tag. $CONFIG['footer_include'] = ''; /***************************************************************** * URL Encoding Options ******************************************************************/ # Formats URLs as browse.php/aHR0... instead of # browse.php?u=aHR0... Path info may not be available on all # servers. $CONFIG['path_info_urls'] = false; # Generate unique URLs for each visitor. This increases privacy for # the user but you cannot create links directly to proxied pages # from outside the script if this option is enabled. $CONFIG['unique_urls'] = false; /***************************************************************** * Hotlinking ******************************************************************/ # This option prevents users "hotlinking" directly to a proxied # page and forces all users to first visit the index page. $CONFIG['stop_hotlinking'] = true; # If the above option is enabled, you can add individual referrers # that are allowed to bypass the hotlinking protection. $CONFIG['hotlink_domains'] = array(); /***************************************************************** * Logging ******************************************************************/ # Enable/disable the logging feature. If disabled, skip the rest of # this section. $CONFIG['enable_logging'] = false; # Enter a destination for log files. A new log file will be created # each day in the directory specified. The directory must be # writable. To protect against unauthorised access, place the log # folder above your webroot. $CONFIG['logging_destination'] = $CONFIG['tmp_dir'] . 'logs/'; # You can avoid huge log files by only logging requests for .html # pages, as per the default setting. If you want to log all # requests (images, etc.) as well, enable this. $CONFIG['log_all'] = false; /***************************************************************** * Website access control ******************************************************************/ # Block everything except these websites $CONFIG['whitelist'] = array(); # Block these websites $CONFIG['blacklist'] = array(); /***************************************************************** * User access control ******************************************************************/ # $CONFIG['ip_bans'] = array(); /***************************************************************** * Transfer options ******************************************************************/ # Time to wait for while establishing a connection to the target # server. If the connection takes longer, the transfer will be # aborted. $CONFIG['connection_timeout'] = 5; # Time to allow for the entire transfer. You will need a longer # time limit to download larger files. $CONFIG['transfer_timeout'] = 0; # Preserve bandwidth by limiting the size of files that can be # downloaded through your proxy. $CONFIG['max_filesize'] = 0; # Preserve bandwidth by limiting the speed at which files are # downloaded through your proxy. Note: if limiting download speed, # you may need to increase the transfer timeout to compensate. $CONFIG['download_speed_limit'] = 0; # This forwards any requested ranges from the client and this makes # it possible to resume previous downloads. Depending on the "Queue # transfers" option below, it may also allow users to download # multiple segments of a file simultaneously. $CONFIG['resume_transfers'] = false; # You can limit use of your proxy to allow only one transfer at a # time per user. Disable this for faster browsing. $CONFIG['queue_transfers'] = true; /***************************************************************** * Cookies ******************************************************************/ # If enabled, cookies will be stored in the folder specified below. $CONFIG['cookies_on_server'] = false; # If storing cookies on the server, specify a folder to save the # cookie data in. To protect against unauthorised access, place the # cookie folder above your webroot. $CONFIG['cookies_folder'] = $CONFIG['tmp_dir'] . 'cookies/'; # You can encode cookie names, domains and values with this option # for optimum privacy but at the cost of increased server load and # larger cookie sizes. This option has no effect if storing cookies # on server. $CONFIG['encode_cookies'] = false; /***************************************************************** * Maintenance ******************************************************************/ # How often to clear the temporary files created by the script? $CONFIG['tmp_cleanup_interval'] = 0; # When should old log files be deleted? This option has no effect # if the above option is disabled. $CONFIG['tmp_cleanup_logs'] = 0; /***************************************************************** * User Configurable Options ******************************************************************/ $CONFIG['options']['encodeURL'] = array( 'title' => 'Encrypt URL', 'desc' => 'Encrypts the URL of the page you are viewing so that it does not contain the target site in plaintext.', 'default' => true, 'force' => false ); $CONFIG['options']['encodePage'] = array( 'title' => 'Encrypt Page', 'desc' => 'Helps avoid filters by encrypting the page before sending it and decrypting it with javascript once received.', 'default' => false, 'force' => false ); $CONFIG['options']['showForm'] = array( 'title' => 'Show Form', 'desc' => 'This provides a mini form at the top of each page to allow you to quickly jump to another site without returning to our homepage.', 'default' => true, 'force' => true ); $CONFIG['options']['allowCookies'] = array( 'title' => 'Allow Cookies', 'desc' => 'Cookies may be required on interactive websites (especially where you need to log in) but advertisers also use cookies to track your browsing habits.', 'default' => true, 'force' => false ); $CONFIG['options']['tempCookies'] = array( 'title' => 'Force Temporary Cookies', 'desc' => 'This option overrides the expiry date for all cookies and sets it to at the end of the session only - all cookies will be deleted when you shut your browser. (Recommended)', 'default' => true, 'force' => true ); $CONFIG['options']['stripTitle'] = array( 'title' => 'Remove Page Titles', 'desc' => 'Removes titles from proxied pages.', 'default' => false, 'force' => true ); $CONFIG['options']['stripJS'] = array( 'title' => 'Remove Scripts', 'desc' => 'Remove scripts to protect your anonymity and speed up page loads. However, not all sites will provide an HTML-only alternative. (Recommended)', 'default' => true, 'force' => false ); $CONFIG['options']['stripObjects'] = array( 'title' => 'Remove Objects', 'desc' => 'You can increase page load times by removing unnecessary Flash, Java and other objects. If not removed, these may also compromise your anonymity.', 'default' => true, 'force' => false ); /***************************************************************** * Do not edit this section manually! ******************************************************************/ # Settings file version for determining compatability with admin # tool. $CONFIG['version'] = '1.4.10'; //---PRESERVE ME--- // Anything below this line will be preserved when the admin control panel rewrites // the settings. Useful for storing settings that don't/can't be changed from the control panel