25] Don't underestimate climate change [19:30:26] Mat2ch: I mean, it was crazy thunderstorms for a bit and then right back up to 31C [19:30:40] yeah, weather is broken here now :| [22:19:29] Wait . . . Walton Goggins is in Invincible? [23:32:29] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vis-viva_equation#Equation [23:32:29] here, whats r and whats a? [23:32:29] it says r is distance between planet and spacecraft but theres also a which is semi major axis [23:32:29] so what does r mean? [23:35:11] r is the current distance between the planet (center of mass) and the spacecraft, a is the semi-major axis (which defines the size/energy of the orbit) [23:35:33] in the case of an elliptical orbit, the semi-major axis is, well, half of the major (long) axis [23:35:50] Alternatively, a = (apoapsis + periapsis)/2 [23:36:03] but remember that this is to the center of the planet, while KSP gives altitudes [23:48:05] im trying to circularise earth's orbit, difference between suns center of mass and surface probably wont matter