PHP Variables: $x=5; $word="hello"; Printing: echo "This is a sentence"; print "The value is $x"; Comparison Operators: == (equals) != (not equals) > (greater than) < (less than) >= (greater than or equal to) <= (less than or equal to) Logical Operators Example Name Result $a and $b And TRUE if both $a and $b are TRUE. $a or $b Or TRUE if either $a or $b is TRUE. $a xor $b Xor TRUE if either $a or $b is TRUE, but not both. ! $a Not TRUE if $a is not TRUE. $a && $b And TRUE if both $a and $b are TRUE. $a || $b Or TRUE if either $a or $b is TRUE. Conditional statements: if($x > 5) { print "$x is greater than 5"; } if($word == "hello") { print "The word is hello"; } else { print "The word is not hello"; } For loops: for($i=starting number; $i<=ending number; $i++) { //Everything between these braces is repeated } //start at 0; end at 30; add 1 to $i each time for($i=0; $i<=30; $i++) { echo "i is currently $i"; } //start at 1; end at 19; add 5 to $i each time for($i=1; $i<20; $i=$i+5) { echo "i is currently $i"; } Declaring Functions: function subtract($x, $y) { $value = $x-$y; return $value; } function print_hello() { echo "Hello World"; } Using Functions: $result=$subtract(10,5); echo "$result
"; print_hello();