[00:00:54] Action: oren hits F9 [00:17:35] i usually hit rshift+f9, and then get annoyed that the long list isn't sorted by date [02:11:51] https://imgur.com/yTnLxny [02:11:51] https://i.imgur.com/yTnLxny.png [02:44:21] https://imgur.com/ff6zj7A [02:44:21] https://i.imgur.com/ff6zj7A.jpg [02:45:05] this design for a fake propeller has the best aesthetics I can get with the parts I have [03:57:26] @UmbralRaptop things are about to escape [03:58:59] yay [04:01:24] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Supernovy' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [04:01:42] Evening, Gentlemen. [04:02:48] yo [05:04:36] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o TheKosmonaut' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [06:07:34] Well, I've done it [06:07:49] Using 4500 metric tons of rocket, I was able to accelerate an Explorer I probe out of the solar system faster than the Voyagers [09:42:14] Arynnia: beat light speed yet? ;) [10:32:46] ludicruous speed, go! [10:35:19] I sure went there [10:35:35] crossed kerb system in minutes [10:35:50] course, that was with cheat engine lol [11:05:59] Mopsgeschwindigkeit! [11:19:49] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+v eriophora' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [14:23:30] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+o Deddly' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net [16:25:37] I found a nice thing on tumbr [16:25:37] My last boss was Chinese, and she said when her parents came to visit her from Beijing they pronounced Chicago A very nice village. [16:26:05] very nice village lol [16:27:47] Perspectives and all... village may have been in regards to number of people than size fo the actual city itself. Then again, I could be wrong [16:28:12] it was on a post between culatural differences regarding parts of the world [16:28:22] like 400 years odl crap in europe is almost new while in murika it is old [16:28:33] and 1000km is europe is kidna much but it's the morning jog in murika [16:29:50] and china is both [16:30:47] https://78.media.tumblr.com/c472a283e9bfed9892bd8a9d3bea6825/tumblr_oxqgjvSbFg1qzfchco1_540.jpg [16:30:58] https://78.media.tumblr.com/aa92dfe18cf247f9c6f49710189f6efd/tumblr_inline_oxs41fJBAt1qjtjwr_540.png [16:31:41] whoops.. crossed a wire somewhere huh? [17:36:03] Where would we be without hobbies....heh [17:38:42] https://i.gyazo.com/f77fc42f59154d1de7c2aa5acd58164c.png [17:38:56] lol [18:30:24] germans invaded martin [18:31:52] Which Martin? [18:32:08] the marble machine martin [20:06:53] Messing around with an evolution simulator I found, my thing I made is really moving. https://gyazo.com/fbc91fa8592290ad629a86ea8248bd39 [22:51:21] #KSPOfficial: mode change '+v eriophora' by ChanServ!ChanServ@services.esper.net