# because of youtube-dl dev-python/setuptools ~x86 #temporary bug finding =dev-lang/python-3.4.5 ~x86 # The older version from 2014 actually won't compile because nmake can't be found. app-shells/ksh ~x86 # For building wireless-regdb - no longer needed, the older version got x86 # dev-python/m2crypto ~x86 # Is this both keyworded and masked? =sys-devel/gcc-3.4.6-r2 ~x86 games-roguelike/nethack ~x86 # Won't complie # sys-fs/davl ~x86 x11-wm/amiwm ~x86 =sys-kernel/vanilla-sources- ~x86 =sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-3.0.76 ~x86 =sys-kernel/gentoo-sources-3.2.60 ~x86 net-irc/psybnc ~x86 =net-irc/bitchx-1.2 ~x86 #net-irc/weechat-0.4.3-r1 ~x86 net-irc/weechat ~x86 net-irc/weechat ** <=net-misc/mdidentd-1.04c ~x86 <=net-irc/ezbounce-1.99.15 ~x86 net-misc/teamviewer ~x86 dev-lang/tcc ~x86 # install requested by # move net-misc/iodine net-vpn/iodine net-vpn/iodine ~x86 app-crypt/dieharder ~x86 net-im/qutim ~x86 net-misc/youtube-dl ~x86 #requested minimal browser www-client/xombrero ~x86 net-analyzer/tcpdump ~x86 dev-util/sysdig ~x86 dev-libs/libb64 ~x86 net-vpn/i2p ~x86 # won't compile now net-vpn/i2pd ~x86 # =sys-fs/eudev-1_beta2-r2 ~x86 x11-misc/genmenu ~x86 sys-fs/davl ~x86 games-misc/fortune-mod-mormon ~x86 games-misc/fortune-mod-scriptures ~x86 games-mud/tintin ~x86 games-misc/cowsay ~x86 games-misc/wtf ~x86 net-analyzer/ttcp ~x86 games-strategy/dopewars ~x86 games-action/moon-buggy ~x86 games-roguelike/rogue ~x86 # 2022-7 upgrades not building # app-editors/kakoune ~x86 app-crypt/hashcat-utils ~x86 ##### Overlay packages net-p2p/twister ~x86