Installing shroudBNC -------------------- First of all make sure that you have the following libraries (and development files) installed: - OpenSSL (if you're going to use SSL-encrypted connections; README.ssl contains more details about how to use SSL) - TCL (if you're going to use the tcl module, version 8.4 or later, earlier versions have not been tested) In order to compile and install shroudBNC you will have to use the 'configure' script which is included in the distribution of sbnc: $ ./configure If you are planning to install shroudBNC as root you will need to manually specify another prefix, e.g.: # ./configure --prefix=/usr/local Note: While loading TCL scripts shroudBNC will fall back to trying the $PREFIX/share/sbnc directory when a script isn't available in the user's configuration directory. Therefore it is NOT necessary to use absolute paths in the sbnc.tcl configuration file. The configure script will tell you which features have been enabled (e.g. SSL, TCL). In case any of the required libraries are missing you can now fix these errors and re-run the configure script. Afterwards you can build shroudBNC: $ make $ make install Unless you have manually specified another prefix "make install" will install shroudBNC in a directory named "sbnc" in your home directory: [gunnar@hermes ~]$ ls -l ~/sbnc total 6 drwxr-xr-x 2 gunnar gunnar 3 Aug 22 18:28 bin drwxr-xr-x 3 gunnar gunnar 3 Aug 22 18:28 lib -rwxr-xr-x 1 gunnar gunnar 243 Aug 22 18:28 sbnc drwxr-xr-x 3 gunnar gunnar 3 Aug 22 18:28 share [gunnar@hermes ~]$ Once you've compiled sbnc you will need to edit shroudBNC's configuration files: You can do that by simply starting shroudBNC in the installation directory: [gunnar@hermes ~]$ cd ~/sbnc [gunnar@hermes ~/sbnc]$ ./sbnc shroudBNC (version: 1.3alpha18 $Revision: 1158 $) - an object-oriented IRC bouncer Configuration directory: /usr/home/gunnar/sbnc [Sun August 22 2010 18:37:29]: Log system initialized. No valid configuration file has been found. A basic configuration file can be created for you automatically. Please answer the following questions: 1. Which port should the bouncer listen on (valid ports are in the range 1025 - 65535): 9000 2. What should the first user's name be? test Please note that passwords will not be echoed while you type them. 3. Please enter a password for the first user: 4. Please confirm your password by typing it again: Writing main configuration file... DONE Writing first user's configuration file... DONE Configuration has been successfully saved. Please restart shroudBNC now. [gunnar@hermes ~/sbnc]$ If you've installed shroudBNC as root you can simply start 'sbnc' in any directory (as a non-root user). shroudBNC will pick up any existing configuration directories (i.e. ~/sbnc, ~/.sbnc or the current working directory). If no configuration directory could be found it defaults to ~/.sbnc and asks you to create a config file. After creating the configuration files you can start shroudBNC: [gunnar@hermes ~/sbnc]$ ./sbnc shroudBNC (version: 1.3alpha18 $Revision: 1158 $) - an object-oriented IRC bouncer Configuration directory: /usr/home/gunnar/sbnc [Sun August 22 2010 18:42:53]: Log system initialized. [Sun August 22 2010 18:42:53]: Created main listener. [Sun August 22 2010 18:42:53]: Starting main loop. Daemonizing... DONE [gunnar@hermes ~/sbnc]$ You might want to edit the sbnc.tcl config file if you plan to use the TCL module. Load any scripts you want. You will have to rehash the tcl module after every change you make to sbnc.tcl or any other .tcl script which you have loaded: /sbnc tcl rehash (while you're connected to the bouncer using an IRC client)