total 511976
-rw-r--r-- 1 x x 524252362 Mar 11 08:26 10-Mar-2024_215520.562_436.663MHz_000.cs16
-rw-r--r-- 1 x x 60 Apr 17 07:26 tictoc.txt
total 20488
-rw-r--r-- 1 x x 20979428 Apr 17 07:26 10-Mar-2024_215520.562_436.663MHz_000.cs16.wav
DC offset 0.000005
Min level -1.000000
Max level 0.898285
Pk lev dB 0.00
RMS lev dB -29.00
RMS Pk dB -21.69
RMS Tr dB -37.75
Crest factor 28.20
Flat factor 0.00
Pk count 2
Bit-depth 16/16
Num samples 10.5M
Length s 437.070
Scale max 1.000000
Window s 0.050
** GENESIS-U/V decoder
** 20231229
TYP 1 (pwr)
LEN 26 Bytes
RAW 18 80 04 10 10 02 42 31 95 89 18 80 75 B1 E5 90 7B 11 DF E4 74 3E 9E BA F1
CRC 8004 LCL C484
DATA 18 00 00 00 00 00 00 3B B5 6B 5E F0 93 23 3F 00 F3 01 39 00 10 50 00 00 F1 6D
***Power packet ***
spa : 0 mW
spb : 0 mW
spc : 0 mW
spd : 0 mW
vbus1 : 4058 mV bus voltage read in CPU.ADC
vbus2 : 4032 mV bus voltage read in EPS.I2C
vbus3 : 4040 mV bus voltage read in CPU.I2C
vbat1 : 4074 mV bat voltage read in EPS.ADC
vbat2 : 4044 mV bat voltage read in EPS.I2C
vbus1-vbat1 : -16 mV
vbus3-vbus2 : 8 mV
vcpu : 2879 mV
icpu : 17 mA @DCDCinput
icpu : 23 mA @DCDCoutput (estimation)
ipl : 0 mA
ibat : 57 mA (Current flowing out from the battery)
pwrdul1 : 1280
pwrdul4 : 0
TYP 2 (tmp)
LEN 13 Bytes
RAW 28 B3 33 E8 DF 65 A1 4D EC 7C 29 BE A0
DATA 28 33 37 36 37 FF 41 35 3A 42 47 BE A0
*** TMP
tpa : -14.5 degC temperature in SPA.I2C
tpb : -12.5 degC temperature in SPB.I2C
tpc : -13.0 degC temperature in SPC.I2C
tpd : -12.5 degC temperature in SPD.I2C
teps : -7.5 degC temperature in EPS.I2C
ttx : -13.5 degC temperature in TX.I2C
ttx2 : -11.0 degC temperature in TX.NTC
trx : -7.0 degC temperature in RX.NTC
tcpu : -4.5 degC temperature in CPU.ADC
LEN 191 Bytes
RAW BF FF FF F7 F0 83 0C 0F 00 80 01 FA 5A 89 22 07 16 78 C0 13 9F 49 8E 00 3E 8E 63 C2 E2 70 26 B8 9B 85 00 15 8B 58 F0 67 8A B6 24 AC 00 AF E8 03 EC 4A 98 C6 1E CB B8 67 7A B0 8A 46 21 8F D2 94 35 2F 1B CD 1B 34 39 AC 1A 8D E0 A8 18 91 4B 92 FF 3E 09 C3 A3 CC 2B 15 8E 68 97 7E DB 73 D2 1D FA D7 DC 51 92 90 4B 7F E9 70 5A DA 99 2F CC 7A CF 72 38 EB 24 43 48 C0 A4 71 23 C5 AE 99 F8 DA BA E3 74 0E E9 31 70 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00
LEN 211 Bytes
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
CRC 1E94 LCL 1400
TYP 1 (pwr)
LEN 26 Bytes
RAW 18 80 04 10 10 02 43 71 92 91 05 9D 97 35 B5 B2 70 9D D3 64 80 F0 56 DC 33
CRC 8004 LCL 5184
CRC=33C1 LCL=33F8
LEN 1 Bytes
LEN<3, data discarded
TYP 3 (status)
LEN 26 Bytes
RAW 38 8E 5D A2 9E CC 49 AD EC 22 93 4B 69 02 0D 88 14 0F D2 D6 B4 67 A4 D0 10 48
CRC=1048 LCL=1048
DATA 38 0E 59 88 00 94 05 67 00 00 FF 03 11 00 01 00 00 FF 00 A8 00 01 00 00 10 48
***Status ***
sclock : 8935694 seconds (satellite has been active for 103 days and 10:08:14 hh:mm:ss)
uptime : 1428 minutes since the last CPU reset (0 days and 23 hours 48 mins)
nrun : 103 times satellite CPU was started
npayload : 0 times payload was activated
nwire : 25 or more times antenna deployment was tried or disabled by command
ntrans : 229 times transponder was activated
nbusdrops : 0
last_reset_cause : 3 Independent watchdog reset
bate (battery) : 1 Charged (Between 3.550V and 4.2V)
mote (transponder) : 1 Enabled in FM mode
nTasksNotExecuted : OK
nExtEepromErrors : OK
antennaDeployed : OK (Antenna has been deployed)
last_failed_task_id :
messaging enabled : No
strfwd0 (id) : 0 (0)
strfwd1 (key) : A8 (168)
strfwd2 (value) : 1 (1)
strfwd3 (num_tcmds) : 0 (0)
Wed 17 Apr 07:26:24 CEST 2024
Wed 17 Apr 07:26:50 CEST 2024