looking up = {prefix-client} Looking up {server $0} connecting = {prefix-client} Connecting to {server $0} [$1] port {hilight $2} access denied = {prefix-error} Access Denied: $0 access server denied = {prefix-error} Access to server $0 is blocked access port denied = {prefix-error} Access to port $0 is blocked access channel denied = {prefix-error} Access to channel $0 is blocked command denied = {prefix-error} Access to that command is blocked session timeout = {prefix-error} Timeout - Your session has been inactive too long kill ok = {prefix-error} You were killed by $0 ($1) kill wrong = {prefix-error} $0 tried to kill you but got the password wrong! ($1) command notparams = {prefix-client} Not enough parameters for command command error = {prefix-client} Error running command error = {prefix-error} An error occurred: $0 not supported = {prefix-client} $0 attempted to $3 to you but CGI:IRC does not support it ($2) cgiirc welcome = {prefix-client} Welcome to CGI:IRC $VERSION join = {prefix-channel} $0 has joined {channel $T} nick = {prefix-channel} $0 is now known as $2 quit = {prefix-user} $0 Quit {reason $2} part = {prefix-channel} $0 left {channel $T} {reason $2} user mode = {prefix-channel} $0 sets mode: $2 mode = {prefix-channel} $0 sets mode: $2 topic = {prefix-channel} $0 changes topic to '$2' invite = {prefix-channel} $0 {host $1} invites you to join {channel $2} kick = {prefix-channel} $2 was kicked by $0 {reason $3} prefix-error = %04*** prefix-info = %03*** prefix-channel = %03*** prefix-user = %02*** prefix-client = %12*** prefix-server = %05*** prefix-ctcp = %04 prefix-normal = *** notice public = {notice-target $0 $T} {text $2} notice special = {notice-target $0 $2} {text $3} notice private = {prefix-server}-{notice-nick $0}- {text $2} notice server = %05-$0%05-%n {text $2} notice public own = {notice-target $0 $T} {text $2} notice private own = [notice:$T] {text $2} notice-target = %05-$0:$1- notice-nick = %03$0%n notice-host = [$0] message public = {message-nick $0} {text $2} message public hilight = {message-nick-hilight $0} {text $2} message private window = {message-nick $0} {text $2} message private = [$0($1)] {text $2} message special = <$0:$2> {text $3} message-nick = %02<%n$0%02>%n message-nick-own = %03<%n$0%03>%n message-nick-hilight = %02<%07$0%02>%n message public own = {message-nick-own $0} {text $2} message private window own = {message-nick-own $0} {text $2} message private own = [msg->$T] {text $2} action-nick = %06%_*%_ $0 action public = {action-nick $0} {text $2} action private = {action-nick $0} {text $2} action public own = {action-nick $0} {text $2} action private own = {action-nick $0} {text $2} ctcp own msg = {prefix-ctcp} CTCP to $T: $1 ctcp msg = {prefix-ctcp} $1 requested CTCP %_$3%_ from $0: $4 ctcp reply = {prefix-ctcp} CTCP %_$2%_ reply from $0: $3 text = $0 channel = %_$0%_ reason = ($0) server = %_$0%_ hilight = %_$0%_ host = ($0) default = {prefix-normal} $0- ignore list = {prefix-client} Ignore: $0- ignored = {prefix-client} Ignored: $0- unignored = {prefix-client} Unignored: $0- reply away = {prefix-user} $T is away: $0 reply nowaway = {prefix-user} You are now set as away reply unaway = {prefix-user} You are no longer set as away reply channel time = {prefix-channel} Channel created on $0 reply notopic = {prefix-channel} No topic set reply topic = {prefix-channel} Topic is: $0 reply topicwhotime = {prefix-channel} Topic set by $0 [$1] reply whois user = {prefix-user} $T [$0@$1]: $2 reply whowas user = {prefix-user} $T [$0@$1]: $2 reply whois channel = {prefix-user} channels: $0 reply whois regnick = {prefix-user} registered: $0 reply whois operator = {prefix-user} ircop: $0 reply whois idle = {prefix-user} idle: $0 signon: $1 time = $7 days $2 hours $1 min $0 sec reply whois server = {prefix-user} server: $0 [$1] reply whois end = {prefix-user} $0 error nosuchnick = {prefix-server} {hilight $T} No such nick/channel error nickinuse = {prefix-server} Nickname $0 is already in use, type /nick newnick to use another. irc close = {prefix-error} Disconnected from IRC (click to reconnect) bg = 00 fg = 01 00 = #ffffff 01 = #000000 02 = #000080 03 = #008000 04 = #ff0000 05 = #800000 06 = #800080 07 = #ff6600 08 = #ffff00 09 = #00ff00 10 = #008080 11 = #00ffff 12 = #000099 13 = #ff00ff 14 = #808080 15 = #c0c0c0 style = mirc