
most of the rules are very loose, but a few must be followed

users must report any bugs to a member of the staff, using a bug to your advantage will result in Character downgrading or deletion depending on the size.

100% originality, do not trace, steal or otherwise infringe on others work. also unless stated only your original characters may be used as the main picture.

it has to clearly fit with the subject matter, just drawing a random picture and adding text is not enough

critique is welcome on all pictures, do not post if you do not want someone to say its bad, but be polite, do not throw personal insults
"this picture sucks, whoever drew it is a complete loser" <-- that is not allowed
"This picture is pretty bad, i don't like it at all" <-- that is allowed but not smiled apon
"This picture is pretty bad, i don't like it at all, perhaps if you were to make it fit with the subject matter more, and worked on more realistic poses and perspective it would be better" <-- thats ok

(my examples arent the best, but they should be enough)

no bigger than 800x800

jpgs, gifs and pngs only. no bitmaps... for now the gif thumbnail maker seems broken, until i or another developer fix it please use jpeg or png

PG13+ this is "internet" PG ... non sexual nudity is okay but don't overdo it

Any attemp to hack or otherwise infringe on another users account will result in being banned from the server

Abusing language/behaviour is unwelcome

if rule breaking behaviour keeps up, the punishments will get worse.

Rule breakers might find themselves in the prison, nothing can be achieved in the prison until the sentence time is up.