"; if($user[template]!="darkrealmsie"){ ?> body { background: #fff; margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; font-family: "Verdana", sans-serif; font-size: 11px; color: #36454B; } a:link { color: #287A8A; text-decoration: underline; font-weight: bold; } a:visited { color: #5C858A; text-decoration: underline; font-weight: bold; } a:hover { text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; } a:active { color: #5C858A; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; } body { background: #000; margin: 0; padding: 0; border: 0; font-family: "Verdana", sans-serif; font-size: 11px; color: #6A55A1; } p { padding: 3px 0px; margin: 8px 0px 0px 0px; } a:link { color: #6A55A1; text-decoration: underline; font-weight: bold; } a:visited { color: #9A3581; text-decoration: underline; font-weight: bold; } a:hover { text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; } a:active { color: #9A85F1; text-decoration: none; font-weight: bold; } \n"; $stat = mysql_fetch_array(mysql_query("select * from characters where id='$user[activechar]'")); $ctime = time(); if($user[position]=="Admin"||$user[position]=="Staff"||$user[position]=="Moderator"){ $staff="yes"; ini_set(display_errors,on); }else{ $staff="HELL NO FOOL"; } if($version!="low"){ mysql_query("update users set lastseen=$ctime where id=$stat[id]"); mysql_query("update characters set lastseen=$ctime where id=$stat[id]"); $ip = "$HTTP_SERVER_VARS[REMOTE_ADDR]"; mysql_query("update users set ip='$ip' where id=$stat[id]"); mysql_query("update users set page='chat' where id=$stat[id]"); } if($action==chat){ print""; }else{ $backtime=$ctime-600; $csel = mysql_query("select * from chat where timem>$backtime order by timem desc"); while ($chat = mysql_fetch_array($csel)) { if ($user[position] == Admin) { $starter = "$user[username]"; } else { $starter = "$user[username]"; } if($chat[user]==$starter){ $go=1; } } if($go==1){ print""; }else{ $trek=rand(1,10); if($trek==1&&$staff!="yes"){ print"anti-bot action, please say something
"; }else{ print""; } } } ?> Event', 'All users in chat have been healed', '$ctime', '$stamp')"); }elseif($stat[rank]=="Admin"&&$msg=="/clear"){ mysql_query("update `chat` set `show`='no'"); }else{ if ($user[position] == Admin) { $starter = "$user[username]"; } else { $starter = "$user[username]"; } $msg = str_replace("'","'",$msg); if($stat[rank]!=Admin){ $msg = str_replace("<","‹",$msg); $msg = str_replace(">","›",$msg); } $msg = str_replace("(C)","©",$msg); $msg = str_replace("(c)","©",$msg); $msg = str_replace(" ","  ",$msg); $msg = str_replace("[back]" , "" , $msg); $msg = str_replace("[bigsmile]" , "" , $msg); $msg = str_replace("[cry]" , "" , $msg); $msg = str_replace("[forward]" , "" , $msg); $msg = str_replace("[frown]" , "" , $msg); $msg = str_replace("[frustrated]" , "" , $msg); $msg = str_replace("[mad]" , "" , $msg); $msg = str_replace("[pause]" , "" , $msg); $msg = str_replace("[play]" , "" , $msg); $msg = str_replace("[smile]" , "" , $msg); $msg = str_replace("[stop]" , "" , $msg); $msg = str_replace("[suprised]" , "" , $msg); $msg = str_replace("[tongue]" , "" , $msg); $msg = str_replace("[b]" , "" , $msg); $msg = str_replace("[u]" , "" , $msg); $msg = str_replace("[i]" , "" , $msg); $msg = str_replace("[s]" , "" , $msg); $msg = str_replace("[/b]" , "" , $msg); $msg = str_replace("[/u]" , "" , $msg); $msg = str_replace("[/i]" , "" , $msg); $msg = str_replace("[/s]" , "" , $msg); $msg = str_replace("[hl]" , "" , $msg); $msg = str_replace("[/hl]" , "" , $msg); $msg = "  $msg"; $hour = strftime("%H"); $minute = strftime("%M"); $stamp = "$hour:$minute"; $yeses="yes"; $endemall=""; $bendtest = strpos("$msg", ''); $bendtestb = strpos("$msg", ''); if($bendtest&&!$bendtestb){ $endemall.=""; } $iendtest = strpos("$msg", ''); $iendtestb = strpos("$msg", ''); if($iendtest&&!$iendtestb){ $endemall.=""; } $uendtest = strpos("$msg", ''); $uendtestb = strpos("$msg", ''); if($uendtest&&!$uendtestb){ $endemall.=""; } $sendtest = strpos("$msg", ''); $sendtestb = strpos("$msg", ''); if($sendtest&&!$sendtestb){ $endemall.=""; } $aendtest = strpos("$msg", ''); if($aendtest&&!$aendtestb){ $endemall.=""; } $fendtest = strpos("$msg", ''); if($fendtest&&!$fendtestb){ $endemall.=""; } mysql_query("insert into chat (user, chat, timem, stamp) values('$starter', '$msg $endemall', '$ctime', '$stamp')"); } exit; } } $tfh=24*60*60; $backtime=$ctime-$tfh; $gbacktime=$ctime-600; if($version=="low"){ $limit=4; }else{ $limit=50; } $csel = mysql_query("select * from `chat` where `timem`>'$backtime' and `show`='yes' order by timem desc limit $limit"); while ($chat = mysql_fetch_array($csel)) { if($chat[timem]>$gbacktime){ print "[$chat[stamp]] $chat[user]: $chat[chat]
"; }else{ print "[$chat[stamp]] $chat[user]: $chat[chat]
"; } } $tfh=24*60*60; $dbacktime=$ctime-$tfh; $delcsel = mysql_query("select * from `chat` where `timem`<'$dbacktime' and `show`='yes' order by timem desc"); while ($dchat = mysql_fetch_array($delcsel)) { mysql_query("update `chat` set `show`='no' where `id` = '$dchat[id]'"); } print"

"; $hour = strftime("%H"); $minute = strftime("%M"); $stamp = "$hour:$minute"; print"The current server time is $stamp - "; $psel = mysql_query("select * from users where page='chat'"); $ctime = time(); while ($pl = mysql_fetch_array($psel)) { $span = ($ctime - $pl[lpv]); if ($span <= 600) { if ($pl[rank] == Admin) { $on = "$on [$pl[user] ($pl[id])] "; } else { $on = "$on [$pl[user] ($pl[id])] "; $chatrand=rand(1,100); if($chatrand==1){ $ratchance=rand(1,2); if($ratchance==2){ $on = "$on [+50 credits] "; mysql_query("update characters set cash=cash+50 where id='$pl[id]'"); mysql_query("insert into log (owner, log) values($pl[id],'$stat[name] won you 50 credits in the chatroom lucky draw')"); } } if($chatrand==42&&$pl[id]!=$stat[id]){ $ratchance=rand(1,10); if($ratchance==2){ $on = "$on [+1000 credits] "; mysql_query("update characters set cash=cash+1000 where id='$pl[id]'"); mysql_query("insert into log (owner, log) values($pl[id],'$stat[name] won you 1000 credits in the chatroom lucky draw')"); } } if($chatrand==69&&$pl[id]!=$stat[id]){ $ratchance=rand(1,5); if($ratchance==2){ $on = "$on [+500 credits] "; mysql_query("update characters set cash=cash+500 where id='$pl[id]'"); mysql_query("insert into log (owner, log) values($pl[id],'$stat[name] won you 500 credits in the chatroom lucky draw')"); } } } } } print "$on"; ?>