/* * rgb_permutations test header. */ /* * function prototype */ int rgb_permutations(Test **test,int irun); static Dtest rgb_permutations_dtest __attribute__((unused)) = { "RGB Permutations Test", "rgb_permutations", "\n\ #========================================================================\n\ # RGB Permutations Test\n\ # This is a non-overlapping test that simply counts order permutations of\n\ # random numbers, pulled out n at a time. There are n! permutations\n\ # and all are equally likely. The samples are independent, so one can\n\ # do a simple chisq test on the count vector with n! - 1 degrees of\n\ # freedom. This is a poor-man's version of the overlapping permutations\n\ # tests, which are much more difficult because of the covariance of the\n\ # overlapping samples.\n\ #\n", 100, /* Default psamples */ 100000, /* Default tsamples */ 1, /* We magically make all the bit tests return a single histogram */ rgb_permutations, 0 };