$Id: MODULES,v 1.37 2011/02/13 14:19:32 simple Exp $ Eggdrop Module Information Last revised: March 04, 2003 _____________________________________________________________________ Eggdrop Module Information The purpose of this document is to show you how to download, install, create, and submit modules. Contents: 1. What are modules? 2. Why use modules? 3. How to install a module 4. Modules included with Eggdrop 5. Programming modules 6. What to do with a finished module 1. What are modules? Modules are portions of code which are loaded separately to the bot itself and provide extra services. For example, the filesys module provides the entire file system. 2. Why use modules? Modules allow C coders to add their own enhancements to the bot while keeping them optional and without increasing the size of the Eggdrop core. 3. How to install a module Please note that these are only basic instructions for compiling and installing a module. Please read any and all directions included with the module you wish to install. 1. Download and un-tar the Eggdrop source code. 2. Place the new module in its own directory (in the format of (modulename).mod) in src/mod. 3. Run ./configure (from eggdrop1.6.x/). 4. Type 'make config' or 'make iconfig'. 5. Type 'make'. 6. Copy the compiled module file (modulename.so) into your bot's modules folder. 7. Add 'loadmodule modulename' to your eggdrop.conf file (do not add the .so suffix). 8. Rehash or restart your bot. To view your currently loaded modules, type '.module'. 4. Modules included with Eggdrop assoc This module provides assoc support, i.e. naming channels on the botnet. blowfish Eggdrop can encrypt your userfile, so users can have secure passwords. Please note that when you change your encryption method later (i.e. using other modules like a md5 module), you can't use your current userfile anymore. Eggdrop will not start without an encryption module. channels This module provides channel related support for the bot. Without it, you won't be able to make the bot join a channel or save channel specific userfile information. compress This module provides provides support for file compression. This allows the bot to transfer compressed user files and, therefore, save a significant amount of bandwidth. console This module provides storage of console settings when you exit the bot or type .store on the partyline. ctcp This module provides the normal ctcp replies that you'd expect. Without it loaded, CTCP CHAT will not work. dns This module provides asynchronous dns support. This will avoid long periods where the bot just hangs there, waiting for a hostname to resolve, which will often let it timeout on all other connections. filesys This module provides an area within the bot where users can store and manage files. With this module, the bot is usable as a file server. irc This module provides basic IRC support for your bot. You have to load this if you want your bot to come on IRC. notes This module provides support for storing of notes for users from each other. Note sending between currently online users is supported in the core, this is only for storing the notes for later retrieval. seen This module provides very basic seen commands via msg, on channel or via dcc. This module works only for users in the bot's userlist. If you are looking for a better and more advanced seen module, try the gseen module by G'Quann. You can find it at http://www.kreativrauschen.com/gseen.mod/. server This module provides the core server support. You have to load this if you want your bot to come on IRC. Not loading this is equivalent to the old NO_IRC define. share This module provides userfile sharing support between two directly linked bots. transfer The transfer module provides DCC SEND/GET support and userfile transfer support for userfile sharing. uptime This module reports uptime statistics to the uptime contest web site at http://uptime.eggheads.org. Go look and see what your uptime is! It takes about 9 hours to show up, so if your bot isn't listed, try again later. See doc/settings/mod.uptime for more information, including details on what information is sent to the uptime server. wire This module provides all the standard .wire partyline commands. It is an encrypted partyline communication tool, compatible with wire.tcl. woobie This is for demonstrative purposes only. If you are looking for starting point in writing modules, woobie is the right thing. 5. Programming modules WARNING: This section is very likely to be out of date. Note: This is for a simple module of 1 source file. If you're doing a multiple source file module, you shouldn't need to read this anyway. 1. Create a src/mod/MODULE.mod directory in your Eggdrop directory (where MODULE is the module name) and cd to it. 2. Copy the file `Makefile' from src/mod/woobie.mod and replace all occurrences of `woobie' with your module name. This should ensure that your module gets compiled. 3. Next, you want to create a file called MODULE.c (MODULE is the module name again). 4. You MUST include the following in your source code: a. #define MODULE_NAME "module-name" This should be defined to the same name you will be using when you load your module. b. #define MAKING_MODULENAME MODULENAME is the name of your module (MODULE_NAME), but in all caps. c. #include "../module.h" This provides access to Eggdrop's global function table. Examine src/mod/module.h closely to find a list of functions available. d. #include any other standard c header files you might need. Note that stdio.h, string.h, stdlib.h, and sys/types.h are already included. e. Function *global; This variable provides access to all the Eggdrop functions; without it, you can't call any Eggdrop functions (the module won't even load). 5. Every module must also have the following functions: In most modules, all functions/variables (except global and MODULE_start) should be static. This will drastically reduce the size of modules on decent systems. Throughout step 5, MODULE refers to the module name. Note that "MODULE_NAME" should literally be "MODULE_NAME". a. char *MODULE_start(Function *func_table) This function is called when the module is first loaded. There are several things that need to be done in this function: global = func_table; This allows you to make calls to the global function table. module_register(MODULE_NAME, MODULE_table, MAJOR, MINOR); This records details about the module for other modules and Eggdrop itself to access. MAJOR and MINOR are ints, where MAJOR is the module's major version number and MINOR is a minor version number. MODULE_table is a function table (see below). module_depend(MODULE_NAME, "another-module", MAJOR, MINOR); This lets Eggdrop know that your module NEEDS "another-module" of major version 'MAJOR' and at least minor version 'MINOR' to run, and hence should try to load it if it's not already loaded. This will return 1 on success, or 0 if it can't be done (at which stage you should return an error). Any other initialization stuff you desire should also be included in this function. See below for various things you can do. You also will need to return a value. Returning NULL implies the module loaded successfully. Returning a non-NULL STRING is an error message. The module (and any other dependant modules) will stop loading and an error will be returned. b. static Function *MODULE_table = { MODULE_start, MODULE_close, MODULE_expmem, MODULE_report, any_other_functions, you_want_to_export }; This is a table of functions which any other module can access. The first 4 functions are FIXED. You MUST have them; they provide important module information. c. static char *MODULE_close () This is called when the module is unloaded. Apart from tidying any relevant data (I suggest you be thorough, we don't want any trailing garbage from modules), you MUST do the following: module_undepend(MODULE_NAME); This lets Eggdrop know your module no longer depends on any other modules. Return a value. NULL implies success; any non-NULL STRING implies that the module cannot be unloaded for some reason, and hence the bot should not unload it (see the blowfish module for an example). d. static int MODULE_expmem () This should tally all memory you allocate/deallocate within the module (using nmalloc, nfree, etc) in bytes. It's used by memory debugging to track memory faults, and it is used by .status to total up memory usage. e. static void MODULE_report (int idx) This should provide a relatively short report of the module's status (for the module and status commands). These functions are available to modules. MANY more available functions can be found in src/mod/module.h. void *nmalloc(int j); This allocates j bytes of memory. void nfree(void *a); This frees an nmalloc'd block of memory. Context; Actually a macro -- records the current position in execution (for debugging). Using Context is no longer recommended, because it uses too many resources and a core file provides much more information. void dprintf(int idx, char *format, ...) This acts like a normal printf() function, but it outputs to log/socket/idx. idx is a normal dcc idx, or if < 0 is a sock number. Other destinations: DP_LOG - send to log file DP_STDOUT - send to stdout DP_MODE - send via mode queue to the server DP_SERVER - send via normal queue to the server DP_HELP - send via help queue to server const module_entry *module_find(char *module_name, int major, int minor); Searches for a loaded module (matching major, >= minor), and returns info about it. Members of module_entry: char *name; - module name int major; - real major version int minor; - real minor version Function *funcs; - function table (see above) void module_rename(char *old_module_name, char *new_module_name) This renames a module frim old_module_name to new_module_name. void add_hook(int hook_num, Function *funcs) void del_hook(int hook_num, Function *funcs) These are used for adding or removing hooks to/from Eggdrop code that are triggered on various events. Valid hooks are: HOOK_SECONDLY - called every second HOOK_MINUTELY - called every minute HOOK_5MINUTELY - called every 5 minutes HOOK_HOURLY - called every hour (hourly-updates minutes past) HOOK_DAILY - called when the logfiles are switched HOOK_READ_USERFILE - called when the userfile is read HOOK_USERFILE - called when the userfile is written HOOK_PRE_REHASH - called just before a rehash HOOK_REHASH - called just after a rehash HOOK_IDLE - called whenever the dcc connections have been idle for a whole second HOOK_BACKUP - called when a user/channel file backup is done HOOK_LOADED - called when Eggdrop is first loaded HOOK_DIE - called when Eggdrop is about to die char *module_unload (char *module_name); char *module_load (char *module_name); Tries to load or unload the specified module; returns 0 on success, or an error message. void add_tcl_commands(tcl_cmds *tab); void rem_tcl_commands(tcl_cmds *tab); Provides a quick way to create and remove a table of Tcl commands. The table is in the form of: {char *func_name, Function *function_to_call} Use { NULL, NULL } to indicate the end of the list. void add_tcl_ints(tcl_ints *); void rem_tcl_ints(tcl_ints *); Provides a quick way to create and remove a table of links from C int variables to Tcl variables (add_tcl_ints checks to see if the Tcl variable exists and copies it over the C one). The format of table is: {char *variable_name, int *variable, int readonly} Use {NULL, NULL, 0} to indicate the end of the list. void add_tcl_strings(tcl_strings *); void rem_tcl_strings(tcl_strings *); Provides a quick way to create and remove a table of links from C string variables to Tcl variables (add_tcl_ints checks to see if the Tcl variable exists and copies it over the C one). The format of table is: {char *variable_name, char *string, int length, int flags} Use {NULL, NULL, 0, 0} to indicate the end of the list. Use 0 for length if you want a const string. Use STR_DIR for flags if you want a '/' constantly appended; use STR_PROTECT if you want the variable set in the config file, but not during normal usage. void add_builtins(p_tcl_hash_list table, cmd_t *cc); void rem_builtins(p_tcl_hash_list table, cmd_t *cc); This adds binds to one of Eggdrop's bind tables. The format of the table is: {char *command, char *flags, Function *function, char *displayname} Use {NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL} to indicate the end of the list. This works EXACTLY like the Tcl 'bind' command. displayname is what Tcl sees this function's proc name as (in .binds all). function is called with exactly the same args as a Tcl binding is with type conversion taken into account (e.g. idx's are ints). Return values are much the same as Tcl bindings. Use int 0/1 for those which require 0/1, or char * for those which require a string (auch as filt). Return nothing if no return value is required. void putlog (int logmode, char *channel, char *format, ...) Adds text to a logfile (determined by logmode and channel). This text will also output to any users' consoles if they have the specified console mode enabled. 6. What to do with a module? If you have written a module and feel that you wish to share it with the rest of the Eggdrop community, upload it to the incoming directory on incoming.eggheads.org (/incoming/modules/1.6). Place a nice descriptive text (modulename.desc) with it, and it'll make its way to the modules directory on ftp.eggheads.org. Don't forget to mention in your text file which version Eggdrop the module is written for. _____________________________________________________________________ Copyright (C) 1999 - 2011 Eggheads Development Team