Quantum Darwinism, an Idea to Explain Objective Reality, Passes First Tests
Quantum Darwinism belki de adın düşündürdüğünden daha çok ciddiye alınmayı hak ediyor. Fakat adın ciddiyetsizliği çok ciddi. Bunun neresi Darwinian?
Temel mesele şu: objective realiteyi türettiğiniz şey her ne ise onun statüsü be? Kendisi objective olmayan bir şeyden nasıl objective bir şey çıkar? Hakkını yemeyelim, Philip Ball da bu soruyu soruyor.
Şurada kulağa daha da ciddiyetsiz gelen başka bir yazı var.
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Why philosophers believe we’ve reached peak human intelligence
"Mysterians" yaftasını yağıştırdığı bir grup düşünüre karşı zehir zemberek bir yazı. Bu şiddetin bu celalin ideolojik bir cephesi olması gerektiğini düşündürüyor. Karşı olduğu bu kesime karşı kendini nasıl tanımladığını bilmiyoruz, ama bana göre uygun düşen en iyi adlandırma "rasyonalizm" olabilir.
Halbuki eğer ortada bir "mysterian" varsa kendisi. Biyolojik evrim evrenin bütün gizemlerini çözecek bir bilişsel yetiyi nasıl yarattı? "Hayvanlar soruyu dahi anlamaz" deniliyor. Gizem tam da bu: evrim binlerce tür içinde sadece bir türü seçip bu olağanüstü sıçramayı nasıl yapmış olabilir? Asıl gizem bu!
Sorduğumuz sorunun bizim için net bir anlamı varsa yanıtı da bulmamız kabil, deniliyor. Tamam, ama sorduğumuz sorunun nesnel bir anlamı olduğundan nasıl bu kadar eminsin? "Evrende herşeyi açıklayabilecek olan teori nedir?" Bu soruyu gayet iyi anlıyorum. Bunu anlıyor olmam gerçekten böyle bir teori olması gerektiğini garanti eder mi? "Akılsal olan gerçektir" diyorsanız eder. Sizi rasyonalistler sizi!..
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Computers Evolve a New Path Toward Human Intelligence
Evolutionary algorithms eğer neural network algorithms ile birleştirilebilirse çok şey yapabilir. Doğru, ama sınırları ne olacak? Evrimsel yaklaşımın esprisi çözümde rastlantısal varyasyon (mutasyon).
Televizyon çalışmayınca bazen tekmeliyoruz, çalışıyor. Acaba gelişigüzel seçtiğimiz bir kütleyi yeterince uygun süre tekmelesek bir süre sonra televizyon olup görüntü verir mi?
Bu kadarı tabii ki haksız bir eleştiri olurdu. Sonuçta evrimcilerin başarısı bir feedback döngüsü içinde optimizasyonu garanti edebilmeleri. Ama bu evrimsel algoritmadaki feedback döngüsü ile doğadaki gerçek evrimde sözkünusu olan feedback döngüsü yine de birbirinin aynı değil. Gerçek evrimde hangi özelliğin seçileceğine doğa karar veriyor. Oysa programcı evrimsel algoritmada bu işi doğaya bırakamaz. Dolayısıyla kendini doğanın, başka bir bakışla Yüce Tanrının yerine koymak zorunda.
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Even Physicists Don’t Understand Quantum Mechanics - Worse, they don’t seem to want to understand it.
Standard teorinin despotizmine karşı ayaklanan fizikçiler felsefecileri yardıma çağırıyor:
Meanwhile, it turns out that how reality works might actually matter. Our best attempts to understand fundamental physics have reached something of an impasse, stymied by a paucity of surprising new experimental results. Scientists discovered the Higgs boson in 2012, but that had been predicted in 1964. Gravitational waves were triumphantly observed in 2015, but they had been predicted a hundred years before. It’s hard to make progress when the data just keep confirming the theories we have, rather than pointing toward new ones.
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First Support for a Physics Theory of Life
Origin of life ne ölçüde bir fizik konusu olabilir? Hayatı bir termodinamik anomaliye indirgerseniz olur. Ama bununla herkesi ikna etmek şöyle dursun hocanızı bile kızdırabilirsiniz.
The existence of life is no mystery or lucky break but rather follows from general physical principles and should be as unsurprising as rocks rolling downhill.
He started his scientific career in my lab and I really know how capable he is. Jeremy’s work represents potentially interesting exercises in non-equilibrium statistical mechanics of simple abstract systems. Any claims that it has to do with biology or the origins of life are “pure and shameless speculations.
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Quantum Leaps, Long Assumed to Be Instantaneous, Take Time
The abruptness of quantum jumps was a central pillar of the way quantum theory was formulated by Niels Bohr, Werner Heisenberg and their colleagues. Heisenberg’s quantum mechanics enumerated all the allowed quantum states, and implicitly assumed that jumps between them are instant — discontinuous, as mathematicians would say. “The notion of instantaneous quantum jumps … became a foundational notion in the Copenhagen interpretation,” historian of science Mara Beller has written.
The problem with a quantum jump was also that it was said to just happen at a random moment — with nothing to say why that particular moment. It was thus an effect without a cause, an instance of apparent randomness inserted into the heart of nature.
The Yale team’s setup, by contrast, allowed them to anticipate when a jump was coming, then zoom in close to examine it. The key to the experiment is the ability to collect just about all of the available information about it, so that none leaks away into the environment before it can be measured. Only then can they follow single jumps in such detail.
Surprisingly, the transition to the dark state still happened even without photons driving it — it is as if, by the time the brief pause sets in, the fate is already fixed. So although the jump itself comes at a random time, there is also something deterministic in its approach.
As the jump progresses, a direct measurement would be increasingly likely to yield the final rather than the initial state. It’s a bit like the way our decisions may evolve over time. You can only either stay at a party or leave it — it’s a binary choice — but as the evening wears on and you get tired, the question “Are you staying or leaving?” becomes increasingly likely to get the answer “I’m leaving.”
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There’s a glitch at the edge of the universe that could remake physics
The fine structure constant, also known as alpha lies at the centre of quantum electrodynamics, or QED. Change this number by a smidgen, and you change the universe. But as Dirac had hinted, perhaps electromagnetic interactions were weaker or stronger in the past, or are different in distant parts of the universe. For physicist John Webb, the possibility of a varying alpha became a matter of near-obsession two decades ago. Their latest claim about alpha is that it changes gradually and approximately linearly with distance from Earth. “If we travel a distance corresponding to the distance light has travelled since the big bang, we find ourselves in a part of the universe where physics is just starting to be noticeably different,” says Webb.
Meanwhile, in November, a new instrument on the VLT will come online, the Echelle Spectrograph for Rocky Exoplanet and Stable Spectroscopic Observation, or ESPRESSO. In Murphy’s estimation it is a dream machine for measuring quasar spectra. “It’s a super-duper ultra-stable spectrograph that will nail this question,” he says.
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Vacuum decay: the ultimate catastrophe
False vacuum diye bir şey varmış. Enerji düzeyi mutlak minimumda olmadığı için 'false', fakat enerji düzeyinde bir değişiklik olmadığı için 'vacuum'. Buna metastable vacuum deniyormuş. Evrenimizin böyle olma durumu varmış ve metastable gerçekten stable olmadığı için tam bir felaket senaryosuymuş:
A universe in a false vacuum state is called “metastable”, because it’s not actively decaying (rolling), but it’s not exactly stable either.
There are two problems with living in a metastable universe. One is that if you create a high enough energy event, you can, in theory, push a tiny region of the universe from the false vacuum into the true vacuum, creating a bubble of true vacuum that will then expand in all directions at the speed of light. Such a bubble would be lethal.
Şu orijinal makaleden alıntı. some creatures capable of knowing joy ifedesine bayıldım:
This is disheartening. The possibility that we are living in a false vacuum has never been a cheering one to contemplate. Vacuum decay is the ultimate ecological catastrophe; in a new vacuum there are new constants of nature; after vacuum decay, not only is life as we know it impossible, so is chemistry as we know it.
However, one could always draw stoic comfort from the possibility that perhaps in the course of time the new vacuum would sustain, if not life as we know it, at least some creatures capable of knowing joy. This possibility has now been eliminated.
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Physicists Debate Hawking’s Idea That the Universe Had No Beginning
Hartle-Hawking tezine saldırmış birileri:
The trio checked their math and queried their underlying assumptions before going public, but “unfortunately,” Turok said, “it just seemed to be inescapable that the Hartle-Hawking proposal was a disaster.”
Vatikan'ın bilim adamları karşı çıkmış:
The question of the wave function of the universe “is the right kind of question to ask,” said Maldacena, who, incidentally, is a member of the Pontifical Academy. “Whether we are finding the right wave function, or how we should think about the wave function — it’s less clear.”
Bu komikmiş:
“Murray Gell-Mann used to ask me,” Hartle said, referring to the late Nobel Prize-winning physicist, “if you know the wave function of the universe, why aren’t you rich?” Of course, to actually solve for the wave function using Feynman’s method, Hartle and Hawking had to drastically simplify the situation, ignoring even the specific particles that populate our world (which meant their formula was nowhere close to being able to predict the stock market)
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One thing to change: Anecdotes aren’t data
Steven Pinker yeni ideolojinin adını koymuş: “factfulness”.
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What Is Imaginary Time?
Eğer imaginary time diye birşey kabul edersek Einstein'ın evreni 3 boyutlu euklidean bir yer oluyormuş. Hawkings buyuemuş Hawkings-Hartle teziyle ilgili aynı zamanda, ama tam anlayamadım.
Why would we want to sue such an odd concept? It helps with singularities. In them, space time curls in on itself and our known physics breaks down. But with imaginary time, a closed surface (with 3-dimensions) would form instead and would separate from our space time (Hawking 81).
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The Quantum Theory That Peels Away the Mystery of Measurement
There’s a nonstatistical way to formulate quantum mechanics so that it can speak about single events happening in individual quantum systems. It is called quantum trajectory theory (QTT), and it’s perfectly compatible with the standard formalism of quantum mechanics. The standard description is recovered over long timescales after the average of many events is computed.
By applying QTT to an experiment on a quantum circuit, Minev and his co-workers were recently able to capture a “quantum leap” — a switch between two quantum energy states — as it unfolded over time. They were also to achieve the remarkable feat of catching such a jump in midflight and reversing it.
But what exactly is this trajectory? One thing is clear: It’s not like a classical trajectory, meaning a path taken in space. It’s more like the path taken through the abstract space of possible states the system might have, which is called Hilbert space. In traditional quantum theory, that path is described by the wave function of the Schrödinger equation. But crucially, QTT can also address how measurements affect that path, which the Schrödinger equation can’t do.
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Philosophical bias is the one bias that science cannot avoid
Bilim felsefecileri kendilerine iş arıyorlar. "Ne iş olsa yaparım, abi!"Scientific bias için güzel örnekler.
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Is Alien Life Hiding Beyond Earth 2.0?
Best example to explain bias in science:
It may be the case that life is rare in the Universe, in which case it will require us to look at a lot of candidate planets — possibly with very high precision — in order to reveal a successful detection. But if we search exclusively for planets that have similar properties to Earth, and we restrict ourselves to looking at parent stars and solar systems that are similar to our own, we are doomed to get a biased representation of what’s out there.
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Cosmology Has Some Big Problems
Bir bilim felsefecisi kozmolojide ortaya atılan modellerde deneysel verinin tabiri caizse tavşanın suyunun suyu olduğunu, yani kozmologların uçtuğunu söylüyor
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A Violent Splash of Magma That May Have Made the Moon
The object thought to have formed our lunar companion may have smashed into a baby Earth still covered in a fiery ocean.
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Quantum Monism Could Save the Soul of Physics
Monism dediği aslında holism. Sabine Hossfelder'e yanıt.
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This Is Why The Multiverse Must Exist
Multiverse en başta Copernicus ilkesinin bir gereğiymiş:
The Multiverse is an extremely controversial idea, but at its core it's a very simple concept. Just as the Earth doesn't occupy a special position in the Universe, nor does the Sun, the Milky Way, or any other location, the Multiverse goes a step farther and claims that there's nothing special about the entire visible Universe.
Eğer hem enflasyon teorisi, hem quantum field theory hem de Heisenberg'in belirsizlik ilkesi aynı anda doğruysa Multiverse bunun zorunlu bir sonucu olarak çıkıyormuş. Belirsizlik ilkesinin sonsuz evrenleri yaratan ilke olması çok manidar!
Bu da benim için yeni:
We can conclude from this that space isn't positively curved (like a sphere) or negatively curved (like a saddle), but rather spatially flat, indicating that the unobservable Universe likely extends far beyond the part we can access. It never curves back on itself, it never repeats, and it has no empty gaps in it. If it is curved, it has a diameter that's hundreds of times greater than the part we can see.
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David Poeppel on Thought, Language, and How to Understand the Brain (Podcast)
Bir saatten uzun süren bir konuşma. Chomsky hakkında söyledikleri çok ilginç, ama daldan dala atladıkları için iddiasının tam olarak ne olduğu anlaşılamıyor. Visual system analojisine dayanarak dil için önerdiği dual stream model of speech perception çok ilginç. Fakat buradan Chomsky'nin sentaksa atfettiği otonomi çıkar mı henüz anlayamadım.
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Chomsky Was Right, NYU Researchers Find: We Do Have a “Grammar” in Our Head
Deney istatiksel ipuçları engellendiğinde bile beynin dili hiyerarşik işlediğini gösteriyormuş. Sonuç: bunu ancak beyinde kayıtlı bir gramer ile yapabilir.
Bence bu deneyin bütün esprisi istatiksel yorumu devredışı bırakmak. Ama bu yorum o kadar ciddiye alınmaya değer mi? Sonuçta istatiksel yorum için varsaymamız gereken donanmımı (yazılımı) açıklama probleminin altından nasıl kalkacaklar?
Diğer yandan bu deneyin Chomsky tartışması açısından tamamen irrelevant olduğunu söyleyenler de var:
Bu görüşe göre bu deney Chomsky kadar diğer tüm teorilere de destek veriyor. Ama gözden kaçan bir şey var: Diğer teoriler "Colorless green ideas sleep furiously" gibi bir cümle için aynı beklentiye sahip değiller. En azından Poeppel istatiksel ipuçlarını devredışı bıraktıklarını söylediğine göre böyle düşünmek zorundayız:
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AI’s Language Problem
Meselenin özeti şu: yapay zeka neural network sayesinde daha on yıl öncesine kıyasla inanılmaz işler yapıyor. Ama bu algoritmaya özgü bir problem var: standard algoritmada makinenin her adımda neyi niye yaptığının hesabını verebilecekken bu yeni algoritmada bunu yapamıyoruz. Yani makinamız istediğimiz problemi çözüyor, ama her adımda neyi neden yaptığını anlamayabiliyoruz. Bu bir sorun, çünkü örneğin otomatik pilota teslim ettiğimiz arabada giderken anlam veremediğimiz bir tercihin neden olduğunu bilmek isteriz. Makinanın bu son adımı atmasını sağlamının tek bir yolu var görünüyor: makinanın insan dilini anlayıp o dilde konuşmasını sağlamak. Demek ki Natural Language Processing ilk defa artık somut bir ihtiyaç. Bir bakıma yapay zeka bu kadar ilerlemişken bunun başarılamaması için bir engel de kalmamış diye düşünülebilir. Diğer taraftan bu alandaki uzun, çoğu zaman hayal kırıklığıyla sonuçlanmış çabaların tarihine baktığımızda yeni algoritmanın bize nasıl bir avantaj sağlayacağını kestirmek çok kolay değil. Yazar, Will Knight, bu tarihi bu bağlamda özetleyerek problemi oldukça başarılı bir şekilde koyuyor ortaya.
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The Generative Death March, part 3. Whose death is it anyway? By Jeff Lidz
Jeff Lidz responses in his blog "faculty of language" on Ibbotson and Tomasello's claim that competence-performance distinction is unfalsifiable.
I&T's claim is here:
Yvyv Evans attacks Lidz's defense here:
(Dan Milway responses to Evans here:)
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Have Dark Forces Been Messing With the Cosmos?
Hubble sabiti meselesi
In an email, Dr. Riess said, “Maybe the universe does this from time-to-time?”
If so, it would mean that the current manifestation of dark energy is not Einstein’s constant after all. It might wink off one day.
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#MeToo daubed on kissing sailor statue day after serviceman's death

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I'm a brown Arab-American, and the US census refuses to recognize me
Amerika'da iken bana da çok acaip gelmişti bu:
According to the OMB’s classifications, “white” refers to “a person having origins in any of the original peoples of Europe, the Middle East, or north Africa.” My origins are from Egypt. Every day, I live my life in America as a brown person. Defining me as white and likening me to a European, as the census does, is absurd.
Yazarın çıkardığı sonuç da harika:
Arabs Americans: different enough to hate. Not different enough to count.
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Plummeting insect numbers 'threaten collapse of nature'
Bütün felaket haberleri birbiriyle ilintili, ama herbiri tek başına korkunç.
The planet is at the start of a sixth mass extinction in its history, with huge losses already reported in larger animals that are easier to study. But insects are by far the most varied and abundant animals, outweighing humanity by 17 times. They are “essential” for the proper functioning of all ecosystems, the researchers say, as food for other creatures, pollinators and recyclers of nutrients.
Yazının 'alarmist' olmadığı konusunda bilimsel derginin editörü de, hakemleri de hemfikirmiş:
Sánchez-Bayo said the unusually strong language used in the review was not alarmist. “We wanted to really wake people up” and the reviewers and editor agreed, he said. “When you consider 80% of biomass of insects has disappeared in 25-30 years, it is a big concern.”
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How British Feminism Became Anti-Trans
TERF diye bişey varmış. Şu demek: Trans-Exclusionary Radical Feminist. Bunlar kadın olmayı biyoloji üzerinden tanımlıyor. E, ne var bunda? Olur mu? Burada kıyamet kopuyor:
If the idea that transphobic harassment could be “feminist” bewilders you, you are not alone. In the United States, my adoptive home, the most visible contemporary opponents of transgender rights are right-wing evangelicals, who have little good to say about feminism. In Britain, where I used to live, the situation is different.
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Bill Gates says poverty is decreasing. He couldn’t be more wrong
Steven Pinker ile Bill Gates'in ipliğini pazara çıkarıyor. Ama arkaplanda asıl deşifre ettiği şu Our World in Data adlı site.
What Roser’s numbers actually reveal is that the world went from a situation where most of humanity had no need of money at all to one where today most of humanity struggles to survive on extremely small amounts of money. The graph casts this as a decline in poverty, but in reality what was going on was a process of dispossession that bulldozed people into the capitalist labour system, during the enclosure movements in Europe and the colonisation of the global south.
Bu siteyi ilk gördüğümdeki tüm kuşkularımı haklı çıkaran bir yazı.
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Human Evolution Timeline Interactive
Explore the evidence for human evolution in this interactive timeline - climate change, species, and milestones in becoming human.Zoom in using the magnifier on the bottom for a closer look!
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Hominid Species
Hominid türlerinin açıklamalı listesi.
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Human Evolution Timeline
Açıklamalı kronolojik liste
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An Analysis of Davidson's Slingshot Argument
In trying to assess these claims, we face a stumbling block: the lack of a clear, agreed upon notion of logical equivalence as a relation between sentences of natural languages. Some would say that 'snow is white' is logically equivalent to 'snow is white and Socrates is either mortal or not mortal'. Others would deny this, on the grounds that Socrates' existence is not implied by the original sentence. Some would say that 'John is a bachelor' is logically equivalent to 'John is an unmarried man', by the logics of bachelorhood, gender and marriage. Others would say these are perhaps analytically, but not logically, equivalent, because the equivalence does not turn on the use of "logical vocabulary".
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Why creating the perfect cup of coffee really is rocket science
Şaka sandım. Değilmiş:

The capsule – which could be launched next year – would use the heat of re-entry to roast coffee beans as they float inside it in a pressurised tank. The effect would be to roast the beans all over and produce perfect coffee, Cavallini and Alkhafaji claim in a recent issue of the space journal Room. They say that on Earth, beans tumble around, break apart and are scorched by contact with the hot surfaces of the roaster. “But if gravity is removed, the beans float around in a heated oven, giving them 360 degrees of evenly distributed heat and roasting to near perfection.”
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Photons, Quasars and the Possibility of Free Will
EPR paradoksunda asıl mesele nonlocality ile ilgili. Ama bunun arkasında indeterminism ile ilgili şöyle de bir şey var: Eğer ölçüm çıktıyı etkiliyorsa laboratuvardaki deneycinin rastgele tercihi uzakta entangled olanı da etkiliyor demek. Halbuki uzağa giden fotonun deneycinin tercihini önceden bilmesine imkan yok. Buna karşı deneycinin tüm sistemin bir parçası olduğu, dolayısıyla tercihinin gerçek anlamda rastlantısal olmadığını ileri sürenlerin bu iddiasını ortadan kaldırmak için birileri tercihin deneyciye bırakılmayıp milyarlarca ışık yılı ötedeki bir quasara bağlandığı bir deney tasarlamış:
Quasars are brilliant beacons of light powered by supermassive black holes in the centers of distant galaxies. The team used random fluctuations in the light from quasars to determine how the photons were measured. Since the light from a quasar has to travel for billions of years to reach us, the fluctuations in brightness happened billions of years before the experiment was done—billions of years before humans even walked the Earth. So, there is absolutely no way for it to be entangled with the experiment.
The result was just what quantum theory predicts. Thus, it looks like there really are no deterministic hidden variables, and randomness is still possible throughout the cosmos.
Free will olayın çeşnisi. Bundan söz etmese kaç kişi okuyacak bu yazıyı?
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The Malign Incompetence of the British Ruling Class
Zehir zemberek bir yazı. Berxit'i 1947 Hindistan'ıyla karşılaştıran bir "oh olsun!" yazısı.
Britain’s rupture with the European Union is proving to be another act of moral dereliction by the country’s rulers. The Brexiteers, pursuing a fantasy of imperial-era strength and self-sufficiency, have repeatedly revealed their hubris, mulishness and ineptitude over the past two years. Though originally a “Remainer,” Prime Minister Theresa May has matched their arrogant obduracy, imposing a patently unworkable timetable of two years on Brexit and laying down red lines that undermined negotiations with Brussels and doomed her deal to resoundingly bipartisan rejection this week in Parliament.
Şunlar Churchill için dedikleri:
Mountbatten was actually less pigheaded than Winston Churchill, whose invocation stiffens the spines of many Brexiteers today. Churchill, a fanatical imperialist, worked harder than any British politician to thwart Indian independence and, as prime minister from 1940 to 1945, did much to compromise it. Seized by a racist fantasy about superior Anglo-Americans, he refused to help Indians cope with famine in 1943 on the grounds that they “breed like rabbits.”
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In search of the neutrino, ghost particle of the universe
Neutrino'yu ilk kez Wolfgang Pauli 1930'da öngörmüş. (Başka türlü hesap denkleşmediği, yani enerji korunmadığı için bunu uydurduğunu itiraf etmiş, "Ben yaptım siz yapmayın" diye de tembihlemiş.) Dolayısıyla Standard Model'in bir parçacığı. Ama —anlayabildiğim kadarıyla— bilinen diğer tüm parçacıklardan o kadar farklı ki onun Standard Model'in içinde tam olarak açıklanabileceğine kimse ihtimal vermiyor. Neutrino'nun yeterince anlaşılabilmesi bu nedenle Yeni Fizik'e açılan pencere olacak umudunu taşıyorlar.
Nor is this the only reason that scientists are fascinated by the fact that neutrinos have mass. “What is so intriguing is that their mass is just so much less than that of any other particle – by a factor of a billion – which suggests they must get their mass from some other mechanism,” adds Thomson. “All other particles get their mass by attaching themselves to Higgs bosons but the neutrino must do it by a very different route. So there is some other basic force that seems to be involved and uncovering that would be a real prize.”
Katrin'in yolculuk hikayesi de epey ilginçmiş. Tuna'dan başlamış, Karadeniz ve Marmara üzerinden bize de misafir olup Akdeniz, Atlantik üzerinden Ren'e varmış:
Built in nearby Deggendorf, 150km north-east of Munich, the 200-tonne, zeppelin-like chamber was too large to be taken on the 400km westward journey directly to Karlsruhe, either by air or road. So engineers were forced to take to the water, which in turn obliged them to head east down the Danube before sailing into the Black Sea and then the Mediterranean, across the Bay of Biscay and the Channel to Rotterdam. Finally, it was taken down the Rhine to bring it close to Karlsruhe. The 8,800-km trip took two months. “It was dubbed Europe’s biggest detour and you can see why,” says Drexlin
Şu da bizim yaptığımız işle karşılaştırılınca ibretlik olduğu için vurgulanmaya değer:
Drexlin recalls attending the physics conference where the results of these first experiments were unveiled. “It was like a rock concert. People were cheering and stamping their feet – for a good reason. We knew the universe would never be the same again.”
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The Guardian view on the periodic table: better living through chemistry
Periyodik tablonun keşfinin 150. yılı münasebetiyle Guardian bir editorial yayınlamış. Bu —neresinden baksak— alışılmadık bir olay. Ama asıl sürpriz yazının sonunda. Meğer okuduğumuz yazı aslında bir obituary imiş:
One effect of this is that chemistry as a distinct subject tends to disappear. At the simplest level, it merges with physics; at its most complex it becomes a tool of biology. In both cases, chemistry, like all other science, is increasingly conducted inside computer simulations. But the depth and subtlety of the periodic table stands as one of the most remarkable feats of the human intellect.
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Note ID: &(llECtj)
Mysteriöse Radiowellen: Code aus dem Weltraum
Bu haberi en önce ve aklı başında veren SPON oldu. Şaşırdım.
Schnelle Radioblitze dauern nur wenige Millisekunden, können aber so viel Energie freisetzen wie die Sonne im Laufe von 10.000 Jahren.
Es sei auszuschließen, dass die sich wiederholenden schnellen Radioblitze durch Katastrophen entstünden, bei denen ihre Quelle zerstört wird, betonte Tendulkar. "Ein FRB durch das Verschmelzen von zwei Neutronensternen oder eines Neutronensterns mit einem Schwarzen Loch beispielsweise kann sich nicht wiederholen."
Aynı haber NY Times'da şöyle çıkmış:
More than 60 of these surprise broadcasts have been recorded so far. About the only thing astronomers agree on is that these signals probably are not extraterrestrials saying hello.
Guardian'ın danıştığı uzmanlara göre:
FRBs could be leakage from planet-sized alien transmitters. Rather than being designed for communication, they would more likely be used to propel giant spaceships powered by light sails which bounce light, or in this case radio beams, off a huge reflective sheet to provide thrust, the scientists said.
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How Beauty Is Making Scientists Rethink Evolution
Ornaments, Darwin proposed, evolved through a separate process he called sexual selection: Females choose the most appealing males “according to their standard of beauty” and, as a result, males evolve toward that standard, despite the costs. Darwin did not think it was necessary to link aesthetics and survival. Animals, he believed, could appreciate beauty for its own sake. Many of Darwin’s peers and successors ridiculed his proposal. To them, the idea that animals had such cognitive sophistication — and that the preferences of “capricious” females could shape entire species — was nonsense. Although never completely forgotten, Darwin’s theory of beauty was largely abandoned.
The English naturalist Alfred Russel Wallace, who independently formed many of the same ideas about evolution as Darwin, was also deeply critical. Wallace was particularly tormented by Darwin’s suggestion of beauty without utility. “The only way in which we can account for the observed facts is by the supposition that color and ornament are strictly correlated with health, vigor and general fitness to survive,” Wallace wrote. In other words, ornamentation could be explained only as a heuristic that animals use to judge a potential mate’s fitness — a view that came to dominate.
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Nearby galaxy set to collide with Milky Way, say scientists
Meğer Andromeda'dan önce başka bir çarpışma bekliyormuş bizi:
In the past, astronomers who concerned themselves with the demise of the Milky Way focused their attention on the upcoming collision with the Andromeda galaxy. At five times the mass of the Large Magellanic Cloud, Andromeda could completely destroy the Milky Way when the two collide. That cosmic catastrophe is expected in about four billion years’ time.
But the merger with the LMC could postpone the cataclysm, said Frenk. “One of the by-products of the collision with the LMC is it will delay armageddon,” he said. “It will move the Milky Way a bit and that may buy us a couple of billion years.
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Synchronisierter Gang: Warum zwei Menschen zusammen laufen wie ein Pferd
"Bilim nelerle uğraşır?" başlığı altında favorilerimden:
Die Forscher verglichen das System aus zwei Personen und einer Trage daher auch mit einem Vierbeiner. Die beobachteten Bewegungen könnten auch als Trab und Passgang beschrieben werden - typische Gangarten von Pferden, die aber noch viele weitere, teils ungewöhnliche Stile wie Tölt, Paso oder Foxtrott beherrschen.
Mesele şu: seçtiğiniz değişik gruplar arasında şaşırtıcı bir benzerlik buluyorsunuz. Bu benzerlik tabii ki bir açıklama gerektirir. Bu açıklamanın bu gruplar arasındaki ortak payda da aranması da gayet doğal olacak. O halde aradığımız yanıt atlarla insanların genlerinde. Halbuki yanıt kesine yakın bir ihtimalle oldukça yüzeysel (eşyayı başka türlü taşımak mümkün değil!).
Sonuç: Herhangi bir model (örneğin Hotelling's model) açıklamaya çalıştığı olguda belirleyici olan causal faktörleri belirli bir domain içinde (transportation cost) varsayarken aslında çok daha basit olan gerçeğin üstünü kapatıyor olabilir. Modelin olgu hakkında doğru öndeyilerde bulunması meseleyi sadece daha da karmaşıklaştırır. (Dinçer'in tezinden)
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Note ID: &(lVCnid)
One Giant Step for a Chess-Playing Machine
Yazının sonu özellikle okumaya değer. Çünkü karamsar olmakla birlikte hiçbir sci-fi'de olmayan şöyle ya da böyle gerçekçi bir resim çiziyor. Kehanet: "Loss of insight" ya da bilim öncesine dönüş. Platon'un anlattığı, yazıya karşı olan bilge kralın korkularını haklı çıkarıyor. Ama tüm bunların arkasında şu var:
What is frustrating about machine learning, however, is that the algorithms can’t articulate what they’re thinking. We don’t know why they work, so we don’t know if they can be trusted. AlphaZero gives every appearance of having discovered some important principles about chess, but it can’t share that understanding with us.
Brute force algorithm problem çözer, bize hakikati öğretmez.
In fact, in mathematics, it’s been happening for years already. Consider the longstanding math problem called the four-color map theorem. It proposes that, under certain reasonable constraints, any map of contiguous countries can always be colored with just four colors such that no two neighboring countries are colored the same. Sign up for Science Times We’ll bring you stories that capture the wonders of the human body, nature and the cosmos. Advertisement Although the four-color theorem was proved in 1977 with the help of a computer, no human could check all the steps in the argument. Since then, the proof has been validated and simplified, but there are still parts of it that entail brute-force computation, of the kind employed by AlphaZero’s chess-playing computer ancestors. This development annoyed many mathematicians. They didn’t need to be reassured that the four-color theorem was true; they already believed it. They wanted to understand why it was true, and this proof didn’t help.
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How can we break the Brexit deadlock? Ask ancient Athens
The method of governance embodied in the kleroterion, which dates back to the very establishment of democracy, is called sortition, meaning selection by lot, as opposed to election by vote. The Athenians believed that the principle of sortition was critical to democracy. Aristotle declared that: “It is accepted as democratic when public offices are allocated by lot; and as oligarchic when they are filled by election.”
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When Scientists Read Philosophy, Are They Reading The “Wrong Philosophers”?
Ne demek lazım bilemiyorum!
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Middle Ages for Kids
Çocuklar için hazırlanmış bir kaynak:
The Middle Ages, or Medieval Times, in Europe was a long period of history from 500 AD to 1500 AD. That's 1000 years! It covers the time from the fall of the Roman Empire to the rise of the Ottoman Empire.
This was a time of castles and peasants, guilds and monasteries, cathedrals and crusades. Great leaders such as Joan of Arc and Charlemagne were part of the Middle Ages as well as major events such as the Black Plague and the rise of Islam.
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Socrates holding a dialogue with two of his students
After a 13th century Syrian miniature in a manuscript of al-Mubashshir Ibn Fatik held in the Topkapi Palace Library, Istanbul

Şayet satın almak istersen, burada!...
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Geologic and Biological Timeline of the Earth
A detailed timeline of Earth's geological and biological development.
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Geologic time scale
Take a journey back through the history of the Earth — jump to a specific time period using the time scale below and examine ancient life, climates, and geography. You might wish to start in the Cenozoic Era (65.5 million years ago to the present) and work back through time, or start with Hadean time (4.6 to 4 billion years ago)* and journey forward to the present day — it's your choice. [Note: "mya" means "millions of years ago"]
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Nietzsche Spuren
Volltextsuche in Nietzsches Werken
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Running Reality
Explore the history of human civilization from 3000BC to today.
We are developing a world history model that lets you go any place on any date. Towns grow, buildings are built, ships explore, and armies battle. Harbors silt in, rivers change course, and cities are sacked and burned. People are born, get married, or even crowned as regents. What part of history interests you the most?
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Note ID: &(lBNs_x)
The Integrated Network for Societal Conflict Research (INSCR)
The Integrated Network for Societal Conflict Research (INSCR) was established to coordinate and integrate information resources produced and used by the Center for Systemic Peace. The following data resources were prepared by researchers associated with the Center for Systemic Peace and are generated and/or compiled using open source information. These resources are made available as a service to the research community. All CSP/INSCR data resources have been cross-checked with other data resources to ensure, as far as possible, that the information recorded is accurate, reliable, and comprehensive.
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Note ID: &(lCSrFB)
Would Human Extinction Be a Tragedy?
Noch so 'ner Klugscheißer
Yet what I am asking here is simply whether it would be a tragedy if the planet no longer contained human beings. And the answer I am going to give might seem puzzling at first. I want to suggest, at least tentatively, both that it would be a tragedy and that it might just be a good thing.
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Note ID: &(lo9TtB)
Simulation Argument Does Not Contain a Scientific Hypothesis
Scientific American'ın şu işine çok kızmış bu arkadaş (bence de haklı olarak!)
Just because you can imagine that you live in a giant video game, does not mean that is a scientifically credible thought.
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Are We Living in a Computer Simulation?
Şu iddiaya bayılıyorum:
They would probably have the ability to run many, many such simulations, to the point where the vast majority of minds would actually be artificial ones within such simulations, rather than the original ancestral minds. So simple statistics suggest it is much more likely that we are among the simulated minds.
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Note ID: &(lA7x1K)
A "Complex" Theory of Consciousness
Yet another scandal:
The reason is that we lack a coherent framework for consciousness. Although consciousness is the only way we know about the world within and around us—shades of the famous Cartesian deduction cogito, ergo sum—there is no agreement about what it is, how it relates to highly organized matter or what its role in life is. This situation is scandalous!
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How Did Rumi Become One of Our Best-Selling Poets?
Şurada bunu söylüyor:
Many contemporary translations of Rumi strip the Persian, Arabic and Quranic references out of his verse, or simply ignore the vast bulk of the “Masnavi” dealing with hard Islamic theology. By divesting Rumi of his Islamicness — which is what today’s culture seems to demand of him — we miss the significance of his role in the history of Islam.
Fakat burada da şunu söylüyor:
Each era will construct its own Rumi.
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‘Creative’ AlphaZero leads way for chess computers and, maybe, science
Opac ai:q: We are at quite a nascent stage when it comes to understanding how AlphaZero is making decisions. Us and many other teams are now reverse-engineering these systems, and building visualisation and other analysis tools. In five years’ time we will have tools that allow us to look inside this black box and really understand what it does.
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People Have Limited Knowledge. What’s the Remedy? Nobody Knows
In “The Knowledge Illusion,” the cognitive scientists Steven Sloman and Philip Fernbach hammer another nail into the coffin of the rational individual. From the 17th century to the 20th century, Western thought depicted individual human beings as independent rational agents, and consequently made these mythical creatures the basis of modern society. Democracy is founded on the idea that the voter knows best, free market capitalism believes the customer is always right, and modern education tries to teach students to think for themselves.
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The Moor’s Last Stand and Blood and Faith review – the expulsion of Muslims from Spain
Two books, one by Elizabeth Drayson and one by Matthew Carr, investigate the harsh fate of the Moors and their heirs from the 15th to 17th centuries.
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Albert Einstein's 'God letter' reflecting on religion up for auction
Albert Einstein's 'God letter' reflecting on religion up for auction
On another occasion, he [Einstein]criticised “fanatical atheists whose intolerance is of the same kind as the intolerance of the religious fanatics”.
Acknowledging his disappointment in failing to secure the item, Dawkins said: “This letter was about something very important to Einstein I suspect.”
Asıl bomba bu:
For me the Jewish religion like all others is an incarnation of the most childish superstitions. And the Jewish people to whom I gladly belong and with whose mentality I have a deep affinity have no different quality for me than all other people.
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"No free lunch" theorem (NFL)

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Why We Sleep
Why We Sleep. The New Science of Sleep and Dreams. By Matthew Walker
Sleep is one of the most important aspects of our life, health and longevity and yet it is increasingly neglected in twenty-first-century society, with devastating consequences: every major disease in the developed world —Alzheimer's, cancer, obesity, diabetes— has very strong causal links to deficient sleep.
Until very recently, science had no answer to the question of why we sleep, or what good it served, or why its absence is so damaging to our health. Compared to the other basic drives in life —eating, drinking, and reproducing— the purpose of sleep remained elusive.
Now, in this book, the first of its kind written by a scientific expert, Professor Matthew Walker explores twenty years of cutting-edge research to solve the mystery of why sleep matters. Looking at creatures from across the animal kingdom as well as major human studies, Why We Sleep delves in to everything from what really happens during REM sleep to how caffeine and alcohol affect sleep and why our sleep patterns change across a lifetime, transforming our appreciation of the extraordinary phenomenon that safeguards our existence.
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Latent space visualization — Deep Learning bits #2
Bir resimdeki objeyi başka bir obeye dönüştürme bu yolla oluyor.

Yeterince data olursa şöyle sonuçlar bile elde edilebiliyor

Neden latent space onu bile anlamış değilim, ama etkileyici!
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Selected Publications by Selmer Bringsjord
İlginç bir tip!
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Open Worm
OpenWorm aims to build the first comprehensive computational model of the Caenorhabditis elegans (C. elegans), a microscopic roundworm. With only a thousand cells, it solves basic problems such as feeding, mate-finding and predator avoidance. Despite being extremely well studied in biology, this organism still eludes a deep, principled understanding of its biology.
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Note ID: &(lxrx8J)
Agents that imagine and plan
Conventional wisdom holds that model-based planning is a powerful approach to sequential decision-making. It is often very challenging in practice, however, because while a model can be used to evaluate a plan, it does not prescribe how to construct a plan. Here we introduce the "Imagination-based Planner", the first model-based, sequential decision-making agent that can learn to construct, evaluate, and execute plans. Before any action, it can perform a variable number of imagination steps, which involve proposing an imagined action and evaluating it with its model-based imagination. All imagined actions and outcomes are aggregated, iteratively, into a "plan context" which conditions future real and imagined actions. The agent can even decide how to imagine: testing out alternative imagined actions, chaining sequences of actions together, or building a more complex "imagination tree" by navigating flexibly among the previously imagined states using a learned policy. And our agent can learn to plan economically, jointly optimizing for external rewards and computational costs associated with using its imagination. We show that our architecture can learn to solve a challenging continuous control problem, and also learn elaborate planning strategies in a discrete maze-solving task. Our work opens a new direction toward learning the components of a model-based planning system and how to use them.
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Note ID: &(luKy3D)
Create your own vocal avatar! Record yourself reading 30 sentences. Create your own vocal avatar that sounds like you. Use your vocal avatar anywhere you want.
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Note ID: &(lTY5nn)
Our World in Data
Türlü konularda dünya ölçeğinde data analizi yapıyor. Bu analizi çok zaman ortada güvenilir data olmadığı zamanlara, örneğin Roma İmparatorluğuna kadar götürüyor. Kendi tanıtımları:
Our World in Data is a website that shows how global living conditions and the earth’s environment are changing. Through interactive data visualizations we can see how the world has changed; by summarizing the scientific literature we explain why. Understanding how and why the world has changed up to now allows us to see that a better future is possible.
Önerim: Mit Vorsicht genießen!.. David Hume bir yerde kendi zamanının Britanya imparatorluğunu Roma İmparatorluğuyla kıyaslıyordu. O bunu belki yapabilir, ama Amerika'da gümümüzün önde gelen bir ekonomisti A.B.D. ile Roma İmparatorluğunun ekonomilerini karşılaştırmaya kalkıştığında artık kelimenin tam anlamıyla saçmalamış oluyor.
Ek: Şu yazı kuşkularıma tercüman olmuş.
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Epistemic Luck — The Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy (IEP)
~Epistemic luck~ is a generic notion used to describe any of a number of ways in which it can be accidental, coincidental, or fortuitous that a person has a true belief. For example, one can form a true belief as a result of a lucky guess, as when one believes through guesswork that “C” is the right answer to a multiple-choice question and one’s belief just happens to be correct. One can form a true belief via wishful thinking; for example, an optimist’s belief that it will not rain may luckily turn out to be correct, despite forecasts for heavy rain all day. One can reason from false premises to a belief that coincidentally happens to be true. One can accidentally arrive at a true belief through invalid or fallacious reasoning. And one can fortuitously arrive at a true belief from testimony that was intended to mislead but unwittingly reported the truth. In all of these cases, it is just a matter of luck that the person has a true belief.
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Noam Chomsky and the Bicycle Theory
Chomsky: It’s so uninformed and distorted that it hardly rises to the level of meeting a laugh test. In the Harper’s Magazine excerpt, there’s exactly one paragraph that is accurate, quoted from an interview we had in which I explain why his crucial example, the Amazonian language Pirahã, is completely irrelevant to his conclusions and claims because what he says about Pirahã — correct or not — is about the language itself, not about the common human faculty of language. To take an analogy: If some tribe were found in which everyone wears a black patch over one eye, it would have no bearing on the study of binocular vision in the human visual system.
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Timothy Chappell: Reading Plato's Theaetetus (Review)
"But he does address Socrates' odd digression — namely, the five attempts to explain how false belief is possible."
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The Real China Challenge: Managing Its Decline
An outstanding example for hijacking democracy and the liberties...
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What Does Quantum Physics Actually Tell Us About the World? (Review)

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On the Origin of Everything ‘A Universe From Nothing,’ by Lawrence M. Krauss (Review)
But that’s just not right. Relativistic-quantum-field-theoretical vacuum states — no less than giraffes or refrigerators or solar systems — are particular arrangements of elementary physical stuff. The true relativistic-quantum-field-theoretical equivalent to there not being any physical stuff at all isn’t this or that particular arrangement of the fields — what it is (obviously, and ineluctably, and on the contrary) is the simple absence of the fields!
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Has Physics Made Philosophy and Religion Obsolete?
By early spring, media coverage of A Universe From Nothing seemed to have run its course, but then on March 23, The New York Times ran a blistering review of the book, written by David Albert, a philosopher of physics from Columbia University. Albert, who has a Ph.D. in theoretical physics, argued that Krauss's "nothing" was in fact a something and did so in uncompromising terms:
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Physicists, Stop the Churlishness
A KERFUFFLE has broken out between philosophy and physics. It began earlier this spring when a philosopher (David Albert) gave a sharply negative review in this paper to a book by a physicist (Lawrence Krauss) that purported to solve, by purely scientific means, the mystery of the universe’s existence. The physicist responded to the review by calling the philosopher who wrote it “moronic” and arguing that philosophy, unlike physics, makes no progress and is rather boring, if not totally useless. And then the kerfuffle was joined on both sides.
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Note ID: &(lRoERP)
Essay: The Experiments Are Fascinating. But Nobody Can Repeat Them.
"The replication crisis in science is often presented as an issue of scientific procedure or integrity. But all the careful procedure and all the honesty in the world won’t help if your signal (the pattern you’re looking for) is small, and the variation (all the confounders, the other things that might explain this pattern) is high."
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Finally, a Machine That Can Finish Your Sentence
"Though Bert passed the lab’s common-sense test, he said, machines are still a long way from an artificial version of a human’s common sense. But like other researchers in this field, he believes the trajectory of natural language research has changed. This is a moment of “explosive progress,” he said."
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The Land That Failed to Fail
The West was sure the Chinese approach would not work. It just had to wait. It’s still waiting.
In effect, Mr. Xi seems to believe that China has been so successful that the party can return to a more conventional authoritarian posture — and that to survive and surpass the United States it must.
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Note ID: &(lahnmW)
What makes us? Nature or nurture? The DNA debate comes back to life
An extraordinary new documentary about identical triplets who were separated at birth has reignited the debate over the dominance of DNA in controlling our behaviour and the way we live our lives
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Three Identical Strangers: the bizarre tale of triplets separated at birth
The director of one of the year’s most shocking documentaries talks about his extraordinary subjects, the film-making process, and the age-old question: nature or nurture?
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What if the Placebo Effect Isn’t a Trick?

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Can evolution have a higher purpose?
The New Yorker reported earlier this year that “two tech billionaires” — it didn’t say whether Musk is one of them — “have gone so far as to secretly engage scientists to work on breaking us out of the simulation.”
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Finding Beauty in the Darkness
"Too often people ask, what’s the use of science like this, if it doesn’t produce faster cars or better toasters. But people rarely ask the same question about a Picasso painting or a Mozart symphony. Such pinnacles of human creativity change our perspective of our place in the universe. Science, like art, music and literature, has the capacity to amaze and excite, dazzle and bewilder. I would argue that it is that aspect of science — its cultural contribution, its humanity — that is perhaps its most important feature."
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Note ID: &(le7jTu)
Herr Wittgenstein’s flute
The ordinary notion of consciousness, Farrell said, “can be shown to resemble an occult notion like “witchcraft” in a primitive community that is in the process of being acculturated to the West”.
Did Broad know what was coming (the “logical” behaviourists were about to weigh in)? Perhaps he did: in his Preface he proposed to “retire to my well-earned bathchair, from which I shall watch with a fatherly eye the philosophic gambols of my younger friends as they dance to the highly syncopated pipings of Herr Wittgenstein’s flute”
This was a very fruitful move at the time. It’s still useful. The trouble started, I’m sorry to say, when some philosophers got their hands on it.
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Note ID: &(lr8dQS)
Basics: Tautology (with a free bonus rant!)
Today’s bit of basics is inspired by that bastion of shitheaded ignorance, Dr. Michael Egnor. In part of his latest screed (a podcast with Casey Luskin of the Discovery Institute), Egnor discusses antibiotic resistance, and along the way, asserts that the theory of evolution has no relevance to antibiotic resistance, because what evolution says about the subject is just
a tautology. (I’m deliberately not linking to the podcast; I will not help increase the hit-count that DI will use to promote it’s agenda of willful ignorance.)
So what is a tautology?
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Tautology 4: What is a tautology?
The core of the criticism against natural selection is that it is a logical tautology, which amounts to it being an a priori truth
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Evolution and Philosophy
Summary: The claim that evolutionary theory is a tautology rests on a misunderstanding of the theory. Fitness is more than just survival.
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Note ID: &(l4_jWT)
Why Is There Something Rather Than Nothing?
People have wrestled with the mystery of why the universe exists for thousands of years. Pretty much every ancient culture came up with its own creation story - most of them leaving the matter in the hands of the gods - and philosophers have written reams on the subject. But science has had little to say about this ultimate question.
However, in recent years a few physicists and cosmologists have started to tackle it. They point out that we now have an understanding of the history of the universe, and of the physical laws that describe how it works. That information, they say, should give us a clue about how and why the cosmos exists.
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Note ID: &(lC0LmQ)
Weight For It
Because of this invariance, the time delay of gravity and the velocity dependent effects of time and mass cancel out, so that effectively masses are attracted to where a mass is. This canceling effect means that for orbital motion it is as if gravity acts instantly.
by Brian Koberlein · 26 November 2014
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Note ID: &(lXGQfU)
Kalām cosmological argument
The term Kalām cosmological argument (sometimes capitalized Kalām Cosmological Argument, or abbreviated KCA) is used to refer to a modern defense (or re-formulation) of the cosmological argument for the existence of God rooted in the Kalām heritage. An outspoken defender of the argument is analytic philosopher William Lane Craig, who first defended the argument in his 1979 book, The Kalām Cosmological Argument. Since the 1990s, the Kalām Cosmological Argument has elicited a flourishing of philosophical discourse and public debate between Craig and his critics including Graham Oppy, Adolf Grünbaum, J. L. Mackie and Quentin Smith, and has served as a key component of the revival of Christian apologetics in response to the New Atheism.[1] According to Michael Martin (philosopher), Craig's revised argument is "among the most sophisticated and well argued in contemporary theological philosophy", along with versions of the cosmological argument presented by Bruce Reichenbach and Richard Swinburne.
Craig has appealed to both metaphysical arguments and scientific evidence in formulating and defending the argument; among these, arguing against the possibility of the existence of actual infinities. Craig traces the latter idea to 11th-century philosopher Al-Ghazali, and for this reason calls this variant of cosmological argument the Kalām cosmological argument (from Ilm al-Kalam "science of discourse", the Arabic term for the discipline of rational, speculative theology in Islam).
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The prefrontal cortex has long been thought to subserve both working memory (the holding of information online for processing) and executive functions (deciding how to manipulate working memory and perform processing). Although many computational models of working memory have been developed, the mechanistic basis of executive function remains elusive, often amounting to a homunculus. This article presents an attempt to deconstruct this homunculus through powerful learning mechanisms that allow a computational model of the prefrontal cortex to control both itself and other brain areas in a strategic, task-appropriate manner. These learning mechanisms are based on subcortical structures in the midbrain, basal ganglia, and amygdala, which together form an actor-critic architecture. The critic system learns which prefrontal representations are task relevant and trains the actor, which in turn provides a dynamic gating mechanism for controlling working memory updating. Computationally, the learning mechanism is designed to simultaneously solve the temporal and structural credit assignment problems. The model's performance compares favorably with standard backpropagation-based temporal learning mechanisms on the challenging 1-2-AX working memory task and other benchmark working memory tasks.
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Ockham's Razor at Work: Modeling of the ``Homunculus''
There is a broad consensus about the fundamental role of thehippocampal system (hippocampus and its adjacent areas) in theencoding and retrieval of episodic memories. This paper presents afunctional model of this system. Although memory is not asingle-unit cognitive function, we took the view that the wholesystem of the smooth, interrelated memory processes may have acommon basis. That is why we follow the Ockham's razor principleand minimize the size or complexity of our model assumption set.The fundamental assumption is the requirement of solving the socalled ``homunculus fallacy'', which addresses the issue ofinterpreting the input. Generative autoassociators seem to offer aresolution of the paradox. Learning to represent and to recallinformation, in these generative networks, imply maximization ofinformation transfer, sparse representation and noveltyrecognition. A connectionist architecture, which integrates theseaspects as model constraints, is derived. Numerical studiesdemonstrate the novelty recognition and noise filtering propertiesof the architecture. Finally, we conclude that the derivedconnectionist architecture can be related to the neurobiologicalsubstrate.
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The Flaw Lurking In Every Deep Neural Net
A recent paper with an innocent sounding title is probably the biggest news in neural networks since the invention of the backpropagation algorithm. But what exactly does it all mean?
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40 maps that explain the Middle East
Maps can be a powerful tool for understanding the world, particularly the Middle East, a place in many ways shaped by changing political borders and demographics. Here are 40 maps crucial for understanding the Middle East — its history, its present, and some of the most important stories in the region today.
by Max Fisher on May 5, 2014
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Does evolutionary theory need a rethink?
Yet the mere mention of the EES often evokes an emotional, even hostile, reaction among evolutionary biologists. Too often, vital discussions descend into acrimony, with accusations of muddle or misrepresentation. Perhaps haunted by the spectre of intelligent design, evolutionary biologists wish to show a united front to those hostile to science. Some might fear that they will receive less funding and recognition if outsiders — such as physiologists or developmental biologists — flood into their field
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Disiplin Soruşturmaları Emsal Kararlar: Kurum Dışında İşlenen Fiiller
Danıştay 8.Daire, E. 1995/4710, K. 1997/3276, T. 11.11.1997, Özet Karar
Üniversitenin 1. sınıf öğrencisi olan davacı hakkında, Fakülte Yönetim Kurulu tarafından, Yüksek Öğretim Kurumları Öğrenci Disiplin Yönetmeliğinin 8. ve 11. maddeleri uyarınca, bir ay süre ile okuldan uzaklaştırma cezası verilmiştir. Davacı ilgili kararın iptali istemiyle İdare Mahkemesinde dava açmış ve açılan davada; Yönetmeliğin 8. maddesinde cezalandırmaya neden olarak gösterilen ve kurum içinde gerçekleştirilen suçların benzeri eylem kapsamında değerlendirilmesinde hukuki isabet bulunmadığı gerekçesiyle dava konusu işlem Konya İdare Mahkemesinin 26.4.1995 gün ve 533 sayılı kararı ile iptal edilmiştir. Davalı idare, Danıştay 8.Dairesine başvurarak, ceza verilmesinde hukuka aykırılık bulunmadığını öne sürmüş, 2577 sayılı İdari Yargılama Usulü Kanununun 49. maddesi uyarınca ilgili kararın temyizen incelenerek bozulmasıisteminde bulunmuştur. Danıştay 8.Dairesi 11.11.1997 gün, E:1995/4710, K:1997/3276 sayılı kararı ile yükseköğretim kurumları içinde veya dışında yükseköğretim öğrenciliği sıfatına, onur ve şerefine aykırı harekette bulunan, boykot, işgal ve engelleme gibi eylemlere katılan, anarşik veya ideolojik olaylara katılan veya bu olayları tahrik ve teşvik eden öğrencilere, eylem başka bir suçu oluştursa dahi ayrıca disiplin cezası verileceği, yükseköğretim kurumu dışındaki disipline aykırı eylemi nedeniyle yükseköğretim kurumu öğrencisine disiplin cezası verilmesinde hukuka aykırılık bulunmadığı gerekçesi ile Konya İdare Mahkemesi'nin anılan kararının bozulmasına karar vermiştir.
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The 2000 Year-Old Computer - Decoding the Antikythera Mechanism (2012)
In April of 1900, Greek sponge divers found a shipwreck off the coast of Antikythera. They found a lot of artifacts aboard the ship, but by far the most valuable piece was a device made of bronze gears. This is the Antikythera mechanism, and it’s not only the oldest known complex gear mechanism, but the oldest known purpose-built computer.
The Antikythera mechanism seems to have been made around 100 BC. It seems to have been designed to predict the motions of stars and other celestial objects. Scientists and historians are still studying it, but some replicas have been attempted.
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STAFA Band Free Download Music Mp3, Video & Lyrics
Welcome to STAFA Band Music Site. On this website you can download free music, play and listen audio songs for free and no Registration!
We NOT SAVE any audio files in our database. We just linked the link audio from free file hosting like 4shared, soundcloud, youtube, etc.
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'Eureka machine' puts scientists in the shade by working out laws of nature
The machine, which took only a few hours to come up with Newton's laws of motion, marks a turning point in the way science is done
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Horasanlı Horozların Nidası
nereden nereye!...
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Writer James Nestor explores the science of the “mammalian dive reflex,” the phenomenon by which water triggers an immediate decrease in heart rate.
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Hiroo Onoda
II: Dünya Savaşını tek başına 29 yıl devam ettiren Japon
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Noam Chomsky on Where Artificial Intelligence Went Wrong
I have to say, myself, that I was very skeptical about the original work. I thought it was first of all way too optimistic, it was assuming you could achieve things that required real understanding of systems that were barely understood, and you just can't get to that understanding by throwing a complicated machine at it. If you try to do that you are led to a conception of success, which is self-reinforcing, because you do get success in terms of this conception, but it's very different from what's done in the sciences. So for example, take an extreme case, suppose that somebody says he wants to eliminate the physics department and do it the right way. The "right" way is to take endless numbers of videotapes of what's happening outside the video, and feed them into the biggest and fastest computer, gigabytes of data, and do complex statistical analysis—you know, Bayesian this and that and you'll get some kind of prediction about what's gonna happen outside the window next. In fact, you get a much better prediction than the physics department will ever give. Well, if success is defined as getting a fair approximation to a mass of chaotic unanalyzed data, then it's way better to do it this way than to do it the way the physicists do, you know, no thought experiments about frictionless planes and so on and so forth. But you won't get the kind of understanding that the sciences have always been aimed at—what you'll get at is an approximation to what's happening.
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Fears and fantasies about artificial intelligence
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IBM commits $3 bn on developing next generation of computers
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Evolving Robots Learn To Lie To Each Other
What if all of that what you call evolutionary adaptation is merely malfunction? How can you make the difference? — "Life is not a malfunction!" (Number five, Short Circuit 1986)
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The Boundaries of Humanity | Humans, Animals, Machines
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Artificial Intelligence through Prolog by Neil C. Rowe
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Artificial Intelligence: Foundations of Computational Agents
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THE AGE OF INTELLIGENT MACHINES | A Platonic Dialog on the Nature of Human Thought
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Why Not Just Weigh the Fish?
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Warp Drive
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Americans Think We Have the World’s Best Colleges. We Don’t.
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Leibniz, Complexity and Incompleteness
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Personal Identity of AI
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Nature of Perception / Perception of Nature
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Book sharing sites
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The Boolean Circuit and Electronic Logic
- http://www.thephysicsmill.com/2014/06/08/george-boole-language-logic/
- http://www.thephysicsmill.com/2014/06/14/george-bool-language-logic-2/
- http://www.thephysicsmill.com/2014/06/22/boolean-cirucit-logic/
- http://www.thephysicsmill.com/2014/06/29/boolean-circuit-electronic-logic-part-2/
- http://www.thephysicsmill.com/2014/07/07/flip-flops-art-computer-memory/
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Dawkins Amca'dan Masallar
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Frans de Waal: Moral behavior in animals
Hayvanların aynasında bize kendimizi göstermeyi iş edinmiş bir adam.
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