/* * diehard_parking_lot test header. */ /* * function prototype */ int diehard_parking_lot(Test **test,int irun); static Dtest diehard_parking_lot_dtest __attribute__((unused)) = { "Diehard Parking Lot Test", "diehard_parking_lot", "\ #==================================================================\n\ # Diehard Parking Lot Test (modified).\n\ # This tests the distribution of attempts to randomly park a\n\ # square car of length 1 on a 100x100 parking lot without\n\ # crashing. We plot n (number of attempts) versus k (number of\n\ # attempts that didn't \"crash\" because the car squares \n\ # overlapped and compare to the expected result from a perfectly\n\ # random set of parking coordinates. This is, alas, not really\n\ # known on theoretical grounds so instead we compare to n=12,000\n\ # where k should average 3523 with sigma 21.9 and is very close\n\ # to normally distributed. Thus (k-3523)/21.9 is a standard\n\ # normal variable, which converted to a uniform p-value, provides\n\ # input to a KS test with a default 100 samples.\n\ #==================================================================\n", 100, 0, 1, diehard_parking_lot, 0 };