[01:41:33] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [01:52:37] Rokker: but you're probably a few hours late for that, as moscow time is already the 26th [08:16:18] https://www.bmeme.hu/memes/2018/12/8503_f7k6ftcn20_normal.jpg [09:45:30] meh. my new asteroid mining rig takes quite a few seconds to load into the physics bubble. might be the 66 fuel cell arrays it needs to power the engineer. https://formularfetischisten.de/~packbart/temp/ksprr2.jpg [09:46:51] even then, the cooling system is too small for continuous operation. it can fill two S4-512 tanks while the ore tanks buffer the heat, though [09:47:43] heh, is the asteroid even large enough to fill the tanks with it? [09:49:02] there's some 3200t of ore in it. the rig could eat through that in a few hours if I could move tanks fast enough [09:49:42] aha [09:51:33] I always wondered how many ISRUs I'd need to process the output of 3 asteroid harvesters. The answer is exactly 10 [09:52:15] (with 3 active converters each) [09:52:16] lol [09:53:11] with an enigneer on board, I need 66 fuel cell arrays to power it all. the two large and medium TCS aren't enough for long-term use, though [09:56:28] hm, using fuel cells for that seems like wasting of fuel [09:57:23] nah, with a 5-star engineer, it produces much more fuel than the cells consume [09:58:36] i mean, what is better - that or using solar panels. Like, weight of the latter compared to fuel used up for power [10:01:43] the drills and convertes use about 1800 EC/s. In high orbit, solar arrays in optimal lighting produce about the same as fuel cell arrays. So I'd need about 100 or more of them and keep the heavy asteroid oriented correctly [10:04:28] ok [10:17:56] you need a nuclear plant [11:19:25] i never even researched the mining stuff yet [12:41:51] https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186186471202357249/527465851880996864/DSC_0316.JPG [12:43:36] it is really big [12:43:43] next time make foldable wings :) [12:44:07] the wings have a quick attach system [12:44:18] I can put them on and remove them in a few minutes [12:44:27] Fluburtur: I'm a bit jealous [12:44:31] heh [12:44:43] his is bigger than yours? :) [12:45:04] now it is time to put stickers on it [12:46:47] also my room is an absolute mess again [12:49:29] one wing of this plane is the same size as the wingspan of my other planes [12:50:22] so how would you get it fly in the middle of the nowhere? [12:50:31] maybe near some trees? [12:51:15] well it has a prop on the front [12:51:27] and a really beefy motor [12:51:33] ah i didnt see it [12:51:52] I will put a long range system on it to have nice rides in the mountains, I know spots with a lot of thermal lift [12:53:29] however I dont have the radio I ordered for that yet [12:53:41] also whoever took the photo should relax more, when doing pictures ;) [12:54:02] my cousin is still new to that [12:59:16] is photography like archery? the looser you hold the camera the better it is? [12:59:23] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [13:15:30] nice plane [13:15:38] fully DIY? [13:17:00] or XMAS from the gentleman behind the window / lady behind the camera? [13:19:47] it is a kit [13:30:53] so I opened the game I developed in japan on a german PC [13:31:10] with chinese font? [13:31:24] all floating point numbers in asset and save files grow by a few orders of magnitude [13:31:43] test your software, people [13:31:53] check your staging [13:32:34] the reason I assume is that germany uses , to denote decimals, and . is just ignored [13:32:48] hehe [13:33:00] yes a common (comma?) problem [13:34:33] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o BPlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [13:42:59] ...could integer parsing also depend on culture? [13:43:29] Right-to-left integers? [13:44:46] hehe [13:44:53] at some point those are just strings [13:44:57] then anything can happen [13:45:18] bool.parse doesn't even accept a CultureInfo [13:46:03] also my own game is unplayable if the middle mouse doesn't work [13:46:04] I demand my integers be UTF-8 compatible [13:46:36] store them in big endien binary :) [13:47:04] BPlayer: that I actually did right, legacy files are interpreted as shift-jis regardless of system locale, and new files are unicode [13:47:05] Re: Middle mouse: TIL you can press your wheel not only down, as in middle click, but also left or right, which triggers a left/right scroll in Chrome, at least [13:47:32] middle mouse is the middle man of rodents [13:47:47] BPlayer: I can't do that either, only scroll [13:48:34] used blender yesterday with everything remapped to mouse 5 [13:48:51] but my own game doesn't support remapping yet [13:48:55] there will be a soyuz launch in roughly half a day, but it happens in the middle of the night here [13:49:01] https://i.imgur.com/T6ZzlyCg.png [13:53:18] where is # on a german keyboard [13:53:45] hehe [13:53:48] arent you the german? [13:53:55] i would just switch to english [13:54:08] nvm found it [13:54:10] ton us english it is on shift 3 [13:54:42] japanese as well [13:55:00] but I think japanese is somewhat different from en-us [13:55:08] probably [13:55:19] chinese might be identical to en-us [13:56:04] I wish there were an IME that works with all keyboard layouts and languages [13:57:09] all keys are where they actually are, regardless of what language you are typing [13:59:14] so my goal for these holidays, allow key remappings, and get a scripting language working ingame [13:59:44] lol there is at least one person who thinks sloths are animatronics [14:02:16] so I need a scripting language that uses 0-based indexing, allows inlining/does not assign meaning to newlines and spaces, and is not javascript [14:02:57] specific tastes [14:03:02] most of the saner languages are out [14:03:11] so no lua and no python [14:03:19] no awk, perl [14:03:49] note that spaces can have meanings in string literals of course [14:04:12] but many languages have 1 as first index [14:04:24] many languages suck, I know [14:05:34] maybe tcl, but i dont remember the index [14:07:12] oh, c-like mathematical expressions [14:07:45] otherwise i dont recommend it [14:07:53] ... holyC# exists [14:08:58] nevermind, it's just a dumb joke, not an actual .net version of holyC [14:25:52] what really irks me is that there is an awesome lua interpreter called moonsharp which very seamlessly integrates into .net, but lua just fails at what I'm trying to achieve [14:27:03] Glass|phone: the funny part about our Comma in decimal numbers is that it's totally safe, if you just stick to the decimal point and just change it, if you display things ;P [14:39:54] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [14:50:31] SCANDAL!!!!11 [14:50:41] SETI contracts are sexist! [14:51:48] ... orbit Kerbin and Keep <> alive for 72 hours [14:53:26] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [14:56:33] English is sexist. [14:59:07] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o BPlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [14:59:11] kerbals didnt even have genders a little while ago [15:20:45] Happy xmas [15:23:23] Happy ymas. [15:23:35] y-combinator [15:27:09] https://66.media.tumblr.com/33ea4c96b0cb51ea18ee29f3d7c1a16a/tumblr_pfadx1Qtes1xgmy5io1_540.png [15:27:26] hehe [15:27:46] seen that before, my mum didn't get it either [15:32:06] Hehe [15:35:45] https://66.media.tumblr.com/46318db641cd69fcfb6f6c914e5695dc/tumblr_ph4rz2g9pf1rn7g1y_540.jpg [15:56:39] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Judge_Dedd' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [18:44:54] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptor' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [18:44:55] hehe this is the vacuum cleaner. the only piece of equipment that doesnt suck on the iss :) [18:47:47] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o raptop' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [18:51:28] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvTmdIhYnes [18:51:28] YouTube - ONE OF THE MOST DETAILED ISS TOUR!!! [18:51:36] quite detailed, havent seen this yet [18:51:45] aktheoiugh it is 2 years old [18:52:49] uncut floating that never stops... these conspiracy theorist really think this can be faked? as if [18:55:08] "In here we are growing the lettuce" [18:55:18] they did grow some lettuce [18:55:37] although it is about the most useless plant you can have for food [18:58:56] He's having fun throwing that tablet around [19:00:05] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [19:00:43] did they have the inflatable thing in 2016? [19:01:52] they did but it was inflated later [19:02:05] end of may [19:03:47] hehe they have an extension for the urine processor to put the russian urine in it too :) [19:04:07] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o APlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [19:05:49] if anything would stop me getting to space, is the toilet [19:06:31] happy with it? there is a space toilet simulator, because you have to train hard to be able to use it [19:08:47] hehe user comment: You are scrolling in the comments in hopes to find a flat earther to laugh at aren't you?’ [19:14:04] ah there i a cut in it around half time [19:15:03] ehehe, the cupola, even through this aging camera it is an amazing view [19:17:00] hehe huge fingerprint on the glass [19:29:05] hehe a floating ball earth [19:30:57] i guess not much time is going to remain on the russian part [19:39:08] and the video stopped at a soyuz [20:03:39] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o BPlayer' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [20:54:15] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Judge_Dedd' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [21:25:58] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AxX_DvzJMZM [21:25:58] YouTube - MOST FUNNY AND CRAZY ISS TOUR!!! [21:37:58] LOL this guy is pushing himself past someone else casually hanging out on the ceiling [21:38:08] At 2:43 [21:38:24] later it gets better [21:38:27] with the russian bro [21:39:24] His speed though [21:39:27] I am concerned [21:40:18] yes he could ķip through the station in no time [21:40:21] zip [21:40:31] knocked off one camera [21:42:19] I wonder if they give way to the right [21:42:21] there are two other videos from this guy with an iss tour [21:42:33] how do you define right? :) [21:42:40] Oh... oh. [21:42:44] Dang. [21:43:14] Well, there is a top and a bottom, actually, defined by the orientation of the ISS to the Earth [21:43:31] the other 2 have nice views but the long one and the short one combined are good, because the long is detailed the short is funny [21:43:38] But the plane of your movement may be parallel to the top-bottom axis [21:43:51] In that case, you have a front and a back, though [21:44:09] Still might be moving in the front/back & top/bottom plane [21:44:16] .( [21:44:23] :( * [21:50:38] NASA: "We're not sending you to space again" [21:51:20] I'm surprised he not only has not hit anything with his head, but he did not even break any laptops or other stuff [21:51:33] lot of practice [21:51:41] Probably has practiced the moves every day for his entire mission :P [21:52:01] in the previous video you can see his trick with the japanese storage module exit [21:52:04] When you have too much free time on the ISS :P [21:52:14] i doubt that [21:52:53] ( [21:52:55] ) [21:53:16] Action: BPlayer should work on his special symbol typing today [21:53:44] scott has some video about the supposed space station strike that happened when the skylab people were overworked [21:54:00] so there must be some free time [21:54:23] but even then half of that would be looking outside the window :9 [22:00:34] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mqX2BmiEDnQ [22:00:34] YouTube - How a fleet of wind-powered drones is changing our understanding of the ocean | Sebastien de Halleux [22:00:36] i should sleep [22:00:51] i remember these drone things, they started a while ago [23:24:02] https://youtu.be/eRP0nLZYB_A [23:24:03] YouTube - Marble Trickshots! - Satisfying Sorting [23:44:34] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptop' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [23:54:00] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o UmbralRaptor' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net