= 1024 && $i < $l; $bytes /= 1024, $i++ );
# Return a rounded figure with unit
return ( round($bytes, 2) . ' ' . $types[$i] );
# Convert path to URL
function pathToURL($filePath) {
# Run through realpath to normalise path
$realPath = realpath($filePath);
# Verify that the path passed is real and find the directory
if ( is_file($realPath)) {
$dir = dirname($realPath);
} elseif ( is_dir($realPath) ) {
$dir = $realPath;
} else {
# Path does not exist, fails
return false;
# Expand the document root path
# Make sure the path is not lower than the server root
if ( strlen($dir) < strlen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']) ) {
return false;
# Determine path from web root
$rootPos = strlen($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT']);
# Make sure $rootPos includes the first slash
if ( ( $tmp = substr($_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'], -1) ) && ( $tmp == '/' || $tmp == '\\' ) ) {
# Extract path below webroot and discard path above webroot
$pathFromRoot = substr($realPath, $rootPos);
# Build URL from parts
$path = 'http' . ( isset($_SERVER['HTTPS']) && strtolower($_SERVER['HTTPS']) != 'off' ? 's' : '' ) . '://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . $pathFromRoot;
# Convert to forward slash if on Windows
if ( DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR == '\\' ) {
$path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path);
return $path;
# Hide from non-js browsers by using document.write() to output
function jsWrite($str) {
return '';
# Convert a string of bool value to bool
function bool($str) {
if ( $str == 'false' ) {
return false;
if ( $str == 'true' ) {
return true;
return NULL;
* Location wrapper - allows us to have observers on the location
class Location {
# Observers
private $observers;
# Redirect elsewhere
public function redirect($to = '') {
# Notify observers
# Redirect and quit
header('Location: ' . ADMIN_URI . '?' . $to);
# Redirect elsewhere but without observer
public function cleanRedirect($to = '') {
# Redirect and quit
header('Location: ' . ADMIN_URI . '?' . $to);
# Register observers
public function addObserver(&$obj) {
$this->observers[] = $obj;
# Notify observers
public function notifyObservers($action) {
# Determine method to call
$method = 'on' . ucfirst($action);
# Prepare parameters
$params = func_get_args();
# Loop through all observers
foreach ( $this->observers as $obj ) {
# If an observing method exists, call it
if ( method_exists($obj, $method) ) {
call_user_func_array(array(&$obj, $method), $params);
* Input wrapper for incoming data
class Input {
# Set up inputs
public function __construct() {
$this->GET = $this->prepare($_GET);
$this->POST = $this->prepare($_POST);
$this->COOKIE = $this->prepare($_COOKIE);
# Return array with keys converted to lowercase and values cleaned
private function prepare($array) {
$return = array();
foreach ( $array as $key => $value ) {
$return[strtolower($key)] = self::clean($value);
return $return;
# Get an input - inputs can be requested in the form pVarName
# where VarName is (case insensitive) name of variable (duh!)
# and p denotes from _POST. G and C are also available.
public function __get($name) {
# Do we have a varname?
if ( ! isset($name[1]) ) {
return NULL;
# Split into GPC and VarName (case insensitive)
$from = strtolower($name[0]);
$var = strtolower(substr($name, 1));
# Define $from to target relationships
$targets = array('g' => $this->GET,
'p' => $this->POST,
'c' => $this->COOKIE);
# Look for the value and return it
if ( isset($targets[$from][$var]) ) {
return $targets[$from][$var];
# Not found, return false
return NULL;
# Clean a value
static public function clean($val) {
static $magicQuotes;
# What is our magic quotes setting?
if ( ! isset($magicQuotes) ) {
$magicQuotes = get_magic_quotes_gpc();
# What type is this?
switch ( true ) {
case is_string($val):
# Strip slashes and trim
if ( $magicQuotes ) {
$val = stripslashes($val);
$val = trim($val);
case is_array($val):
$val = array_map(array('Input', 'clean'), $val);
return $val;
return $val;
* Output wrappers
# A simple overloading object
class Overloader {
# Store variables in this array
protected $data;
# Set value (case insensitive)
public function __set($name, $value) {
$this->data[strtolower($name)] = $value;
# Get value (case insensitive)
public function __get($name) {
$name = strtolower($name);
return isset($this->data[$name]) ? $this->data[$name] : '';
# Base wrapper object
abstract class Output extends Overloader {
# Full page to output
protected $output;
# Content only
protected $content;
# Array of observers
protected $observers = array();
# Output the page
final public function out() {
# Notify our observers we're about to print
$this->notifyObservers('print', $this);
# Wrap content in our wrapper
# Send headers
# Send body
print $this->output;
# Page completed, finish
# Override this to send custom headers instead of default (html)
protected function sendHeaders() {}
# Wrapper for body content
protected function wrap() {
$this->output = $this->content;
# Add content
public function addContent($content) {
$this->content .= $content;
# Register observers
public function addObserver(&$obj) {
$this->observers[] = $obj;
# Notify observers
public function notifyObservers($action) {
# Determine method to call
$method = 'on' . ucfirst($action);
# Prepare parameters
$params = func_get_args();
# Loop through all observers
foreach ( $this->observers as $obj ) {
# If an observing method exists, call it
if ( method_exists($obj, $method) ) {
call_user_func_array(array(&$obj, $method), $params);
# Send status code
public function sendStatus($code) {
header(' ', true, $code);
# More overloading. Set value with key.
public function __call($func, $args) {
if ( substr($func, 0, 3) == 'add' && strlen($func) > 3 && ! isset($args[2]) ) {
# Saving with key or not?
if ( isset($args[1]) ) {
$this->data[strtolower(substr($func, 3))][$args[0]] = $args[1];
} else {
$this->data[strtolower(substr($func, 3))][] = $args[0];
# Output with our HTML skin
class SkinOutput extends Output {
# Print all
private function printAll($name) {
$name = strtolower($name);
if ( isset($this->data[$name]) && is_array($this->data[$name]) ) {
foreach ( $this->data[$name] as $item ) {
echo $item;
# Wrap content in HTML skin
protected function wrap() {
# Prepare the "get image" path
$imgs = ADMIN_URI . '?image=';
# Self
$self = ADMIN_URI;
# Prepare date
$date = date('H:i, d F Y');
# Append "glype control panel" to title
$title = $this->title . ( $this->title ? ' : ' : '' ) . 'Glype control panel';
# Buffer so we can get this into a variable
# Print output
echo <<
# Add the "welcome" and log out link
if ( $this->admin ) {
echo "welcome, {$this->admin} : log out\r\n";
$http_host = isset($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']) ? $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] : '';
echo <<
Glype Admin Control Panel
for {$http_host}
# Do we have any error messages?
if ( $this->error ) {
# Print all
foreach ( $this->error as $id => $message ) {
echo <<
See also
foreach ( $this->footerLinks as $text => $href ) {
echo "
Attempted to load: ' . ADMIN_GLYPE_SETTINGS . '');
* Verify a valid action and force to something else if not.
# Are we an admin? If not, force login page.
if ( ! $user->isAdmin() ) {
$action = 'login';
# Do we even have any user details? If not, force installer.
if ( ! isset($adminDetails) ) {
$action = 'install';
* Prepare template variables
# URI to self
$self = ADMIN_URI;
# Links to other sections of the control panel
if ( $user->isAdmin() ) {
$output->addNavigation('Home', $self);
$output->addNavigation('Edit Settings', $self.'?settings');
$output->addNavigation('View Logs', $self.'?logs');
$output->addNavigation('Glype® Licenses', 'https://www.glype.com/purchase.php');
$output->addNavigation('BlockScript®', $self.'?blockscript');
$output->addNavigation('Support Forum', 'http://proxy.org/forum/glype-proxy/');
$output->addNavigation('Promote Your Proxy', 'https://proxy.org/advertise.shtml');
* Process current request.
switch ( $action ) {
* INSTALL - save an admin username/password in our settings file
case 'install':
# Do we have any admin details already?
if ( isset($adminDetails) ) {
# Add error
$error->add('An administrator account already exists. For security reasons, you must manually create additional administrator accounts.');
# And redirect to index
# Do we have any submitted details to process?
if ( $input->pSubmit ) {
# Verify inputs
if ( ! ( $username = $input->pAdminUsername ) ) {
$error->add('You must enter a username to protect access to your control panel!');
if ( ! ( $password = $input->pAdminPassword ) ) {
$error->add('You must enter a password to protect access to your control panel!');
# In case things go wrong, add this into the template
$tpl->username = $username;
# Process the installation if no errors
if ( ! $error->hasMsg() && is_writable(ADMIN_GLYPE_SETTINGS) ) {
# Load up the file
$file = file_get_contents(ADMIN_GLYPE_SETTINGS);
# Clear any closing php tag ? > (unnecessary and gets in the way)
if ( substr(trim($file), -2) == '?>' ) {
$file = substr(trim($file), 0, -2);
# Look for a "Preserve Me" section
if ( strpos($file, '//---PRESERVE ME---') === false ) {
# If it doesn't exist, add it
$file .= "\r\n//---PRESERVE ME---
# Anything below this line will be preserved when the admin control panel rewrites
# the settings. Useful for storing settings that don't/can't be changed from the control panel\r\n";
# Prepare the inputs
$password = md5($password);
# Add to file
$file .= "\r\n\$adminDetails[" . quote($username) . "] = " . quote($password) . ";\r\n";
# Save updated file
if ( file_put_contents(ADMIN_GLYPE_SETTINGS, $file) ) {
# Add confirmation
$confirm->add('Installation successful. You have added ' . $username . ' as an administrator and are now logged in.');
# Log in the installer
} else {
# Add error message
$error->add('Installation failed. The settings file appears writable but file_put_contents() failed.');
# Redirect
# Prepare skin variables
$output->title = 'install';
$output->bodyTitle = 'First time use installation';
# Add javascript
# Is the settings file writable?
if ( ! ( $writable = is_writable(ADMIN_GLYPE_SETTINGS) ) ) {
$error->add('The settings file was found at ' . ADMIN_GLYPE_SETTINGS . ' but is not writable. Please set the appropriate permissions to make the settings file writable.');
# And disable the submit button
$tpl->disabled = ' disabled="disabled"';
} else {
$confirm->add('Settings file was found and is writable. Installation can proceed. Do not leave the script at this stage!');
# Print form
echo <<
Environment check failed. You will not be able to run Glype until you fix the above issue(s).
'; } else { echo 'Environment okay. You can run Glype on this server.
'; } # # Script versions # $acpVersion = ADMIN_VERSION; $proxyVersion = isset($CONFIG['version']) ? $CONFIG['version'] : 'unknown - pre 1.0'; # Create javascript to update the latest stable version $javascript = <<Note: Your settings file needs updating. Use the Edit Settings page and click Update.
"; } # Add footer links $output->addFooterLinks('Glype support forum at Proxy.org', 'http://proxy.org/forum/glype-proxy/'); break; /***************************************************************** * SETTINGS ******************************************************************/ case 'settings': # Check the settings are writable if ( ! is_writable(ADMIN_GLYPE_SETTINGS) ) { $error->add('The settings file is not writable. You will not be able to save any changes. Please set permissions to allow PHP to write to ' . realpath(ADMIN_GLYPE_SETTINGS) . ''); $tpl->disabled = ' disabled="disabled"'; } # Load options into object $options = simplexml_load_string('This has obvious privacy issues - if using this option, ensure your site clearly states how it handles cookies and protect the cookie data from unauthorized access.
]]>BlockScript status: | {$installed} and {$enabled} |
BlockScript is security software which protects websites and empowers webmasters to stop unwanted traffic. BlockScript detects and blocks requests from all types of proxy servers and anonymity networks, hosting networks, undesirable robots and spiders, and even entire countries.
BlockScript can help proxy websites by blocking filtering company spiders and other bots. BlockScript detects and blocks: barracudanetworks.com, bluecoat.com, covenanteyes.com, emeraldshield.com, ironport.com, lightspeedsystems.com, mxlogic.com, n2h2.com, netsweeper.com, securecomputing.com, mcafee.com, sonicwall.com, stbernard.com, surfcontrol.com, symantec.com, thebarriergroup.com, websense.com, and much more.
BlockScript provides free access to core features and purchasing a license key unlocks all features. A one week free trial is provided so that you can fully evaluate all features of the software.
Login To Your BlockScript Control Panel
'; } break; /***************************************************************** * LOG INDEX ******************************************************************/ case 'logs': # Are we updating the log destination? if ( $input->pDestination !== NULL ) { # Attempt to validate path $path = realpath($input->pDestination); # Is the path OK? if ( $path ) { $confirm->add('Log folder updated.'); } else { $error->add('Log folder not updated. ' . $input->pDestination . ' does not exist.'); } # Normalize $path = str_replace('\\', '/', $path); # Add trailing slash if ( isset($path[strlen($path)-1]) && $path[strlen($path)-1] != '/' ) { $path .= '/'; } # Save in session $_SESSION['logging_destination'] = $path; # Redirect to avoid "Resend Post?" on refresh $location->redirect('logs'); } # Find status $enabled = empty($CONFIG['enable_logging']) == false; $status = $enabled ? 'enabled' : 'disabled'; $destination = isset($CONFIG['logging_destination']) ? $CONFIG['logging_destination'] : ''; # Are we overriding the real destination with some other value? if ( ! empty($_SESSION['logging_destination']) ) { $destination = $_SESSION['logging_destination']; } # Print header $output->title = 'log viewer'; $output->bodyTitle = 'Logging'; echo <<Logging feature: | {$status} |
Log folder: |
No log files to analyze.
'; break; } # Print starting table echo <<{$month} {$yearNumeric} | [popular sites] | OUT; # Update vars so we don't do this again until we want to $currentYearMonth = $yearMonth; $first = false; } # Format size $filesize = filesize($destination . $file); $totalSize += $filesize; $size = formatSize($filesize); # Row color is grey if weekend $row = ( $day == 'Saturday' || $day == 'Sunday' ) ? '3' : '1'; # Print log file row echo <<{$display} | {$size} | [raw log] [popular sites] | OUT; } # End table $total = formatSize($totalSize); echo <<
{$site} | OUT; } # Table footer echo << | Others | {$others} |
« Back
OUT; break; # Anything else - ignore default: $error->add('Missing input. No log view specified.'); } break; /***************************************************************** * Everything else - 404 ******************************************************************/ default: # Send 404 status $output->sendStatus(404); # And print the error page $output->title = 'page not found'; $output->bodyTitle = 'Page Not Found (404)'; echo <<